Chapter 64

The Xiaoguo hexagram is composed of lower gen and upper shock, and the shape of the hexagram is "", which symbolizes "a little overcoming".The upper hexagram "Zhen" is thunder, and the lower hexagram "Gen" is a mountain: the thunder is loudly ringing on the top of the mountain, and the momentum is a little too normal, implying the situation of "a little overcoming".It means that those who are humble and gentle can live, and the small things in daily life can be passed, but only small things have to be missed.The whole hexagram reveals the truth that in the process of the development of things, sometimes the soft and ordinary parts should be slightly surpassed.

Xiaoguo: Heng, Lizhen.It can be a small matter, but not a big one.The sound left by the bird should not be played, but it should be played, good luck.

The translation Xiaoguo hexagram symbolizes the overcoming of small things: it can lead to prosperity and help to maintain integrity.But you can only do some small and soft things, but you can't practice the strong and big things in the world.Just like a bird leaving a sad cry, it is not suitable for flying upward, but suitable for resting downward, so that it will be very auspicious.

Interpreting the hexagram of Xiaoguo, there is a sign of prosperity, which means that small mistakes will not hinder the overall situation and can still be prosperous.Small things are wrong, but they can keep the heart of benefiting others and follow the right way. When advancing and retreating, they can still pass without hindrance.The sixth and second yin lines of this hexagram are in the middle of the lower hexagram. Although people are weak in strength, they follow the right way and do what they can, which is naturally auspicious.However, the positions of the two yang lines of September [-] and September [-] are not appropriate. Although people are powerful, they do not follow the righteous way. If they plan to achieve great things, they will not succeed.This hexagram shakes up and down, and has the image of a bird flying over a mountain. "Flying Bird" makes a whining sound in order to find a place to live. If you go up, you will feel uncomfortable, and if you go down, you will find peace. Going over is dangerous, and going down is auspicious.Usually we often say that everything should not be excessive, but we need to analyze the specific situation in detail. Sometimes it is a good thing to go a little too far.

"Yuan" said: "Small faults, small faults will lead to prosperity."Exceeding "Lizhen" is also in line with the times.If you are gentle, it is auspicious for small things.It is "not a big deal" if you just lost your position but didn't hit it.It has the image of "flying bird". "The sound of the flying bird should not go up, but it should go down, and it will be auspicious."

The translation "Zhuan Zhuan" said: "Small overstepping" means that if you go overboard in daily trivial matters, you can achieve prosperity.Going overboard is good for keeping upright and firm, and it shows that the way of minor mistakes should be implemented in conjunction with the appropriate time.There is impartiality in the yin and softness, so Xiaoguo can get auspiciousness by doing ordinary soft and small things.Masculinity loses its proper position and cannot be in the center, so minor faults cannot be used to fulfill the world's majestic and majestic affairs.There is a metaphor in the hexagram of a flying bird. The flying bird makes a sad cry. It is not suitable to fly upwards but to rest downwards. This will be very auspicious. Will Anshun.

Interpretation of "Small faults, the small ones pass and prosper", the four yins and two yangs in the Xiaoguo hexagram, the prosperity of yin and the decline of yang, are faults for the small ones.There are often many things in the world that are biased. Only by "going a little too far" can we get from the bias to the middle way, and naturally we can achieve prosperity.Therefore, it is said that "small faults, small faults will lead to prosperity."The way to overstep the small ones must be carried out when the mistakes are made, and you must not act arbitrarily, otherwise you will blindly make small mistakes, and you will inevitably go wrong and become fierce. Therefore, the right timing is very important for small mistakes. This is what is said in the "Zhuan Zhuan" that "the past is 'lizhen', and it is also in line with the times". "If you are soft, it means small things are auspicious. If you just lose your position and don't hit it, it means 'no big things'."Soft refers to six-two and six-five, and rigid refers to nine-three and nine-four.Although the sophomores and the sixty-fives are soft and soft, but the docile people can do small things, but can't help big things, so it can only be "small things are good".To do great things, you must have masculine talents. Without masculine talents, you will never be able to do great things. However, in the Nine Threes and Nine Fours in the Xiaoguo hexagram, if one gets the position and the other loses the position, the masculinity will be lost. It is difficult to display talents even if they have superb skills.When you are in a small transition, you must not forget to be humble and gentle. This is also a way to be flexible. "The sound of the flying bird should not go up, but it should go down, and it will be auspicious" in "Zhuan Zhuan", which is the truth.Among them, the upper reverse refers to the six-five Ju Shangcheng Gang, and the lower Shun refers to the lower Chengyang in the sixth and second places.A tired flying bird, whose cry is already so sad, will suffer greater harm if it flies upwards. At this time, it is better to rest downwards. It can be seen that the reason why it is better to go down than to go up is because of "upwards and downwards". Shun" is determined by the Yao image.

