Chapter 1 Preface
"Book of Changes" is the crystallization of China's 5000 years of wisdom and culture. It is respected by Confucianism as "the head of the six classics" and Taoism as "the crown of the three mysteries". "Summary of the General Catalog of Siku Quanshu" once mentioned: "The Dao of Yi is vast, and it involves astronomy, geography, music, art of war, rhyme, and arithmetic. It can be said that it can be used to catch the fire outside the Fang." "Book of Changes" After thousands of years of transmission, it has penetrated into all areas of our social life like blood, and has formed a complete and inseparable blood relationship with our lives. Its long-lasting and far-reaching influence is rare in world history.For thousands of years, literati and scholars have regarded "Book of Changes" as a treasure in their pillows and a treasure in their sleeves, reciting it, studying it, and obeying it.As Confucius said, "Where you live, you observe the image and play with its words; when you move, you observe its changes and play with its interpretation"; Ye Cai also said, "Sitting at a small window and reading the Book of Changes, I don't know how long spring has passed", which is very vivid. It truly shows the scholars' fascination with "Book of Changes".Yu Shinan in the Tang Dynasty said, "You can't be a general if you don't read the Book of Changes." Sun Simiao, a great physician, once said, "Knowing the Book of Changes is not enough to know medicine." This shows how highly respected the Book of Changes was in ancient times.

Recently, discussions on the traditional culture of Chinese studies have gradually heated up again. "Book of Changes" is also valued by people at the time because it is a classic among classics, a philosophy among philosophy, and a strategy among strategies. Although it is "easy", it is not easy to really speak clearly. The book "Book of Changes", "Three sages of human beings, and three ancients of history" has been passed down to the present. The grand purpose of "cleanness, tranquility and subtlety" is not an easy task.As Zhu Xi said, "The "Book of Changes" is ugly, and it is no better than other books."Opening this book, readers will see dazzling gossip, 64 hexagram symbols, as well as obscure and difficult hexagrams and lines. Let us look at the picture and sigh, but the difficulty of the words expressed by the writing system makes it difficult for us to carry out. Therefore, even Zhu Xi said "easy to read".In modern society, people are out of touch with traditional culture, coupled with some charlatans' mystification, it is even more difficult to see the "Book of Changes" as it is, and it is becoming less and less familiar to people. They all regard it as a "Book of Heaven", and the "Book of Changes" is more emphasized on the role of divination and metaphysics.In fact, looking at it from another perspective, for ordinary people, "Book of Changes" is a guidebook for roaming the earth and a handbook for life growth. You can find answers and inspirations about the world, about life, and about yourself. It tells us how to recognize The world, how to understand oneself, so as to be able to be persistent and optimistic. "Book of Changes" is not far from our ordinary people's life. We read it and understand it, and we can find the key of wisdom and absorb the power of knowledge from it. It is the drum that inspires people to work hard. Learn from a steady stream of life wisdom and forward momentum.

The Vernacular Complete Translation of the Book of Changes is in view of this, we have selected ancient editions, collected multiple editions, carefully edited and reviewed them, gathered the strengths of all the experts, and compiled this "Complete Translation of the Vernacular Version of the Book of Changes" in the form of contrasting text and vernacular. The detailed explanation of the 64 hexagrams in "Book of Changes" is the main body of the book.Divided into two chapters according to the Sutra and the Sutra, each hexagram has its own section, and each section has the original text, translation, and interpretation, so that readers may first glimpse into its portals during the reading process, and then climb into its depths, from the shallower to the deeper, So that you can understand, learn, and use it.On the basis of maintaining the original flavor of the traditional "Book of Changes", this book strives to provide readers with a platform for in-depth reading, so that each reader can stand on the shoulders of the predecessors and read his own book of "Book of Changes". through".

This book aims to interpret the classic works. Because of the profound meaning of Yi and its ambiguous meaning, and the numerous works annotating and explaining "Yi" in the past dynasties, each of them has different explanations. It's remote and shabby, and it's inevitable to know it. It's right to be a brick to attract jade, and I'll teach it to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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