Chapter 997

Fang Ya'an was stunned by the call, her bones were about to loosen, "Ning Zhaoyi, let go of me, or I'll kill you."

"You can do whatever you want with me." Ning Zhaoyi didn't care at all, rubbing her neck, "I won't resist, you know I can't resist."

He deliberately ignored the word "death".

The cold metal glasses touched her neck, and Fang Yaan felt goosebumps all over her body, "I'm talking about hitting you, not that! Don't let me think about it, I won't have any plans for you .”

"I have plans for you." Ning Zhaoyi felt aggrieved, "Sister, you want me, I won't make you responsible, look at you are almost 27, aren't you lonely?"

Fang Ya'an really wanted to slap him to death, "Ning Zhaoyi, if you continue to say such stupid things, I'll throw you out!"

Fang Ya'an blushed, and Ning Zhaoyi hit her mind. For so many years, no man has ever chased her, and she has no chance to fall in love, let alone anything else.

She gets up every day and looks in the mirror, looking at herself in the mirror, isn't she beautiful?Obviously not ugly, why is she still single!

When Ning Zhaoyi said this, he couldn't bear it in face.

"You can't lose me." Ning Zhaoyi was not afraid at all, "Sister, I'm under 23, and I'm in good health."

"Whether you are healthy or not is none of my business!" Fang Ya'an pushed him away fiercely.

As soon as he pushed it away, he stuck his hand through her waist again, kicked the bedroom door shut, and put Fang Ya'an on the bed.

Before Fang Ya'an could react, his body had already pressed up, pressing her hands to his side and locking them tightly.

He lowered his head to kiss her, but Fang Ya'an avoided, "Ning Zhaoyi, don't go too far, I never had that kind of thought about you, in principle, you and I are still siblings."

"No." Ning Zhaoyi shook his head, "Su Huai can marry his sister and have children, why can't I? Do I have the same surname as you? Am I on the next household registration book with you?"

None, not a single one.

"Even if I didn't, I couldn't be with you. In my eyes, you are just a child." Fang Ya'an tried to break free, but was pushed back by him.

"Sister." He murmured and touched her, "Do you still think I'm a child?"

Fang Ya'an froze all over and cursed: "Shameless!"

"Will the child do this to you?" He touched her again, "I love you, so I will do this to you."

"You pervert!" Fang Ya'an's physical strength was not his opponent at all, and he was pinned down by him, unable to break free at all.

"Ning Zhaoyi, I warn you, if you dare to use force against me, I will sue you! No matter what ability you have, I will sue you, and I will never forgive you in this life!"

Ning Zhaoyi's mood suddenly fell, and she pressed her head on her shoulder, "I just love you, don't say such harsh words to me, it will hurt me."

He held her hand and pressed it against his heart, "Touch it, it's bleeding."

The blood in Fang Ya'an's whole body froze, and an inexplicable emotion hit her, "Xiao Yi, you just lack love, and you can't tell whether it is dependence or love for a while. You can imagine that your mother never cared about you, so you Turning my concern for you into another kind of feeling, your feeling for me is also distorted."

"No." Ning Zhaoyi shook his head, "I make it very clear, I just love you, it has nothing to do with these things."

"If someone else gave you money to support your education, you would also like someone else, not me."

Fang Ya'an kept telling herself to be more sober, Ning Zhaoyi was not sober because he was deeply involved, and he was also a victim, but she couldn't, she should be more sober.

How old is he, and he doesn't know this kind of dependence for a while.

She said: "The real heartbeat needs the heartbeat to speed up. I don't feel that way about you."

Ning Zhaoyi's head slipped from her shoulder and stuck to her heart, "I heard your heartbeat."

He pressed her hand tightly to his heart again, "Can you feel my heartbeat?"

For some unknown reason, Fang Ya'an was sweating on his back, facing Ning Zhaoyi, his emotions were complicated.

"Sister, I have been waiting for you for ten years, from a boy to a man, don't make me wait from a man to an old man." Ning Zhaoyi closed his eyes, listening to her heartbeat, "Every time I think of you, I blush Heartbeat, every time I see you, I am overwhelmed."

"I didn't know anything when I was young, but now I don't know anything?" Ning Zhaoyi continued to say in a low voice: "Others have married, and seeing them all so happy, I also think, sister, you give me happiness."

He directly asked her for happiness, "The object of my first sexual fantasy was you, the object of my first sexual dream was also you, and I thought of you when I was lonely."