"Elephant" said: There is thunder on the mountain, but it is a small mistake.A gentleman uses deeds more than respect, mourning more than mourning, use more than frugality.

The translation "Xiang Zhuan" says: The lower hexagram of this hexagram is Gen, and Gen is the mountain; the upper hexagram is earthquake, earthquake is thunder, and there is thunder on the mountain, which is the hexagram image of Xiaoguo.When a gentleman observes this hexagram, he is afraid of thunder from the sky, and dare not make mistakes.Therefore, one should not be too courteous in one's conduct, one should not be too mournful in one's funeral, one should not be too frugal in one's spending, only moderate.

Interpretation of the Xiaoguo hexagram: Gen goes down and shakes up, Gen is a mountain, and quake is thunder, so there is an image of thunder on a mountain.Usually people mostly hear the sound of thunder on the flat ground, but now the thunder is ringing on the top of the mountain, and the echo of the valley makes the sound of the thunder slightly higher than the normal level on the flat ground, so the image of thunder on the mountain is used to symbolize the small There are oversteps.The gentleman must have received a lot of inspiration when he saw the image of the small fault of thunder on the mountain.Gentlemen imitate the image of thunder on the mountain and use it in daily social life to make themselves more humble and gentle. It is an act of humility and kindness. In these small daily matters, gentlemen can go a little too far to correct the evils of the world.Just because the folk customs are simple and wild, the gentleman shows too much humility in dealing with others; just because the human feelings are poor, and the mourning is not mournful, the gentleman mourns and shows too much sorrow; it is also because the world is declining and extravagance is flourishing, the gentleman is sloppy. , showing excessive thriftiness.The ancients said that if you are above the five, you can get what you want, and those who correct the wrong must go beyond the right.

Sixth day: Birds are fierce.

"Elephant" said: "Flying birds are fierce, so there is nothing to do."

Translation Sixth Day: Asuka insists on going against the trend, there will be dangers.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: If the bird insists on going against the trend, there will be dangers, which shows that the sixth day is helpless and takes the blame.

Interpretation The sixth day is at the beginning of the Xiaoguo hexagram, and the femininity is in the masculine position, and it should not be in it. It is a time when it is not appropriate to take action, but to rest and dwell.However, on the sixth day of the lunar new year, knowing that there will be obstacles from the [-]th and [-]nd, but they can't help themselves. If they respond to the [-]th, they will definitely break their wings and fall to the ground, and there will be no good results.The sixth day of the lunar new year also has a tragic personality. If it is the fault of the bird, it is too late to reverse it.

Sixty-two: To surpass one's ancestors, one meets one's concubine;Not to blame.

"Xiang" said: "It's not as good as the king, but the minister is no more."

Translation [-]: If you surpass your grandfather, you can meet your grandmother, but it is not as good as the monarch. If the monarch can meet his servants, there will be no harm at all.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: not as good as the monarch, which shows that Liu Er, as a servant, must not surpass his noble monarch.

It is interpreted that the grandfather is the grandfather, which refers to the [-]th; the concubine, and the "jun" below both refer to the [-]th; the minister, of course, refers to the [-]nd.Liu Er is soft and right in the middle, and it can properly cross Nine Three and Nine Four in the process of progress, so as to be able to meet Liu Wu. The servants obey Liuwu the same way they treat the monarch, and the Liuwu can meet Liuer, so it is said that "better than his ancestors, meet his concubine, not as good as his king, and meet his ministers".June [-] has the virtue of being upright. On the surface, it seems that it is too much or not enough, but in fact it is just moderate. June [-] has no harm, and it seems to be so.

Nine three: Don't let it go, prevent it.From or kill it, fierce.

"Xiang" said: follow or kill it, how fierce it is.

Translation [-]: If you don't want to be on guard too much, you are bound to be harmed by others, which is dangerous.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: It is bound to be harmed by others, which shows how dangerous the September [-]rd is!

