Chapter 49
The sleepy hexagram is composed of the upper and lower ridges, and the shape of the hexagram is "", which symbolizes "poverty".The upper hexagram "Dui" is Ze, and the lower hexagram "Kan" is water: as if the water is exhausted at the bottom, the surface of the marsh is dry, which means "poverty".The whole hexagram reveals the way of how to deal with hardship and adversity.

Sleepy: Heng.Zhen, my lord is lucky, there is no blame.Believe it or not.

The translation of the difficult hexagram symbolizes poverty: efforts to rescue will surely lead to prosperity.Only adults and gentlemen who stick to the righteous way will get auspiciousness and will not bring disasters.Even if there is something to say at this time, it may not be able to convince others.

Interpretation The upper hexagram of the Kun hexagram is Dui, and Dui is Yin; the lower hexagram is Kan, and Kan is Yang.Masculinity is concealed under yin and softness, which is the hexagram image of the sleepy hexagram.The upper hexagram of the sleepy hexagram is Dui, and the meaning of Dui is Yue; the lower hexagram is Kan, and the meaning of Kan is danger.The situation is difficult and the heart is peaceful, which is the virtue of Kungua.Although in a predicament, he does not lose his integrity and seeks solutions in poverty. I am afraid that only gentlemen with both ability and political integrity have this belief. "Zhen, adults are auspicious, no blame", only adults and gentlemen who uphold the righteous way can turn poverty into prosperity, obtain auspiciousness and avoid disasters.Kong Yingda said in "Zhouyi Zhengyi": "The villain will be poor when he is trapped, and the gentleman will not change his behavior when he encounters it. A gentleman will not lose his way of self-understanding when he is in trouble... If he is in trouble and can understand himself, he must He is a person who is upright and capable, who can help the poor, and then get good luck without blame." It can be seen that when a gentleman is in trouble, it is extremely important to stick to the right way, otherwise he will inevitably suffer disaster and blame.When you are in poverty, even if you say something, others will think it is untrue, and it is difficult to convince people.Wang Bi's "Notes on the Book of Changes" said: "When you are in trouble, you can't believe it; it's not the time to speak, but you want to use words to avoid it, and you will be poor." It is better to keep it up, cultivate more virtue, and talk less.

"彖" said: Sleepy, just cover up.It is dangerous to say that you are trapped without losing your place, "prosperous", is he a gentleman? "Zhen adults are auspicious", and they are also strong. "If you say something you don't believe it", you are poor if you talk about it.

The translation "Zhuan Zhuan" says: Poverty, masculinity is covered and unable to stretch.To be happy in the face of danger, to be prosperous in the face of poverty, is probably only a gentleman can do it.As long as you stick to the righteous way, adults and gentlemen can get auspiciousness. This is because a gentleman possesses the virtue of uprightness and harmony.Words are not believed by others, because blindly advocating words is not only useless, but will lead to deeper and deeper embarrassment.

From the point of view of the body of the hexagrams, the sleepy hexagram is the upper part of the kan, the lower part of the kan is the yang hexagram, which is lower, and the upper part is the upper part of the yin hexagram.Generally speaking, it is common sense that yang is above yin and below is the common sense, but this hexagram is yang below yin above, as if masculinity below is covered by yin and softness, so that the masculinity cannot be stretched and the yang is trapped in embarrassment.Therefore, "Zhu Zhuan" says: "Sleepy, hard is also covered." From the image of the line, the hard line is also covered by the soft line.The ninth second of this hexagram is trapped in the Yin line of the sixth day and the third day of the sixth day, and the upper sixth is above the Yang line of the fourth day and the fifth day of the ninth day.In the general environment, the feminine villain has the upper hand, and the masculine gentleman will naturally fall into poverty and struggle.Facing hardships and dangers, my heart is full of joy. Although I am heroic and a celebrity, I always feel a bit like playing the piano under the coptis tree—joking joy in bitterness, which seems ridiculous.The more difficult and poor the time, the more you can test the quality of people.Be happy when you are in danger, and prosper when you are in trouble.Only a gentleman can do it, a villain can't do it. "Book of Changes" attaches great importance to rigidity and integrity.The ninety-two and ninety-five lines in the hexagram are rigid lines, and they are in the middle. The subjective and objective conditions have reached a very harmonious unity, which can naturally save the poor and get auspiciousness. , to just hit the middle."

"Elephant" says: There is no water in the lake, and it is sleepy.A gentleman fulfills his ambition with death.

The translation "Xiang Zhuan" says: The upper hexagram of this hexagram is Dui, and Dui is Ze; the lower hexagram is Kan, and Kan is water.A gentleman looks at this hexagram, encourages himself in a difficult situation, is poor and strong, and sacrifices his life to fulfill his long-cherished ambition.

