Chapter 30

The Daguo hexagram is composed of the lower Xun and the upper dui, and the shape of the hexagram is "", which symbolizes "too much".The upper hexagram "Dui" is Ze, and the lower hexagram "Xun" is wind, which is also the image of "wood": Daze floods the trees, which means that the situation is "too extreme".The whole hexagram reveals that the development of things sometimes leads to an abnormal state of excessive masculinity and extremely weak femininity, and points out the principle of benevolent "big faults" and the law of saving "big faults".

Major demerits: Dongrong.Good luck, Henry.

"Yuan" said: "Big faults, big ones are faults." "Building radius" is also weak at the end.Just after passing and in the middle, Sunda said yes, "there is a lot of profit", which is "prosperity".It's too big when it's too big.

"Elephant" says: "It's a big mistake to kill trees with water."A gentleman is independent and fearless, and escapes the world without boredom.

The translation of Daguo hexagram symbolizes too much: the beams are bent, which is conducive to going forward and prospering.

"Zhuan Zhuan" said: "Big fault" refers to the fact that those who are strong and big have exceeded the limit.The beams are bent, indicating that the ends are weak.When the masculinity is too much, it should be adjusted with the middle way, and the rectification should be carried out submissively and harmoniously, so that it will be easy to go forward and get prosperous.It is very important to grasp the timing of the big pass!
"Xiang Zhuan" said: The upper hexagram of this hexagram is Dui, which is Ze, and the lower hexagram is Sunda, which is wood.The gentleman observes this hexagram and takes the boat as a warning when it is heavy, and realizes that in the face of disasters, he should be unyielding, stay stable and not be an official, and be quiet and indifferent.

Interpretation of the Daguo hexagram is Dui and Ze on the top, Xun on the bottom and wood, which is the image of Ze destroying wood.The water should have nourished the trees, but now it has submerged the trees. Of course, this is greatly exceeding the limit, so it is a symbol of "big fault".When a gentleman views the image of "big demerits", he should be enlightened. In the extraordinary period of "big demerits", he must act and set up deeds that are magnanimous.The superiority of a gentleman lies in the fact that he can advance and retreat. If he advances, he will turn the tide and be fearless. If he retreats, he will hide from the world and live in seclusion without complaint or favor.It is in the disaster of "big demerits" that a gentleman develops his virtues and talents, which is the true meaning of life contained in "Xiang Zhuan".

Sixth day: Borrowing Imperata, no blame.

"Xiang" said: Borrowing Imperata, the softness is also underneath.

Translation: Sixth day of the lunar month: Respectfully use white grass as a pad for sacrifices, there is no fault.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Respectfully use white grass as a pad for sacrifices, which shows that the sixth day is under the masculinity, and you must be gentle and cautious.

Interpretation: Ancient sacrificial offerings were very pious and dignified. Sacrificial offerings should not be placed directly on the ground, but should be placed on white thatch mats to show cleanliness. "Softness is at the bottom" means that when the masculinity is too strong and the "big fault" is over, the sixth day of the sixth day has a yin at the bottom, which is weak and humble. It should be respectful and gentle to support the masculinity, just like using white grass pads to support things. Serve like that.In this way, the femininity of the sixth day can be adjusted by the masculinity of the second day of the ninth day, and the mutual assistance of yin and yang can be promoted between the sixth day and the second day of the ninth day.

Ninety-two: Withered poplars give birth to weeds, and the old man gets his daughter-in-law, and there is no disadvantage.

"Xiang" said: "Old husband and wife, wife and husband, also get along with each other."

Translation Ninety-two: Withered poplar sprouts, the old man marries a young girl, and there is no disadvantage.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: An old man married a young wife, which means that the masculinity is too strong, but it can match the femininity.

Interpretation of the ninety-two line is when the yang passes.The sun is over, not good.So compare it to dry poplar and old man.But the ninety-two is just at the beginning of the past, the middle is soft, there is no response to the fifth, and it is better than the sixth, it is a person who has just passed and can use the middle way and feminine softness, just like Yang who is dry but can give birth to weeds , Vitality appears, even though the husband is old, he can get a wife, which can achieve fertility.Since the [-]nd has just passed but not reached the extreme, and compared with the [-]th day of the lunar new year, there is an image of an old man getting a wife. Its hexagram is that it is good to live just now, and it is good to have just passed, and there must be softness to help. Therefore, it is auspicious to live in the soft and not to be in the position of the big and the rigid lines.

Ninth Three: Tung Wai, fierce.

"Xiang" said: "The evil of the building cannot be supplemented."

