Chapter 61 Huan Gua
The Huan hexagram is composed of the lower ridge and the upper sundae, and the shape of the hexagram is "", which symbolizes "looseness".The upper hexagram "Xun" is wind, and the lower hexagram "Kan" is water: when the wind travels on the water, ripples appear, which means "laxity".From the perspective of the unity of opposites, Quan Gua shows the interdependent relationship between "scattering" and "aggregation" in a specific state of development of things.

Huan: Heng, Wang Jia has a temple.Li involved Dachuan.Li Zhen.

The translation of the hexagram Huan symbolizes laxity: prosperity, the king keeps the temple sacrifices with virtue to inspire the gods, which is conducive to crossing large rivers and huge rivers, and is conducive to maintaining integrity.

Interpreting Huan Gua, there is a sign of prosperity.Because the ninety-two and ninety-five lines are the main lines of the internal and external hexagrams, like a king in the throne, with great power in his hands, well-informed command, and all officials obey their duties and obey the king. "The king came to the ancestral temple to sacrifice in person", which shows that the stars are guarding and the king is in the place of Tianshu.The so-called "beneficial for wading and crossing the river" is a metaphor for the king to use "moral education" as a boat to ride through the waves and make contributions to what he wants.When it is popular on the water, the water waves are scattered, but the water waves are scattered but not chaotic, the order is orderly, and the arts are brilliant.Scattered but not chaotic, scattered but able to gather, of course, can lead to prosperity. "Wangjiayoumiao" has already appeared in the Cui hexagram.Here it means that the king gathers the blessings of the gods through ancestral temple sacrifices, and at the same time, it also arouses people's clan consciousness and even national consciousness, unites the hearts of all people, saves laxity, and overcomes difficulties.Since the king has received the help of the gods of the ancestors and strengthened the psychological cohesion of the people, he can solve the disaster.The hexagram "Lishe Dachuan" is just a metaphor that gathering manpower can help people in trouble.Note that the behavior at this time must be correct, the rescue is slack, and the gathering is prosperous. The key is to be correct. If you don’t act righteously, there will be blasphemous and dangerous things, so the hexagram finally emphasizes "benefiting chastity".Judging from the hexagrams, Ji Huan Zhiheng has three main points: one is sincerity, one is to gather human resources, and the other is to behave righteously.None of these three can be successful.

"彖" said: Huan, "Heng", just came but not poor, so soft that the outside is the same. "The king has a temple in his house", and the king is in it. "Benefiting across the great river" is also meritorious for taking advantage of wood.

The translation "Zhuan Zhuan" says: laxity leads to prosperity because the masculine comes to live in the softness without being poor, and the feminine gets the masculinity who is located outside and has the same virtue as the masculinity above.The king kept temple sacrifices with his virtues to inspire the gods, which shows that the king's residence is in the middle and can unite people's hearts.It is good for crossing big rivers and huge rivers, which means that you will succeed in taking risks together in a wooden boat.

Interpretation of "just coming but not poor, soft so that the outside is the same" is to explain from the hexagram body why it is lax but prosperous.Huan hexagram kan lower sunda upper, according to the theory of hexagram change, the lower body kan is originally kun, the upper body sunda is originally dry; the first line of qian comes to occupy the middle position of kun, kun becomes kan, and the middle line of kun fills qian In the first place, when dry, it becomes Sunda.In this way, the original lower body Kun hexagram and yin and the upper body Qian hexagram's yang are dispersed and decomposed, and the whole hexagram body becomes the hexagram shape of Huan hexagram, which explains why Huan hexagram is called "Huan" from the hexagram body.The Gang Yao Nine-two of the lower body of Huan Gua originally came from the upper body, while the Yin Yao Six-four of the upper body originally came from the lower body.Ninety-two Gangyao came to live in the next hexagram, and lived in harmony with Chuyao, Sanyao and other Yin Yao, and had endless contacts. This is called "just coming but not poor"; Living in the outer hexagrams, inheriting the ninety-five, upper nine and other yang lines, and being in the same heart and mind with them, this is called "the softness is on the outside but the same on the top".From the hexagram changes of the Huan hexagram, it can be seen that although yin and yang are scattered, they are scattered but not poor, and they gain positions when they are scattered, and they get together when they are scattered. This explains why they can be prosperous when they are scattered. "The king has a temple, but the king is in the middle." It is about the ninth five years in the middle.The ninety-five is right in the middle, and he is the master of gathering and dispersal, so he can thank the gods with sincerity. "Through benefiting the great river, taking advantage of the trees will make meritorious deeds", which means that although there are dangers in the time of slack, as long as you are committed to saving slack, you can still go through dangers and make achievements.Note that "Zhuan Zhuan" here emphasizes "taking advantage of wood".The hexagram Huan goes down from the ridge to the sundae, and the ridge is water. The other meaning of Sunda is wood. The body of the hexagram itself has the image of a wooden boat sailing on the water. Therefore, it is said that "riding wood has merit", which is a metaphor for gathering human resources to save money in danger. can succeed.