Interpreting Jiusan is above the lower hexagrams, placing masculinity in the position of masculinity, and attaining righteousness, will inevitably be hated by many feminine and villainous people, and will be constantly harmed by them.Jiusan should be on guard against villains at this time, so as not to be plotted against.What is extremely regrettable is that Jiusan has a rather fatal weakness, that is, he is strong when he is strong, and he is strong when he is masculine. Yu took strict precautions, so he was killed by villains.The nine major accidents in Jingzhou, and being harmed by the little people without knowing the precautions, and the disaster is imminent without knowing it, this kind of danger is the most serious.Because of this, "Xiang Zhuan" said "follow or kill it, whatever it is."

Ninth Four: No blame, no fault, encounter it.If you go hard, you must quit.Do not use Yongzhen.

"Xiang" said: If you pass by, if you encounter it, you are in an improper position.Go hard, you must refrain, and you can't grow it in the end.

Translation Ninety Four: There will be no harm.If you are not too strong, you can meet softness, but if it is dangerous to go there, you must be vigilant, do not use it, and always keep it upright.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: If you are not too strong, you can meet femininity, which shows that the position of masculinity in September [-]th is not appropriate.It is dangerous to go to Yinghe, so you must be vigilant, it means that Yinghe's yin and soft will not be able to remain harmless for a long time.

It is not too rigid to interpret the position of Yang in the Yin position of September [-]th, so it can be met at the beginning of the next hexagram, and there is an image of "appropriate to go down" in the words of the hexagram, so September [-]th will not cause harm.But the yang of the ninth day is in the yin position, which is suspected of being out of order. If you take the initiative to go to meet the sixth day, you will really lose the way of self-preservation and quietness, so Yao Ci specially warns: "Go hard".At the same time, it is also required to "don't use it" and "eternal chastity" during the [-] Fourth Movement.It is a fact that the yang is in the yin position in September [-]th, and it is a fact that "the position is not appropriate". This point is specifically mentioned here in "Xiang Zhuan", which is to remind readers not to think that if they are not too strong, they can meet the feminine without harm, so they get carried away and take the initiative to respond to the yin. sixth day.Because of the "inappropriate position", so at this time of September [-]th, we must keep "don't use it" and keep it "eternal chastity". You must not take the initiative to meet the sixth day. If it corresponds to the sixth day, it will not be harmless for a long time, which is what "Xiang Zhuan" said "it will not last forever".

Sixth Five-Year: Miyun does not rain, I am in the western suburbs.Gong Yi, take the other in the hole.

"Xiang" said: Miyun does not rain, it has already gone up.

Translation Ninety-five: The cloud is thick and does not rain, and the cloud rises from the western suburbs of our city. The princes and nobles try their best to shoot the cunning beast hidden in the cave.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: cloudy clouds but no rain, it shows that the sixth five is too feminine, and it is already higher than the masculine.

Interpretation Liuwu is based on yin and softness and occupies a respectable position, high and high, so there is the image of "dense clouds", but because there is no yang response under Liuwu, and if there is no yang combined with it, it cannot form rain, so the line says "no rain".Since Miyun rises from the western suburbs of our city, the clouds must be blown by the westerly wind, and the west wind is generally not easy to make rain, so "self-western suburbs" is a further point to the reason why "Miyun does not rain" , It also vividly shows that the [-]th Office is doomed to not be able to accomplish much when such a small mistake is made.The "gong" in this sentence should refer to Liu Wu himself, and only Liu Wu can be called a prince and noble in this hexagram. "Zaixue" refers to the beast hidden in the cave. This sentence closely follows the previous meaning, which shows that Liu Wu is in the position of a king. Although he cannot benefit all things in the world, he can still do a little bit of it as a prince and nobleman. Work, try to eliminate harm, and correct the disadvantages.In this way, it seems that the image of sixty-five dense clouds and no rain actually fits the meaning of the hexagram "small ones pass" and "no big things".

Upper Six: When you don't encounter it, if you pass it, the birds leave it, it is fierce, it is called a calamity.

"Xiang" said: If you don't meet, you will pass it, and you will be overwhelmed.

Translation No. [-]: Unable to meet masculinity but exceed the limit, like a bird being shot, there is danger, this is called a disaster.

"Xiang Zhuan" said: "If you can't meet the masculinity and go beyond the limit, it means that the upper six is ​​already in the extremely high place."

At the end of the interpretation of the upper Liuju Xiaoguo hexagram, the yin and softness is too high, and has long lost its moderation. Not only can it not match the lower yang, but also the hyperactivity of its own body has exceeded the limit, so it is said "I have never met it".The flying bird desperately flew upwards and reached the extreme point, but was shot and killed.Therefore, "Zhouyi Zhengyi" said: "If you are a small person, if you pass by and don't meet, you will be caught."

(End of this chapter)

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