Interpretation of "Zhuan Zhuan" requires that you should be joyful in the face of danger, keep upright in the tough, and it is better to talk less and cultivate your own virtue more. "Xiang Zhuan" clarifies the approach that a gentleman should take from another angle, that is, when he is in a predicament where there is no water, even if he sacrifices his most precious life, he must realize his lofty aspirations.For a gentleman, once life and ambition cannot be obtained at the same time, he must dare to sacrifice himself for benevolence, and he will not hesitate to exchange blood for lofty ambitions.As in "Mencius?It is said in King Hui of Liang: "Life is what I want, and righteousness is what I want. You can't have both, and those who give up life for righteousness." A true gentleman should be like this, life is in front of ambition What is it?When you are in poverty, you must "fatal and fulfill your will", you cannot succumb to evil, and you would rather die standing up than live on your knees.

Sixth day: The buttocks are trapped in the trees, enter the deep valley, and do not face at the age of three.

"Xiang" said: "Entering the deep valley, it is not clear."

Translation: On the sixth day of the lunar month: The buttocks were wounded by the jailer's rod, and he was thrown into a dark cell. He was not seen for three years.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Entering a deep valley, it is naturally dark and unclear.

Interpretation of the sixth day is Yin Yao, the beginning of the difficult hexagram.Its quality is already weak and humble, lacking in masculinity, and it is really "adding insult to injury" when it is confined to the predicament.Because I can't advance and I can't retreat, I can't retreat, I am trapped to the end, and I can't extricate myself.When a person walks, his feet are at the bottom, but when sitting, his hips are at the bottom, and the buttocks are trapped, which means that the person is unable to move, and is unable to extricate himself from poverty.It can only be as Yao Ci said, "Enter the deep valley, and you will not see it at the age of three", that is, retreat into the deep valley, and hide your name from then on, without showing your face and whereabouts for many years.Nine Fourth was more than enough energy.The September [-]th does correspond to the sixth day of the lunar year, but the position of the [-]th itself is not in the right place. It is masculine and feminine, and it is still covered by yin. What power is there to support Chu Liu out of the predicament?

Ninety-two: Trapped in wine and food, Zhu Fufang came and used it to enjoy sacrifices.sign, fierce.Not to blame.

"Elephant" says: Trapped in wine and food, there is celebration in it.

Translation [-]: When the food and wine are poor, Ronglu will come. At this time, it is beneficial to preside over the ancestral temple sacrificial ceremony to pray for the protection of the gods.There will be danger if one acts, but no harm.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: When food and drink are poor, as long as you stick to the way of strength, you will have blessings.

Interpret the difference between the predicament of the body and the predicament of the Tao.It is true that Jiu Er's livelihood has become a problem, but as a masculine gentleman, Jiu Er doesn't care about the physical difficulties of "trapped in wine and food".On the contrary, the "difficulty of eating and drinking" has become a harbinger of the coming of Ronglu in [-].The historical fact that Duke Zhou lived in the east illustrates this point.When the Duke of Zhou was in power, Guan and Cai spread rumors everywhere, which aroused the suspicion of King Cheng of Zhou.So Zhou Gong abandoned his official position and lived in seclusion, no longer involved in political affairs, and lived in a soft and dark place with a bright body.The emperor came to welcome him, was able to come back, and finally regained his glory and wealth.This requires that when a gentleman is in trouble, he can be self-confident, peaceful and happy.[-] happened to be in the middle, and there was China and Germany, so there would be Fuqing.Just now the honor and fortune came to Jiu Er, you must be cautious when you act at this time, it is best to do something to worship the gods and ghosts, in order to get the understanding and blessing of the gods, don't make any big moves, otherwise you will lose your life He won the honor and salary, and stepped into the predicament again.Therefore, the precept in the line of resignation is called "strike fierce".It is true that there are many dangers in seeking progress in difficulties in [-], but there is no harm. This is mainly due to the virtue of being strong in [-].

Six three: Trapped by stones, occupied by thorns, enters his palace, does not see his wife, fierce.

"Xiang" said: According to thistles, it is also possible to take advantage of rigidity.It is auspicious to enter his palace and not see his wife.

Translation [-]: Trapped under a boulder, standing on thistles.Even if you retreat to your own home, you will not see your wife, which is dangerous.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Based on the thorns, it shows that Liusan rides on the masculine by virtue of its feminine and soft qualities.It is inauspicious to return to your own home without seeing your wife.

In the interpretation of Yaoci, "stone" refers to Jiusi, and "tribulus" refers to Jiuer.Ninety-four is a rigid line, like a hard stone that cannot be moved, it is in front of Liusan, blocking Liusan, making it difficult to move six or three inches; It is not possible for Liusan to sit.Liusan was in a dilemma and fell into a predicament.It is true that Liu San can retreat to his room, but those who are injured outside will return to his home!But so what?I can't even see my wife, I stand alone, my shadow is attached to each other, and the only thing I have to accompany me is the unbearable loneliness and solitude, so even if I retreat to my home, what effect will it have?First of all, Liusan is not in the right position. When he is in trouble, he takes the position of masculinity with a femininity. He has no talent or virtue, and he is unwilling to be lonely; Using femininity to ride on the ninety-two masculinity is like sitting on thorns, and you cannot sit securely.If Liusan is still auspicious like this, it would be a strange thing.