"Xiang" said: "Feng travels on the water, Huan."The former kings enjoyed themselves with the emperor and set up temples.

The translation "Xiang Zhuan" says: The upper hexagram of this hexagram is Xun, and Xun is wind; the lower hexagram is Kan, and Kan is water.Feng Xingshui is the hexagram image of Huan hexagram.The ancient kings observed this hexagram, and thus enjoyed offering sacrifices to the emperor of heaven, established ancestral temples, and promoted the "moral education" of respecting heaven and filial piety.

The interpretation of water waves is scattered, but they are scattered but not chaotic, and the order is orderly. It means that the shape is scattered and the spirit is gathered.Offering sacrifices to the Emperor of Heaven can bring together the spirit scattered in the boundless sky in one altar, and building a ancestral temple can gather in one room, so as to obtain the help of the gods.At the same time, "Enjoy the Emperor of Heaven and build a temple" itself is also an effective measure to unite the people.Therefore, "Zhou Yi Cheng's Biography" said: "There is no such thing as a ancestral temple to gather people's hearts; the reward of sacrifices comes from their hearts. Therefore, 'enjoying the emperor' and 'establishing a temple' are where the hearts of the people return. Dao, there is nothing greater than this."

The sixth day of the lunar month: use the rescue horse to be strong, auspicious.

"Xiang" said: "The sixth day is auspicious and smooth."

Translation: Sixth day of the lunar month: Borrowing a strong and good horse to rescue the slack will get auspicious.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The auspiciousness of the sixth day is because he can obey the talents of the ninety-two.

At the beginning of the interpretation of the Sixth Place of Huan, the Huan has just begun, and it is relatively easy to save it.But the sixth day of the lunar new year is soft and weak, so he must rely on external forces.There is no answer on the sixth day of the lunar new year, but it is closer to the second year of the ninth day. If you can obey the second day of the ninth day and save yourself, you will be able to succeed.Ninety-two is talented and fully capable of helping Chuliu Zhenghuan.Ninety-two talents are as powerful as a strong horse. Yaoci used "use the horse to be strong" to describe the help of ninety-two on the sixth day of the junior high school, which is very vivid.Since the sixth day borrowed the help of the external force of the second day of the ninth day, the laxity that had just started was rescued early, so Yao Ci commented on it as "auspicious". "Xiang Zhuan" said: "The sixth day of the sixth day is auspicious, and Shun Ye." It is pointed out that the reason for the sixth day's auspiciousness is due to obedience to the talents of the ninety-two.This "shun" not only means that the sixth day is obedient to the second day of the ninth day, but also has the meaning of being in line with the times. It means that the timing of the sixth day is well grasped.If the beginning of the scatter is missed and the slack is a foregone conclusion, then even if "use the horse to save the horse", it cannot be recovered.Jiu Er Yao faced this problem.

Ninety-two: Huan rushes to the opportunity, regrets death.

"Xiang" said: Huan rushes to the opportunity and gets the wish.

Translation Ninety-two: When you are scattered, run to a few cases that can be relied upon, and regret disappears.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: When you are lax, you run to a few cases that can be relied on, which shows that the desire of Yin and Yang to meet in September [-]nd.

The reason why the word "Huan" is not used on the sixth day of the first day is because the situation of slack has not yet formed at the beginning of the sixth division of the first day, and the other lines start with the word "Huan" because they are already at the time of formation of slack.The sixth day is the beginning of laxity, which can be rescued by borrowing a strong horse, which is what should be rescued.Ninety-two is at a time when laxity has formed. Instead of saving it without success, it is better to quickly leave the dangerous situation and go to a safe place.So where is the safe place?Ninety-two has no right answer, but it is compared with the yin and yang of the sixth day, and the two sides rely on each other and help each other.Chuli regards Jiuer as a strong horse that can be borrowed, while Jiuer regards Chuli as a few cases that can be relied upon, that is, a place where he can live in peace.Therefore, Yao Ci said that "Ninety-two "follow the opportunity".However, because the sixth day is at the beginning of the slack, and there is help from the [-]nd Gang, it can get "auspicious"; and the [-]nd is already in the slack, and it relies on the softness of the sixth day to help, so it can only be "regret".In fact, dispersal and gathering are relative terms.When the ninety-two place is scattered, it is irretrievable and it is urgent to go to the sixth day of the lunar new year. Instead, the wish of yin and yang reuniting can be realized, which embodies the meaning of Huan Gua and hexagram that disperse but can gather.This is another way to seek prosperity. "Xiang Zhuan" said: "If you want to follow the opportunity, you will get the wish." It just points out this point.

