Chapter 53
The Zhen hexagram, the upper and lower parts are composed of "Zhen", and the shape of the hexagram is "", which symbolizes "thunder".The hexagram image is intended to take the repeated roar of giant thunder, which is a metaphor for the meaning of "thunder".The whole hexagram reveals that things are shaken and fearful and cautious, which can lead to prosperity.

Zhen: Heng, the shock is coming, and the laughter is hoarse.Shocked for hundreds of miles, not dead.

The translation Zhen Gua symbolizes vibration: prosperity.When the earthquake and thunder struck, the people were terrified.However, people who were cautious and fearful were able to face the earthquake calmly, talking and laughing comfortably, just like the priest who presided over the sacrifice of the ancestral temple did not lose the sacrificial vessel and sacrificial wine in his hand when the thunder was heard for hundreds of miles.

Interpreting the hexagram of shock shows that, for us, it is unknown whether the coming of the shock is a disaster or a blessing, because on the one hand, it can make people fearful, so that they can act cautiously and avoid disasters; Can not take effective measures to prevent the occurrence of disasters.

"彖" said: Zhen, "Heng". "Earthquake comes and shakes", which may lead to blessings. "Laughing and talking hoarsely", there are others later. "Shocked for hundreds of miles", it is shocking far away and afraid of near and far. "Don't mourn the dagger", you can keep the temple of the ancestral temple, and think it is also a sacrifice to the master.

The translation "Zhuan Zhuan" said: Vibration can lead to prosperity.When the earthquake and thunder struck, all the people were terrified, which shows that this kind of fear and vigilance will definitely lead to blessings.In the face of an earthquake, he can be calm and calm, talk and laugh comfortably, which shows that after fear and caution, the behavior can follow the law and not lose the normality.The sound of thunder and thunder shocked hundreds of miles, which shows that no matter how far or near it is, people are shocked and frightened by it.At this time, even if the monarch is away from home, the eldest son, as the heir to the monarch, can stay in the ancestral temple and become the host of the ancestral temple sacrifices.

Interpretation of "Earthquakes come and go, fear of blessings" means that when people encounter dangers, they will feel fear, but it also makes people practice self-cultivation and prudence. Ze. "Laughing and talking dumb, then there will be others", it means knowing to abide by the law out of fear, and then laughing with blessings. "Shocked far away and afraid of near and far" is the interpretation of the hexagram "shocked a hundred miles", that is to say, when encountering a thunder that shocked a hundred miles, no matter how far or near it is, one is bound to be terrified.The meaning of the last three sentences is that if the eldest son of the monarch has the self-cultivation and tolerance of "not losing his dagger" amidst the thunder that terrifies everyone in a radius of a hundred miles, then he can stay at the ancestral temple and the country when the monarch goes out. Handle political affairs leisurely and preside over sacrificial ceremonies.Generally speaking, "Zhuan Zhuan" is based on the theory of "Zhen, Heng", and expounds the principle that from earthquake to prosperity.The point is that people who are responsible for important tasks must have good psychological quality and self-cultivation, be able to face danger without fear, and be calm and composed. Only in this way can they take on the important task of the country or history, and turn the tide in times of crisis, thus turning the world around.

"Elephant" says: thunder, earthquake.A gentleman cultivates himself with fear.

The translation "Xiang Zhuan" says: The upper and lower hexagrams of this hexagram are earthquakes, and earthquakes are thunder.It can be seen that the continuous strike of huge thunder is the hexagram of the Zhen hexagram.A gentleman observes this hexagram, so as to avoid fear and fear, and cultivate his body.

Interpretation of the hexagram of shock is that the bottom shakes the top, and it is formed by the overlapping of two earthquakes. The metaphor of the shock is thunder, and there are thunders on the top and bottom, so it is said to be thunder. The meaning elucidated in "Xiang Zhuan" is essentially the same as the meaning of the hexagrams.This is also the quality that a gentleman should possess.

Ninth day of the first day: The shock came, and then I laughed and said hoarse, good luck.

"Elephant" said: "When the earthquake comes, it may cause blessings."After laughing hoarsely, then there is also.

Translation: On the ninth day of the lunar month: When the thunder came, I was so frightened that I trembled all over. When I heard the thunder later, I still talked and laughed as usual, which is auspicious.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: When the thunder came, I trembled with fright, because I believed that awe of the great celestial phenomena can save me from sin and bring blessings.Later, when I heard the sound of thunder, I was still able to talk and laugh as usual, which means that I had some experience in such things later.

