Chapter 4 Kun Gua
The hexagram of Kun is composed of "Kun" at the top and bottom. The shape of the hexagram is ( ), and the six paintings are all Yin lines. It is "the purity of yin and the perfection of smoothness" ("The Original Meaning of Zhouyi").The Kun hexagram takes the earth as its image, and Shun as its righteousness. The virtues of Yuan and Heng refer to the cooperation of the earth with the sky, which can create and transform all things, and make them prosperous.The one who walks the sky is like a dragon, and the one who walks the earth is like a horse, and a mare can walk the earth and is healthy, and it is extremely docile, so it is taken as the image of Kunde.The Zekun hexagram is conducive to sticking to the right path of being as smooth and healthy as a mare.The "Earth" plays a key role in coordinating with "Heaven" to create all things, and it is the "Yin Qi" that assists "Yang Qi". Therefore, the whole hexagram reveals the law of development and change of the feminine elements with soft temperament, so as to clarify the creation of the universe. Auxiliary force.

Kun: Yuan Heng.The chastity of a mare.A gentleman has you, loses first, then wins the master, benefits, gains friends in the southwest, loses friends in the northeast.An Zhenji.

"Yuan" said: "Zai Kunyuan, all things come into being, and they follow the sky."Kun is thick and loaded, and virtue is boundless.Contain Hong Guangda, Pinwu Xianheng.Mares are land-like, they travel without boundaries, soft and smooth.When a gentleman is on the move, he loses his way first, and then gets along smoothly.To get friends in the southwest is to go with the class.The mourning of friends in the Northeast is finally celebrated.The auspiciousness of Anzhen has no boundaries.

"Elephant" says: Terrain Kun.A gentleman carries things with virtue.

The translation of the Kun hexagram symbolizes the land: Yuanshi, prosperity, if it is as docile as a mare, it is auspicious.When a gentleman goes out, he loses his way at first, but when he meets his master later, it is advisable to go to the southwest and avoid the northeast.Anshun will get auspicious if he keeps upright and solid.

"Tuan Zhuan" said: "Supreme goodness, the primordial spirit of the earth, on which all things grow, obeys and inherits from the sky."The earth is deep, carrying all things, in harmony with the virtue of heaven, and has infinite functions.It nourishes everything and makes it grow, so that everything prospers.The mare is a ground animal with unlimited range, gentle and docile, which is conducive to sticking to the right path.When a gentleman travels a long way, he will lose the right way if he rushes forward, and then it is in line with common sense to follow along.If you go southwest, you will gain friends, because you can walk with the same kind; if you go northeast, you will lose friends, but in the end there will be joy.It is auspicious to be content with sticking to the righteous way, and it is in harmony with the immeasurable virtues of the earth.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The situation of the earth is flat and stretched, following the way of heaven.A gentleman observes this hexagram, draws the law from the ground, and assumes great responsibilities with profound virtue.

Interpreting the Qian hexagram has the four virtues of "Yuan, Heng, Li, and Zhen", and the "Kun" hexagram also has these four virtues. This is what the two have in common.However, Qiande is based on "unifying the sky", and Kunde is based on "success to the sky". ""Later Winner""An Zhenji" and other meanings: This is the difference between the two.

Kun hexagram is the only pure yin hexagram among the 64 hexagrams.The weakest thing is the strongest when set in motion, like water.The hexagram Kun represents the earth. The earth carries all things and nurtures all things. It conforms to the weather and has a generous, tolerant, upright, grand, and quiet mind. It is worth learning.The hexagram Kun also represents the mother. Maternal love is the most selfless love. If he can treat our subordinates and employees like a mother, then he must be a mature manager.In fact, there are many successful people in today's society, but few mature ones. What many successful people lack is not the spirit of Qian Gua, but the spirit of Kun Gua.

The sixth day of the lunar month: When you walk on the frost, the ice arrives.

"Xiang" says: When walking on frost and hard ice, the yin begins to condense.Tamed to its way, to the hard ice.

Translation Sixth Day: Trampling on the thin frost, it can be inferred that the thick layer of ice is about to freeze.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: trampling on thin frost, it can be inferred that the thick ice layer is about to freeze.This shows that the cold air has begun to condense, following the advancement of natural laws, the thick ice layer is about to freeze.

Interpretation of the sixth day, simply speaking, means "shun".First there is frost, then there is solid ice, in order, the frost becomes thicker and thicker, and then it becomes ice.This is a sequence, we do everything first small and then big, first thin and then gradually rich.

Sixty-two: Straight, square, big; no practice, no disadvantages.

"Xiang" said: The movement of Liu Er is straight to the square.No learning, no disadvantages, authentic light also.

Translation [-]: Flatness, squareness, and vastness are the characteristics of the earth.Even traveling to unfamiliar places has no disadvantages.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Liu Er's Yao Xiang is straight and square, even if you go to a strange place, there is no disadvantage, because the tunnel is vast and boundless.