Six three: Huan Qi bow, no regrets.

"Xiang" says: Huan Qi bows, and his ambition is outside.

Translation [-]: Scatter yourself, have no regrets.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: Scattering oneself is because Liusan's ambition is outside of oneself.

Interpretation Liusan is a feminine quality, and it is neither right nor right. He has selfish thoughts and should have regrets, but he lives in the Yang position and should be in Shangjiu. Self-forgetfulness and selflessness to help Huan, thus eliminating the mistakes that lead to regret, so the line says: "Huan Qi bows, no regrets." Helping the world's Huan, but it is consistent with the ambition of the upper nine, and the yin and yang are gathered together, which also reflects the meaning of the interdependence of the Huan hexagram.

June Fourth: Huanqiqun, Yuanji, Huanyouqiu, incredible.

"Xiang" said: Huanqiqun, Yuanji, Guangda also.

Translation June [-]: It is very auspicious to scatter one's cronies; it is not something ordinary people can think of.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: It is very auspicious to scatter his cronies, which shows that the character of June Fourth is upright.

Interpretation of the June Fourth Judgment is positive, the upper part is inherited from the Ninth Five-Year Plan, and the lower part is unresponsive and selfless, which seems to be disintegrating its cronies.June [-]th, as a fair and selfless minister, not only was able to disband his cronies and make the country prosperous, but also dismantled all kinds of small groups and separatist forces that hindered unity, scattered small groups and reunited a large group like a hill—a A complete, unified and powerful country.It is not easy to achieve this. It not only requires June Fourth to be of good quality and be impartial, but also requires June Fourth to have the ambition of a statesman and possess outstanding political vision.These are not something ordinary people can think about, so Yao Ci said that the behavior of June [-]th was "unbelievable".June [-]th did not pursue the selfishness of cronies, and took it as its own duty to gather people's hearts and help the world.

Ninth Five: Huan Khan's big name, Huan Wang's residence, no blame.

"Xiang" said: "The king lives without blame, and he is in the right place."

Translation Ninth Five: Just like the sweat that spreads out of the body and does not return, the king issues an upright order to save the turmoil.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The king sits in the battle to command, and the order must be followed, and there is no harm.

Interpretation of "Huanhan" is a metaphor for the king issuing orders, just like sweat flowing from the body, which cannot be taken back, symbolizing the king's determination to fight Huan.We all have this experience. When the body is stagnant and cold, if we can sweat profusely, the disease will be cured.The same is true of the country and society. After a long period of accumulation of evils, various problems will appear and "diseases" will appear.Therefore, it is more appropriate to use "Huanhan" as a metaphor for the king issuing orders to save Huan.Although June Fourth was a politician with outstanding achievements, he was only a minister who carried out orders after all.At the time of Chu Huanzhi, it was the masculine and dignified Jiu Wu who issued the order to save Huan without hesitation.With such a farsighted leader in command, and a selfless and capable general like June Fourth to implement it, it is certain that the rescue will be successful.No harm is left, so the line says "the king lives without blame".The Ninth Five-Year Speech actually means that there must be a correct core of leadership in the process of rescuing and gathering, and the Ninth Five-Year Plan is just like "Xiang Zhuan" said that it is a talented leader who is in the "right position" .

Upper Nine: loosen the blood, remove the tympanum, no blame.

"Elephant" says: To loosen the blood will cause far-reaching harm.

Translation of the first nine: lax to the extreme to achieve the great gathering of the world, so worry away from fear and fear, there is no blame.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: The extreme laxity leads to the great gathering of the world, so worry and stay away, which shows that the upper nine is far away from harm.

Interpretation of Shangjiuju Huan hexagram is extremely extreme, but through the efforts of each line, chaos has reached great order, and great dispersal has reached great gathering, so Shangjiu can be free from worries, stay away from harm and "no blame".

(End of this chapter)

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