Translation Ninety-three: The roof beams are bent, which is a sign of danger.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The bending of the pillars is dangerous, because there is no way to assist in the remedy.

Interpretation of hexagrams refers to the four yang lines in the middle. As for the yao words, Dong is implemented in the nine three and nine four lines, and the image of the east and west is only attributed to nine three. Not the original enemy.To live in a world of great misfortunes, and to make a great cause, there must be someone to support and assist.Ninety-three is too rigid, which violates neutrality, and cannot be the same as others when encountering problems, and no one will support and assist it.Judging from the image of the line, the Jiusan version corresponds to the upper six, and the upper six can come to assist it, but when it is in a big gap, it is just not in the middle, and the Ju Xun Sun will also change, and it will not follow the upper six Zhi; Shangliu has no intention to respond to it, and it has no desire to tie Shangliu.From a logical point of view, when the house is in the house, it is not allowed to add help, and the murder of the house is inevitable.

Ninety-four: Donglong, Kat.There it is, stingy.

"Xiang" said: Donglong's auspiciousness is not as good as the next.

Translation Ninety-Four: Pillars are uplifted, auspicious.If something else happens, it will still go wrong.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The pillars are raised, which is auspicious, because they no longer bend downward.

Interpretation of the ninth and fourth lines puts the rigidity in the soft position, and the sex is rigid but can be soft, which has partially offset the excessive masculinity.At the same time, it is in the lower position of the upper hexagram, and corresponds to the yin and yang of the sixth day, which makes it easier to get the assistance of yin and soft, and realize the combination of hardness and softness.As a result, the excessive masculinity of [-] was corrected under the action of the opposite force of yin and softness in the sixth day of the new year, and the beams that were bent downward due to excessive masculinity bulged upward and were flattened.September [-] changed from the original excessive masculinity to the "middle" state of yin and yang balance after correction, so it is auspicious.If there are other changes, it will break the balance again, that is, something went wrong again.So Yao Ci added: "Have it, be stingy." It means to emphasize that it is auspicious only to restore the moderate state of the place, and "have it" is "stingy".

Ninth Five-Year: Withered poplars give birth to flowers, the old woman gets her husband, without blame or reputation.

"Elephant" says: Withered poplars give birth to flowers, but it can last for a long time.Old ladies and gentlemen can also be ugly.

Translation Nine Five: Withered poplars bloom, an old woman marries a young man, there is no fault and no praise.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: How can a withered poplar bloom for a long time?It is shameful for an old woman to marry a young husband.

Interpreting the excessively prosperous yang in the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and comparing it with the six extremely decayed yin, although the yin and yang are in harmony and are barely assisted, the purpose is to take the yin to support the yang, restrain the excessively strong masculinity with yin and softness, and correct the disadvantages of "big faults", of course It is "no blame"; however, using the extremely declining yin to regulate the extremely prosperous yang will inevitably have little effect, and the upper six is ​​multiplied above the ninth five, using yin to multiply yang, and the effect of regulating yang is also very limited, so "No reputation" at all. "Xiang Zhuan" said that this kind of marriage can be "ugly", which means that this kind of marriage is just like a dead tree blooming. The combination is just a formality.This means that if yin and softness are already in the stage of excessive exhaustion and loss of vitality, showing negative factors that do nothing, it cannot play the regulating role of restraining excessive masculinity and realizing the combination of hardness and softness.Because in the ideal state of combining rigidity and softness, both rigidity and softness are means to make a difference after all, making life behavior tend to be scientific.This is very different from being dead and doing nothing.

Upper Six: Going over and destroying the top, fierce, no blame.

"Xiang" said: "The evil of overreach cannot be blamed."

Translation No. [-]: Blindly wading through the water, the depth of the water is over the top, although there are dangers, there will be no disaster in the end.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Blindly wading in the water caused danger because he knew that there was danger and had the courage to commit difficulties, so he should not be blamed.

Interpretation of the six residences is the extreme of great demerits, where there is no place, and the image of the lake and the wood is manifested here.Therefore, there has been a crime of extinction.It is a generation of feminine and weak, and when the yang is at its extreme, there is nothing it can do.If things are presided over by it, it will be destroyed.This is one aspect.On the other hand, Shang Liu has the strengths of Shang Liu. It is both feminine and talkative, and has the virtue of being calm and obedient. In any case, it will not make the already unfavorable situation even more unfavorable due to rigidity.Its submissive mediation is harmless when the offense is extremely serious, and people will not blame it.

(End of this chapter)

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