She appeared in his dreams every night, entangled him, pressed him down, made him unable to resist, as if he was sick.

He himself feels scared, because there are too many times, and he is afraid that he will not be able to do it in the future, and it will be bad for his health.

He was very tired in the past few days, and he didn't even have a good rest. He went to the hospital for an examination, and the doctor said that he was severely depleted.

"Sister, I am very clear about my feelings for you." Ning Zhaoyi went to torture Fang Ya'an like a fairy.

Fang Ya'an's ears were soft, and her heart was also soft. When she heard his words, she blushed and said, "How can you be so shameless?"

"I can't control it." Ning Zhaoyi felt wronged and aggrieved, "I... heard you talking in your sleep yesterday, and you called my name."

Fang Ya'an's blood rushed to her face. She made a door with colored waste last night, and the dream was very real.

When I woke up, I was so frightened that I lost my soul.

The main reason is that last night, she saw his body completely, so she was confused by the beauty, "You heard wrong."

"Sister, I love you very much, I will treat you well, I will give you all the money I earn, I have no bad habits, I have no special hobbies, and I have good facial features."

Ning Zhaoyi continued to grind her, trying to grind her down until he could no longer refuse him, "You take care of me, you don't suffer, I can be responsible for my beauty, and I can also earn money to support my family."

He kept seducing her, telling her, want me, want me, want me not to suffer, not to be fooled!
Fang Ya'an was entangled, infinitely entangled, while feeling that the relationship was a bit weird, and at the same time uncontrollably wanted to be approached by him.

She's probably out of her mind!

"Sister, I can do everything, I can kiss, I can..." He whispered in her ear.

When Fang Ya'an heard what he said later, her whole body felt hot and ashamed!
"Get out of here!" This was her last sliver of reason.

Ning Zhaoyi not only didn't roll off, but went to kiss her instead.

Fang Ya'an missed, she couldn't control Ning Zhaoyi's approach.

Ning Zhaoyi's hand fell on the buttons of her clothes, "Sister, it's okay, I won't make you responsible, this relationship can last as long as you want, I am willing."

Fang Ya'an couldn't refuse. After living with Ning Zhaoyi for so long, it was probably because his words were too sweet. No man had ever said such sweet words to her.

No, no man ever talked to her.

So, her sanity collapsed.

"Sister, sister..."

When the love was strong, he kept calling this title.

"Wait, there is no way!" Fang Ya'an's only rationality remained.

"I'm prepared." Ning Zhaoyi found something out of nowhere.

Fang Ya'an Mingwu, who was waiting for her here, was holding back from the very beginning!


Afterwards, Fang Ya'an lay on the bed, her mind blank.

Just like that, she sleeps with Ning Zhaoyi who is five years younger than herself in a daze.

The inability to tell is a feeling, not a regret, I always feel sorry for him, as if I have done something wrong.

She felt a little guilty.

Ning Zhaoyi hugged her tightly, and there was a touch of tenderness on the corner of his lips. He opened his eyes, "I'm sorry, but I'm actually not very good at it."

He's stupid, pointless, and less.

I don't know if it will be despised.

"Go to sleep." Fang Ya'an sighed, since it has already happened, don't worry about it.

Ning Zhaoyi wasn't making progress because her body couldn't bear it, otherwise he really wanted to prove himself.


The next morning, Fang Ya'an woke up, and when she looked at the time, it was already late, "I'm late for work, what's the matter, why didn't you wake me up?"

"I've asked for leave for you, don't worry, they won't deduct your salary." Ning Zhaoyi got up from the bed.

He lifted the quilt, saw the dark color on the bed sheet, and rejoiced like a child getting candy.

Thinking of last night's clumsiness, he was a little arrogant, in fact, this incident hurt his self-esteem a bit.

Fang Ya'an wanted to get up, but Ning Zhaoyi held her back, "I think... this is not my strength."

Fang Ya'an's eyes widened, and she slapped her across the face, "Smelly shameless!"

When the slap fell on his face, Fang Ya'an controlled his strength and just brushed his face lightly.

"Sister, you hurt me." He felt aggrieved.

"Me?" Fang Ya'an really thought that he had hurt him, so she softened her heart and apologized to him: "I'm sorry, it's my fault."

"Forgive you." Ning Zhaoyi pulled her into bed.

The two of them swayed for a while, and woke up again, it was already one o'clock in the afternoon.

Ning Zhaoyi regained her dignity.