Interpreting Liu Er, "Zhi Fang Da" refers to the characteristics of the earth.The ancients believed that "the sky is round and the earth is round", the earth is square, the four sides are straight, and it is vast and boundless.This line is both neutral and upright, which means that people must be upright, upright, generous, and neutral.

Sixty-three: Contains chapters, can be chaste.Or from the king's affairs, there is no success and no end.

"Xiang" said: "Containing chapters can be chaste, and they can be issued in time."Or from the king's affairs, knowing the greatness.

Translation [-]: Containing virtue is not showing it outside, so that you can stick to the right way.If you assist the king's career and don't pretend to be successful, there will be results in the end.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Contains virtues and can stick to the right way, which shows that Liusan should wait for the opportunity to play a role; being good at assisting the king's career shows that Liusan's wisdom is bright and far-reaching.

Interpreting Liusan is above the lower hexagram and below the upper hexagram, the position is not right, the situation is very unfavorable, and it is indeed quite difficult to follow the way of Kun and assist.Here it is also said to be "contained", that is, to hide one's talents, to have a sense of urgency, to be reserved and restrained.When you are in a high position or in danger, don't show yourself, but obey others. This is a transformation. Although it is not easy to do, you must work hard, otherwise there will be danger.Being able to hide beauty in obscurity, act cautiously and avoid blame, indeed has its extraordinary wisdom, and finally succeeded in its work.This is what Lao Tzu said, "Do not rely on what you do, and don't live when you succeed. Husbands only live in nothing, so don't go."

June [-]th: Inclusive, without blame or reputation.

"Xiang" said: "Keep the bag without blame, and be careful not to harm."

Translation June [-]: Tighten your pockets as if you kept your mouth shut, neither accusing nor praising.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: If you tie your pockets tightly, it is like keeping your mouth shut, which means that there is no harm if you are cautious.

Interpreting June Fourth, at the fourth moment, we must be more vigilant and cautious.Because this is the beginning of the upper hexagram, most of them are fearful, so at this time we must completely hide our talents in order to seek peace, why?For only prudence can avoid disaster.

Sixth Five-Year: Huang Chang, Yuan Ji.

"Xiang" said: "Huang Chang Yuan Ji, the text is also in the middle."

Translation six five: yellow skirt pants, good luck.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Yellow skirt pants are auspicious, because "yellow clothes" symbolize people's inner virtues.

Interpretation of the Sixth Five-Year, after being reserved and hidden, now comes the fifth time, which is good luck. "Yellow clothes" appear to be wearing yellow clothes on the surface, because the sixth and fifth lines match the ninth and fifth emperors, and the emperor wears yellow clothes, which actually means to keep the middle way.Because yellow is the color of the earth, the color of the center, which means that you must have the virtue of the earth; "Shang" means that you must stay below and not fight, because "Shang" is the lower garment, and the upper garment is the lower garment. Only in this way can "Yuan Ji" be born.

Upper Six: The dragon fights in the wild, its blood is black and yellow.

"Xiang" said: "Dragon fights in the wild, but its way is poor."

Translation [-]: Dragons fight on the earth, and blood flows all over the field.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Dragons are fighting on the earth, which shows that the development of Kunyin has been exhausted, and it is extended to the metaphor of human affairs to describe people who have come to a desperate situation.

Interpretation of the Six Lines of the Kun Hexagram was originally the development process of Kun following the Qian and Yin following the Yang. When it came to the Upper Six Line, the Kun Yin developed to its peak, and it was so loud that it wanted to compete with Qian Yang, even fighting Qian. "Dragon fights in the wild" mentioned in Yao Ci.If Kunyin turned away from the nature of submissiveness and obedience to Yang, and competed with Qianyang for victory, both sides would be hurt and blood would flow everywhere.The sky is black (cyan), and the earth is yellow. "Xuanhuang" is a symbol of the chaos of heaven and earth caused by the struggle between Yin and Yang, and the indistinguishability of heaven and earth. This is the worst thing.Just as the development of the way of Qianyang to the extreme will lead to "excessive dragons have regrets", the development of the way of Kunyin to the extreme will lead to "dragons fighting in the wild", so that yin and yang will not be distinguished and become a mess.As an assistant to practice the way of Kunyin, one should live in a humble and quiet place. When his career and reputation develop to the peak, he must be vigilant against the emergence of a situation of fighting with Qianyang.This is the warning given in the last six lines.

Use six: Li Yongzhen.

"Xiang" says: Use the six eternal chastity to end up with a big one.

The translation uses the number "six": it is conducive to keeping the right way forever.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Use the number "six" to always keep the right way, which shows that Yin ends with returning to Yang.