Interpreting the hexagrams refers to two kinds of people: one is the person who usually relaxes himself and has no fear, but when the thunder explodes, he is terrified and at a loss; On the contrary, when it rang, it was calm and lively, talking and laughing.And the Yaoci of the ninth day of the ninth day refers to the first kind of people, hoping that this kind of people can repair themselves and avoid their mistakes because of the fear of thunder, and never dare to calm down, be careful and guard against fear. This kind of people can be calm when the crisis comes, talk and laugh happily, and get auspicious.The hexagrams of "Zhen Lai Huan" and "Laughing and dumb" are juxtaposed. It talks about two kinds of people. people.However, the "Zhen Lai 虩 虩" and "Laughing and dumb" in Yaoci are a succession relationship, which refers to a kind of development of a person before and after. The relationship between "Zhen Lai 虩虩" and "Laughing and dumb" is clear at a glance.The general public, that is, the first type of people, only know how to guard against themselves and self-examination after hearing the thunder and vibrations. However, it is not too late, and they can still reach the state of "laughing and talking dumb" to obtain auspiciousness.Be vigilant and fearful on a daily basis, do not take things lightly, and when danger comes, you can be calm and composed. This kind of self-cultivation should be present at the beginning.It is impossible to think of cultivating oneself in fear and examining one's own mistakes until something serious happens.That's why the author put all the lines embodying the meaning of Zhen Gua and Gua to the ninth day of Zhuchu.

Sixty-two: The earthquake is severe, and hundreds of millions of people die, and they are among the nine tombs.Don't chase, get it in seven days.

"Elephant" said: "When the earthquake comes, it is hard to ride."

Translation Sixty-two: When thunder strikes, there is danger. If you lose everything, you should float away and climb to the high nine tombs. Don't look for it. After seven days, you will definitely find it again.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: "Thunderstorms are coming, there is danger, it shows that the six-two Ling rides on the masculinity."

Interpretation of "Book of Changes" has always hated Yin over Yang, I am afraid that Liu Er's situation is very disadvantageous.In Liu Er, the yin is in the yin, and the right is in the middle. It should be auspicious and beneficial, but the ninth day is the master of the Gangyang hexagram, and Liu Er is on top of it. Danger.It's just that Liu Er was able to fully realize his own problems, so he felt a sense of fear in his heart.Yao Ci says "shocking and severe", this "severe" is not an external danger, but refers to the fear that arises from the inner awareness of danger.Fortunately, June [-] has China and Germany, which can properly handle the problems it faces.In fact, June [-] did exactly that.He "ranked among the nine tombs", that is, rose to the high nine tombs, which means that Liu Er drifted away and did not chase after lost things, but what really belonged to him would soon be lost and regained.The "seven days" in Yaoci should not be constrained to be understood literally. The "seven days" here means that the time interval is very short.

Six Three: Shock Susu.Shock line, no embarrassment.

"Xiang" said: Zhen Susu, the position is not right.

Translation [-]: When the thunder strikes, there is panic. If you can move forward with fear because of the thunder, there will be no fault.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: "When the vibration was shaken, there was panic, which indicated that Liusan was not in the right place at this time."

The interpretation of Liusan is that the femininity is in the masculine position, and it is not right or right. Thinking that I am not in the right position, I feel anxious and restless all day long.Therefore, "Xiang Zhuan" said: "Zhen Susu, the position is not appropriate." However, the blame of Liu San Wu Chenggang gave him a way to save himself.He proceeded cautiously with a fearful heart, self-cultivation and self-reflection all day long, and finally avoided the disaster.Wang Bi also said this in "Zhou Yi Zhu": "If you don't take the position, the position is not the place, so you are afraid of Su Su; but there is no rebellion against the strong, so you can act cautiously without confusion."

Ninety-Four: Shake the mud.

"Xiang" said: "The mud is shaken, and there is no light."

Translation Ninety-Four: During the shock, I fell into the mud because of panic.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: During the shock, they fell into the mud due to panic, which shows that the virtue of masculinity in the [-] Fourth Movement has not been displayed and carried forward.