Fang Ya'an got out of bed to get dressed, Ning Zhaoyi took the scissors and cut out the dark color, he thought for a while, then asked Fang Ya'an: "I want to keep it."

"You're sick, throw it away!" Fang Ya'an was so ashamed.

Ning Zhaoyi didn't listen to her, and kept it by himself.

After the two of them had dinner, Fang Ya'an was about to go out, so she went out with her, "Where are you going, I'll see you off."

"Walk around." She needed to digest last night's accidents.

"I'll be with you."

Fang Ya'an nodded, she just wanted to stroll around, she didn't have any particular place she wanted to go, so she just followed Ning Zhaoyi, wherever he drove, she followed.

The car passed by the Civil Affairs Bureau next to the circular stadium and stopped.

Fang Ya'an was too lazy to walk, "Park the car next to the stadium, I'll go there and walk around."

Ning Zhaoyi got out of the car and opened the door on her side, "Just get off here."

Fang Ya'an thought it was not easy to park there, she followed, Ning Zhaoyi held her hand, Fang Ya'an naturally did not shake her off.

Ning Zhaoyi led her towards the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Fang Ya'an noticed something was wrong, and looked at the words on it, "What did you bring me here for?"

"Registration for marriage." Ning Zhaoyi smiled all over his face, "We all fell asleep yesterday, those who don't get married are not serious people, I am a serious person."

Ning Zhaoyi was very moved, with a longing look on his face.

"Wait, when did I agree to marry you?" Fang Ya'an was upset. Was it too hasty to want to get married without even asking?
"After taking off my clothes, you have to put on the groom's clothes for me." Ning Zhaoyi held on to her hand, "Not only did you take off my clothes, but you also took off my pants, should you register your marriage with me?"

Fang Ya'an: "..."

She was still very angry, and felt that it was too simple, so she registered without even a marriage proposal ceremony.

"I don't want to tie the knot." She refused, shook off Ning Zhaoyi's hand, and turned to leave.

The person behind suddenly hugged her from behind and hugged her tightly, "I know that I am not good enough for you, and I am not good enough for you anywhere. You have a good family background, and I am just a child that no one wants. But, I I love you, I really love you, deeper and thicker than you think, I know I'm mean, I'm nothing, but I want to be entangled with you for the rest of my life..."

There are many people on this road, and it attracts many people at once.

Passers-by came to watch, Fang Ya'an realized it was inappropriate, "Let's not stay here, passers-by will laugh at us if they see it, let's go first!"

Her face was hot.

"Can you..." Ning Zhaoyi begged with a gloomy expression, "have pity on me, please."

Fang Ya'an was stunned. Since meeting Ning Zhaoyi, he has always been a shameless and thick-skinned person.

She turned around, with a cold face: "You don't even ask for marriage, what kind of marriage! Get out!"

The tone is full of resentment.

Ning Zhaoyi was stunned for a moment, the disappointment in his eyes was wiped away, he knelt down on one knee, took out a box from his pocket, pushed open the lid, and revealed the ring, "Fang Ya'an, marry me, will you?"

The ring looks like it was custom made.

He has been preparing for a long time and planning for a long time.

Marriage proposal at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau is quite unusual.

"Marry him! Marry him! Marry him!" Onlookers started booing.

Fang Ya'an didn't answer, she was dumbfounded.

"Marry him! Marry him!"

Ning Zhaoyi took the explanation out of the box and clung to her hand, "If you wear the ring, you will be my wife, Ning Zhaoyi."

Ning Zhaoyi slowly pushed the ring onto her finger.

After putting on the ring, people around shouted, "Kiss one! Kiss one!"

Fang Ya'an looked at the ring on her finger, the corners of her lips slightly raised.

Ning Zhaoyi didn't get up, Fang Ya'an looked at Ning Zhaoyi, "I agree."

Ning Zhaoyi continued to kneel on one knee, and a man came out from the crowd, holding a square box in his hand, which was a bit big.

Ning Zhaoyi took the box and offered it with both hands, "This is a betrothal gift."

Fang Ya'an was stunned, and Chen Tao reminded Fang Ya'an: "Don't be stunned, open it and have a look."

Fang Ya'an took the box and opened it. It was full of cards, all kinds of cards, bank cards, discount cards, membership cards, and all kinds of cards.

Most of them are bank cards.

The man kneeling on the ground looked at her reverently, "I said, I don't need any pocket money, I will give you all my money."

Fang Ya'an no longer had any scruples, "I agree to marry!"

(End of this chapter)

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