The interpretation of "use six" means that the six numbers obtained by divination are all "six", an even number. "Six" is a yin line, so the obtained hexagram is "Kun"; "six" is a change line, and the six yin lines will become yang lines, then the whole Kun hexagram will change into dry, even though Kun changes into Qian, the nature of Kun is still preserved; although the nature of Kun is preserved, it already has the spirit of Qian.That is to say, there is a masculine quality in the feminine nature, which is undoubtedly conducive to the permanent adherence to the righteous way of Kun.

Qian hexagram "Yongjiu" means rigidity but can be soft, Kun hexagram "Yongliu" means softness but can be firm.The purpose of combining hardness and softness is contained in it.Here also shows the law of transformation of yin and yang.Yang is big and yin is small.Kun hexagram "uses six", and all the lines change from yin to yang, so "Xiang Zhuan" says "end with big", which shows that the cathode must return to yang.

"Classical Chinese" says: "Kun is soft but dynamic and rigid, quiet and virtuous, and when he is the master, he has permanence, containing all things and transforming into light."Kun said that it's okay.Inherit the sky and go with the times.A family that accumulates goodness will surely have more celebrations; a family that accumulates bad things will surely have disasters.Ministers murdered their rulers, sons murdered their fathers, it didn't happen overnight, the origin of it gradually.It is not early to argue because of the debate. "Yi" said: "Walk on the frost, and the ice is as hard as it is."Straightforwardness is righteousness, and squareness is righteousness.A gentleman respects the straight inside, righteousness outside the square, respect for righteousness and virtue is not alone. "Straight, square, big, not practiced, no disadvantages." Then there is no doubt about what it does.Although yin has beauty, contain it, and if you follow the king's business, you can't dare to succeed.The way of authenticity, the way of wives, the way of ministers.There is no success in authenticity, but there is an end in generation.The world changes, the vegetation flourishes.The world is closed, and the wise are hidden. "Yi" said: "Including the bag, there is no blame and no reputation." Gai Yan is also sincere.Gentleman Huang Zhongtong Li, right in the body, the beauty is in it, and it is smooth in the four branches, and it is born in the career, the beauty is the ultimate.Yin is suspicious of yang, and must fight, because it is suspected of having no yang, so it is called Longyan.It is still not separated from its kind, so it is called Xueyan.Those who are mysterious and yellow are the miscellaneous things of heaven and earth.The sky is mysterious and the ground is yellow.

The translation "Wen Yan" says: The authentic way is extremely smooth, but its movement is vigorous; it is extremely quiet, but its character is square. After the authentic way, it moves after the way of heaven, but its movement is regular.It contains all things, and its biochemical effects are vast.How supple is the authenticity!Follow the way of heaven and operate according to the four seasons.People who accumulate good deeds will have endless auspiciousness; those who accumulate evil deeds will have endless disasters.It is not formed overnight that a courtier kills his monarch, and a son kills his father, so this situation is the result of gradual development. "Book of Changes" said: "Trampling on the thin frost, the hard and thick ice layer is about to freeze." It is probably a gradual phenomenon.Straightforwardness is the integrity of intention, and squareness is the morality of behavior.A gentleman corrects ideological deviations through respect and prudence, and uses moral principles to regulate behavioral disorder.Once the spirit of respect and morality is established, his character will have a wide impact.A gentleman is "upright, upright, and broad. These qualities are not well understood by people, and there is no disadvantage."Because people will not doubt his actions.Yin is a metaphor for ministers. Although they have virtues, they should be concealed deeply so as to serve the king and dare not claim meritorious service.This is the principle of authenticity, the principle of the wife's way, and the principle of the minister's way.Tunnel cannot accomplish the feat of procreating all things alone, but it always plays a role consistently in the alternation of time series.When the communication between the heaven and the earth changes, the vegetation will flourish; if the heaven and the earth are blocked, the sages will retreat. "Book of Changes" said: "Tighten your pockets, as if you keep your mouth shut. There is no blame or praise." Probably meant to be cautious.A gentleman has a good heart, understands things, purges his duties, abides by etiquette, accumulates virtues in his heart, implements them in actions, and expands them in his career. This is the most beautiful.Yin and Yang are evenly matched, and there will inevitably be a battle.Because the cathode is abundant and equal to the yang, the yin and yang are called dragons together.In fact, yin has not separated from its category, so it is also called blood, and blood is the category of yin.The so-called xuanhuang——tianxuandihuang—is the color of the mixing of heaven and earth.

Interpretation of the Kun hexagram, which is the only pure Yin hexagram among the 64 hexagrams, represents the earth that bears and transforms all things. Its generous, tolerant, and quiet mind requires us to practice step by step, that is, the so-called freezing three feet is not a day's cold.After reaching a certain level, we must not forget the fundamentals, that is, the way of harmony between heaven and earth, yin and yang, and avoid unnecessary struggles in order to obtain happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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