Chapter 18 Yu Gua
The Yu hexagram is composed of the lower Kun and the upper earthquake. The hexagram is shaped as "", which symbolizes the meaning of "joy".The upper hexagram "Zhen" is thunder, and the lower hexagram "Kun" is earth: when thunder shakes the ground, everything is excited, which means "joy".The whole hexagram reveals the meaning contained in the joy of things, as well as the principle that "happiness" should be moderate and not extreme.

Yu: Li Jianhou Xingshi.

"Yuan" said: "Yu, just respond to the will and act, follow the movement, Yu."Henan moves along the way, so the heaven and the earth are like it, how about "Jianhou Xingshi"?The heaven and the earth move smoothly, so the sun and the moon do not pass, but the four seasons do not.If the saint moves smoothly, the punishment will be clear and the people will obey.At the time of Yu, the righteousness is great.

"Elephant" said: Thunder comes out of the ground, Yu.The ancient kings worshiped morality with music, and Yin recommended God to match the ancestors.

The translation Yu hexagram symbolizes joy: it is beneficial to establish princes and send troops to fight.

"Zhuan Zhuan" says: The structure of the Yu hexagram is five yin lines and one ying yang line, which symbolizes that the weak obey the strong, and the strong can carry out their will.The lower hexagram is Kun and the earth, which means smoothness, the upper hexagram is earthquake and thunder, which means movement, and the meaning of Yu hexagram is to move with the time.It is precisely because the meaning of the Yu hexagram is to move in accordance with the times, so the heaven and the earth can still follow its will, not to mention things like "feuding a prince to establish a country, sending troops to fight wars"?The heaven and the earth can move with the times, the sun and the moon run without error, and the cycle of the four seasons is without corruption.The sage can move with the times, the punishment is clear, and the people obey.The philosophy of "moving with the times" contained in Yu Gua is of great significance.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: When the thunder sounds, the earth is invigorated, which symbolizes joy.Therefore, the ancient kings made music to praise their merits and dedicate it to the emperor of heaven with a grand ceremony, and let the gods of the ancestors share it.

Interpretation of the Yu hexagram is earthquake and thunder on the top, Kun and earth on the bottom.The sound of thunder vibrates, everything on the earth revives, full of vitality, and a scene of harmony and joy. The king watched this scene and saw that the sound can invigorate all things and make them happy. Inspired, he imitated the sound of thunder and created drum music and other music. Come to praise the merits and virtues of creating all things in the world.In this way, rituals and music were gradually made, ceremonies were held, and ancestors of heaven and earth were sacrificed.The ancients combined the "music" of cultivating people's sentiments with the "ritual" of behavioral norms to educate the people. This is the application of the spirit of "Yu" in politics and ethics.

Sixth day: Mingyu, fierce.

"Xiang" said: "Shu Mingyu on the sixth day of the first day, the ambition is poor and fierce."

Translation Sixth Day: Complacent because of joy, there is danger.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: the sixth day is complacent because of joy, which means that the ambition is exhausted and there will be danger.

Interpretation: In the sixth day of junior high school, yin and soft are at the beginning, humble and not upright, just like a villain at the bottom, misbehaving, but relying on relationships to get support from powerful people at the top, so complacent, forgetful, and even boasting everywhere, this is called "Ming Yu ".When a villain accidentally succeeds, he is complacent, which shows that his capacity is narrow.Because its ambition has been exhausted so far, of course there will be no future; and because it is a fox, it is bound to do evil, and there may even be unpredictable dangers.Therefore, "Xiang Zhuan" said that it is "poor and fierce".

Sixty-two: between stones, not all day long.Zhenji.

"Xiang" said: "It is not chaste and auspicious all day long, but it is also correct with the center."

Translation Sixty-two: Gentleness is like a stone, avoiding peace and happiness, not waiting for the whole day, sticking to the right way can get auspicious.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: avoiding happiness and not waiting for the whole day, and sticking to the right way will be auspicious, because June [-] is right in the middle.

The interpretation of "Jianshishi" means that Liu Er has integrity and is in peace and happiness, but can be as firm as a rock, steadfast and self-reliant, and avoid all kinds of temptations, which is exactly the same as Qi Xiaozhi's sixth day Form a stark contrast of positive and negative.This line means that by virtue of the philosophy of life of keeping the middle and keeping the right, you will be as firm as a stone, and you will not be depressed in peace and happiness, and you will get auspiciousness.

Six three: Xu Yu regrets, late regrets.

"Xiang": Xuyu has regrets, and his position is improper.

Translation [-]: If you seek happiness by flattering yourself, you will inevitably have remorse; if you linger and hesitate in happiness, you will inevitably have remorse.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: flattery to seek peace and happiness will inevitably lead to remorse, which shows that Liusan's position is not appropriate.

Interpretation of the inappropriate position of Liusan, the yin line is placed in the yang position, not in the middle, and the only yang line is the ninety-four; it symbolizes an undecent villain, with femininity in his heart, and desires outside, opening his eyes and looking up, doing whatever he can. Follow others, curry favor with powerful bosses.This line implies that it is not advisable to flatter your superiors for peace and happiness.

Ninety-four: Youyu, you will gain a lot.Do not doubt, friends hairpin.

"Xiang" said: You can get something from Yu, and you can do it if you have aspirations.

Translation Ninety-Four: People rely on him for happiness and gain a lot.Have no fear, friends will come together like hair in a hairpin.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: People rely on him to get happiness and gain a lot, which shows that the masculine ambition of the [-]th Movement can be fully realized.

One who reads and brings happiness to others will gain much.Nine Fourth is the only Yang line in the Yu hexagram. It symbolizes the person who brings happiness to others. People rely on him to obtain happiness, and "Yu" comes from it, so it is called "Yuyu".Such a person will have many friends, and while he brings joy to others, he will also gain a lot himself.

Sixth Five-Year: Chastity disease, permanent immortality.

"Xiang" said: "Six-five chastity disease, riding rigidity."Perseverance does not die, and the middle does not perish.

Translation six five: Long-term illness, but long-lasting death.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Sixty-five long-term illnesses, because it takes advantage of masculinity; long-term immortality, because it has not lost its middle way.

Interpretation points out the ills of indulging in happiness.Sixth Five-Year takes the femininity to occupy the supreme position, and it also takes advantage of the ninety-four masculinity. Its image is a weak and dim monarch relying on strong ministers. Such a monarch must only want to enjoy himself when he is in peace. The state affairs, and even the power, fell into the hands of the [-]th Movement, and the situation is very bad.It's as if a person is sick and beyond cure.Just because the Sixth Five-Year Plan is in the middle, the middle way has not been lost, and it can still maintain its own position in the balance of various forces.

Upper Six: Ming Yucheng, there is no blame.

"Xiang" said: Mingyu is above, how can it grow.

Translation No. [-]: A situation of indolence and indulgence has formed, and timely correction can still avoid disaster.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The dark and indulgent pleasure has reached the extreme, how can it last for a long time!
Interpretation of the upper six places is at the end of the Yu hexagram. At first glance, it seems that the joy is over and the ominous phenomenon has been completed, but the opposite is true. No matter who is in the "meditation" situation of the upper six, as long as the evil is improved and the good If you have the courage to make up for your mistakes, you may turn the evil of "Ming" into the innocent of "Yu".

(End of this chapter)

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