Chapter 316 Destruction 4
The demon clan seemed to have been completely wiped out by the demon clan overnight.

Lingyin's body was buried on the top of Xuefeng by Mo Anu, and next to him was Hualuochun, which they buried together.

Moanu supported the tree with his hand and carved Lingyin's name on it.

Wiping away her tears, she whispered to his grave: "In the coming year, I will definitely come to drink the flowers and fall spring with you."

Mo Anu didn't know if Yaozu would have an afterlife, or if they would be reincarnated.

She made a promise with him, she will do it.

After losing the trace of the Su Ling, she took out Tan Ling again, and said to it: "Is the Su Ling in the demon world?"

Tan Ling was so serious for the first time.

It closed a pair of black bean eyes.

Just when Moanu thought it was asleep, it opened suddenly, and two black and deep lights shot out from its eyes.

Mo Anu frowned, and after a while, he heard Tan Ling say: "Your Majesty is no longer in the Demon Realm."

Her heart began to panic.

Obviously, soldiers from the heavens came to drive away the magic flame, but he disappeared.

Could it be that he was taken away by the magic flame?
I was flustered.

"Little Princess Mo..."

Just when she was at a loss, she suddenly heard a faint breath.

She turned around quickly and saw not far away, a person among the corpses was waving.

Walking over and pulling him out, I saw clearly that the blood-soaked man in black clothes turned out to be coquettish.

"You, you are coquettish?!"

The blood-colored Yaoye gasped and nodded.

"The king was taken away by the magic flame.

Mo Yan said that he would exchange his life for your spiritual body.

If you disagree, he will use the king as a puppet for Hu Ling'er. "

After Yaoye finished speaking, she passed out.

Mo Anu's lips did not close for a while.

Su Ling was taken away by the magic flame!

"Fairy! Wake up!"

However, it is already difficult for Yaoyao, whose spiritual power is exhausted, to become a prototype, and she can't sleep at all at this time.

Mo Anu frowned, accumulated spiritual power with one hand, and poured it in along his veins.

Not long after, Yaoye woke up, looked at her pale complexion, and continued: "The king won't let you go, he will find a way to leave."

"Where did they go?!"

"Abandoned Heaven and Void Realm."

Moana froze.

The Wasted Sky Void Realm is a barrier that seals and imprisons the magic flame.

In a place separated from the human world.

The desolation there is full of quicksand and nightmares.

Why did Demon Flame take him there?

However, Mo Anu knew very well that if she passed by like this, she would definitely not be able to save Su Ling.

After bringing Yaoye back to the capital and handing it over to Xiaoyu, she got up and went to Chongtianmen.

Daoist Yiqing may not necessarily be able to make a move, but there is someone who can compete with him, and more importantly, he can make a move.

With the determination to die, Mo Anu flew to the 23rd Peak.

At the same time, Hua Wuque in the palace got the news that the demon clan was destroyed, and Su Xiaowang was taken away by the magic flame.

He immediately left the palace and went to Chongtianmen.

If he guessed correctly, Mo Anu would definitely go to Chongtianmen to see Taoist Yiqing.

However, to his surprise, he did not see Mo Anu in the main hall of Chongtianmen.

And some disciples saw her heading towards the 23rd peak.

Hua Wuque was startled, and immediately flew to the 23rd peak.

Before he could take off his bright yellow dragon robe, he was secretly afraid.

The long and narrow phoenix eyes flashed a faint red light at the moment when he kept flying at extreme speed.

As the red light in his eyes became more and more prosperous, the more disappointed he was with Mo Anu who was concerned about the 23rd peak on the upper spirit.

If she hadn't known what peak 23 had, she would never have come here.

She should go to the master.

When she came to Peak 23, she must have seen him!
(End of this chapter)

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