Cute little jade rabbit: the fox king wants to hug

Chapter 163 Beauty, have you taken a fancy to me?

Chapter 163 Beauty, have you taken a fancy to me?
Today, you will be able to see the Su Ling.

Mo Anu lay back on the couch, closed his eyes, and these words flashed through his mind.

The carriage of King Lu's Mansion arrived outside the gate of the palace, and the guards guarding the gate looked at the donkey sitting with the driver on the carriage in disbelief, stretched out their hands and rubbed their eyes.

That's right!

He hurriedly turned around and went in to talk to the chief guard, who also followed him out.

Looking at the donkey on the carriage of Prince Lu's mansion, his face twitched, he suppressed a burst of laughter, and saluted the carriage: "I've seen Princess Lu."

Lu Zhiyun was in the carriage, secretly thinking that it must be the reason for Moanu's donkey, he opened the curtain, and smiled at the chief guard: "Speak, what's the matter?"

The chief guard pointed to the donkey sitting on the cart: "This, is it the donkey of Prince Mo's Mansion? Can you not go in?"

Mo Anu lay down, closed his eyes and shouted to the outside: "No! The donkey wants to enter!"

Before, during Princess Mo's Jiji banquet, this donkey showed up at the gate of the palace once.The chief guard has already remembered the donkey.

Hearing Mo Anu's voice in the carriage, the head guard groaned and said with a frown.

"Master Mo Xiaojun, the Second Prince and Third Princess of Beiqi are here today. If the donkey enters the palace, they may cause unnecessary misunderstandings to you."

"Not afraid."

She sat up, knelt and sat by the window, looked carefully at the chief guard, and grinned: "Thank you very much. Master understands, but the donkey wants to enter."

The head guard nodded and let go.

Lu Zhiyun didn't understand why Mo Anu insisted on bringing the donkey into the palace.

It turned out that it was rumored in the palace that she was going to marry the prince, so she could be unscrupulous. Later, she thought that she could marry Su Ling, but Emperor Qing revealed that Su Ling would be the son-in-law of the Northern Qi Dynasty.

But now, what can she rely on?
Frowning, he watched her sit back on the couch, and seeing her half-closed her eyes, as if she was thinking about something, she couldn't help but asked worriedly: "Mo Anu, today is different, don't be so self-willed."

The corners of Mo Anu's lips curled slightly, he opened his eyes, smiled at her, and did not speak to her.

She understood Lu Zhiyun's worry in her heart.

The father, queen, mother and concubine are gone, and Su Ling is about to become the son-in-law of the Northern Qi Dynasty. It is absolutely impossible for Emperor Qing to let Hua Wuque marry her.

She has nothing else to rely on except herself.

so what?

Does she, Mo Anu, have to rely on these people?
There was a sneer on the corner of his lips.Moanu slowly closed his eyes.

After the accident in the Zuixiang Building on Chaofeng Street, she had already settled the price through a middleman at a low price. The Huguo Temple she went to personally invited Abbot Kong Ji to save the dead in the building at night.

I also invited the eminent monks in the temple to re-do it for everyone to see during the day.

It was reopened and senior officials were invited to cut the ribbon. Today's Cuixiang Building is the former Zuixiang Building.

Still full of guests, still full of prosperity.

However, no one knows that the boss behind this scene is her, Mo Anu.

Uncle Zhang, the accountant in Cuixiang Building, has full authority to take care of it. The money will only increase but not decrease. The expenditure of the mansion is not large.

Prince Mo and Concubine Mo died for the country, so others naturally dare not despise her.

As for her, no one can do anything to her under the guise of madness.

Unless, she wanted to die, but, how could it be so easy to die?

Mo Anu opened his eyes, looked at Lu Zhiyun looking at her thoughtfully, slightly hooked the corners of his lips, stretched out his index finger and gently tickled her chin: "Beauty, have you taken a fancy to me?"

Lu Zhiyun turned his face away, and glared at her with a blushing face: "Don't be out of tune, I'm afraid I won't have much to say when I see Xueyan later, you settle her by yourself, as for the third princess, I will help you."

 There are three more chapters tonight, four chapters a day, all right!
  Thank you for your support!Love you guys!
(End of this chapter)

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