Interpreting this is because the ninth day of the ninth day is based on the movement of one yang under the two yins to obtain the original image of the shock, so the lines of the ninth day of the ninth day can be consistent with the purpose of the hexagrams, and it is reasonable to obtain auspiciousness.However, in the [-]th Movement, the masculine body took the place of yin and softness, and it lost the way of virility it should have. Moreover, it was trapped in the four yin, it was inappropriate to move forward, and it was difficult to defend itself backwards. The hexagrams are completely contradictory.The talents of the [-] Fourth Movement were weakened by the environment, which shows that even a masculine gentleman must choose an appropriate environment and position.Because of the bad situation in September [-]th, he lost the way of vigor and fell into the siege of soft and villainous people.Therefore, even if there is a sky-high ambition, it cannot be displayed, and its original virtue of masculinity cannot be carried forward. For example, Li Yuanba smashed his hammer into the sky and broke his spirit, Xiang Yu entered an ambush on all sides, surrounded by enemies, how are they? Harrowing tragedy!
Sixth Five-Year: Shocking, Li.There is nothing to lose, there is something to do.

"Elephant" said: Shaking back and forth, severe, and dangerous.The matter is in the middle, and there is no mourning.

Translation [-]: When there is a shock, no matter whether you go up or down, there will be danger.As long as one can strictly observe the middle way, one will be foolproof, and one can maintain the power of offering sacrifices to the ancestral temple and the country for a long time.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: When shaking, no matter whether you go up or down, there will be danger. It shows that the June [-]th should be fearful and move forward cautiously.In terms of action, you can be cautious in dealing with everything, so that you can be foolproof.

Interpretation From the point of view of the Yao position, if the sixth and fifth periods are occupied by yin and yang, it is a loss of position, and when it is in an earthquake, you will not be able to respond to the sixth and second. The Yao Ci said: "Shocks come and go, and they are severe." One is that the sixth five can persist in fear of danger and move forward cautiously, and the other is to be able to guard the middle way cautiously and have the virtue of neutrality.Therefore, when danger comes, it can be foolproof, and it can also keep the right of offering sacrifices for a long time, which is what Yao Ci said, "There is no loss for a hundred million, and there is something to do."In fact, these two aspects have been pointed out in "Xiang Zhuan", one is "dangerous behavior", and the other is "the matter is in the middle".Because of being able to "shock and shake", it is possible to "laugh and talk hoarse". "There is no mourning for a hundred million"; because of being able to "not mourn the dagger", it is possible to "keep the ancestral temple and the country" and "have something to do".The experience of the Sixth Five-Year Plan is worth learning. In the face of crisis, we must be cautious, proactive, and maintain a good attitude.

Upper Six: Vibrate Suo Suo, watch evil and evil, sign evil.The shock is not in its bow, but in its neighbors.There is no blame, there is something to say about the marriage.

"Elephant" says: If you shake the cable, you can't get it.Although there is no blame for evil, fear of neighbors is also a warning.

Translation No. [-]: When shaking, because of excessive fear, it is difficult to move an inch, looking and looking at a hesitation, and the mind is uncertain. At this time, the action must be dangerous.If the vibration does not affect oneself but only affects the neighbors, if one is on guard in advance, there will be no harm.Seeking a yin-yang marriage will also lead to a lot of discussion.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: When shaking, because of excessive fear, it is difficult to move an inch, which shows that the first six failed to obtain the way of neutralization.Although it is dangerous, it can avoid causing harm. This shows that Shangliu can see the disasters suffered by neighbors and be afraid and guarded.

Interpretation of the above six, facing the shaking thunder, I was so frightened that my legs sifted through the chaff, I couldn't move half a step forward, I looked left and right, I was hesitant in advance and retreat, and my mind was unsteady, so the line said "shock the rope, look at the haze", in this case If you move forward rashly, regardless of reality, it will undoubtedly be dangerous.The Yao Ci said, "The shock is not caused by its bow, but its neighbors are not to blame", which is what it is talking about.On the sixth day, if you can take precautions in advance when the shock has not yet shaken your body but only hits your neighbors, you will naturally be able to avoid disasters and will not incur any blame.Shangliu is at the extreme of Zhen Gua because of its feminine nature, and it is bound to be full of difficulties and dangers. That's why Shangliu is so difficult to move an inch, and of course it is not suitable for any action. The "marriage" in "Marriage and Counseling" refers to the combination of yin and yang, which is at the extreme of the hexagram. This kind of action of yin and yang combination is definitely not appropriate, so it leads to verbal disputes and discussions. "Marriage with words" means "to levy evil", and it is a warning not to act rashly.

(End of this chapter)

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