Nine Fourth: Come slowly, trapped in the golden car.Miserly, there is an end.

"Xiang" said: Come slowly, the ambition is down.Although it is not in place, there is a relationship.

Translation Ninety-Four: It is a pity that I came late, but was blocked by a golden car, but there will be good results in the end.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: September [-] came slowly, which shows that his ambition is to meet the following sixth day.Although the position is improper, it can be made up for by the neighbors of the same way.

Interpretation of "Zhouyi" "to" is from bottom to top, while "coming" is from top to bottom.The beginning of the upper hexagram at the ninth four places is a rigid line, and the beginning of the lower hexagram on the sixth day is a soft line.In order to get the cooperation and help of the sixth day of junior high school, of course, the [-] Fourth Movement must go down from top to bottom. "Xiang Zhuan" makes it very clear, "Come slowly, and the ambition is down."In fact, this "come slowly" is a warning to September [-]th.September [-]th was still in the trap of the golden car. The "golden car" here refers to the Yangyao [-]nd between September [-]th and the sixth day.In September [-]th, I wanted to get the cooperation and help of the sixth day of the lunar new year, but because I was separated from the mountain to fetch water, I must not be impatient, so the day of Yao's resignation "come slowly".However, although there was a golden car between September [-]th and [-]th, it was a temporary difficulty.Yin and Yang correspond to each other, and it is difficult to stop them in the end. As long as you persevere, you will naturally overcome this difficulty and get a good result. Therefore, Yaoci finally said: "Stingy, there is an end." The weakness of the [-] inappropriate position.The [-]th and [-]th are both rigid lines, and they are adjacent to each other in proportion. They are both covered by the upper six of the Yin line. They are in the same situation and have the same interests. The old saying goes, "Brothers fight against the wall and defend against their insults from the outside." Externally, this also made up for the inadequacy of the [-] Movement itself, and won good results.

Ninth Five-Year: Cutting down, trapped in Chifu, Xu You said, using sacrifices.

"Xiang" said: "Cut and cut, the ambition has not yet been obtained."It is Xu You said that it is straight from the middle.Use sacrifices to receive blessings.

Translation Ninth Five: I feel uneasy and trapped in the position of honor, but I can slowly get out of the predicament. It is beneficial to hold sacrifices to seek spiritual support.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: When you are in trouble and restless, it is the time when you are unsuccessful.You can slowly get out of the predicament, this is because the ninety-five is in the middle and is right.It is beneficial to hold sacrifices because doing so can bear the grace of the gods.

Interpretation is the so-called "the heights are too cold", and the Ninth Five-Year Plan is more difficult because of its respect.The ninth five is close to the upper sixth, and is covered by the upper sixth yin line.At the beginning of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, he was trapped by a feminine and villainous person, but because he is upright and has the virtue of neutrality, he will gradually get rid of it and get out of the predicament.Just as the "Xiang Zhuan" said, "Xu You said it, and it is straight through the middle." The Ninth Five-Year is strong and powerful, trapped by others, like a tiger and lion in a cage. I am afraid that it is difficult to accept this cruel reality ideologically.In order to seek psychological balance and a certain spiritual support, it is necessary to hold sacrifices and seek inspiration from the gods to obtain the blessings and blessings of the gods.This is exactly the meaning of Yaoci's final advice to the Ninth Five-Year Plan to "use sacrifices".

Upper Six: Trapped in Ge Yu, Yu Yu, saying that there are regrets and regrets.sign, Ji.

"Xiang" said: "It's not right to be trapped in Ge Cui."Regrets and regrets are auspicious.

Translation No. [-]: Trapped among kudzu vines and vacillating, reflect on it, since you regret it at every turn, you must quickly repent, and such actions will surely bring good luck.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Trapped between kudzu vines and vines, it shows that it is not appropriate to be in the sixth position.Regret at every turn and repent in time, and you will get auspiciousness in action.

Interpretation This is the principle that in the hexagram of sleepiness, extreme hardship must be reversed. If you are extremely sleepy, you will inevitably go to the opposite of sleepiness.But success in the sixth grade is not all smooth sailing, but obtained after overcoming many difficulties.No wonder Shang Liu was trapped by entangled vines, and he was on the verge of falling. As a result, Shang Liu couldn't make any moves at all. I don't know how Shang Liu got out of the trap.On the sixth movement, there is regret, and the trap has reached the extreme, but it can make him calmly analyze why he "moves regret".By thinking behind closed doors, learning lessons, reformulating the action plan, and implementing it earnestly, that is, the "sign" mentioned in Yao Ci, you can turn the crisis into safety and get "good luck".

(End of this chapter)

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