Chapter 357 Is It Your Turn?
The Dragon King looked at Mo Anu with a serious face, and really couldn't think of why she would harm him.

After all, if this woman wanted his two princes, he had agreed to it before.

Mo Anu was expressionless.

"Your Majesty the Dragon King, would you like to bring the corpses of Wu Zuo and Yumeri here, or would you move over to check?"

The Dragon King has been looking at the faces of her and the head of the koi clan, and seeing her serious look, the idea of ​​the koi clan's intention to murder him is more solid in his heart.

Tuoba Qing didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, he looked at Mo Anu, the corners of his lips slightly raised.

In the past, Mo Anu seemed crazy, but in fact his head turned very fast.

In such a situation, most people's first reaction would be to be stunned and then at a loss, but she quickly came up with an emergency solution.

Presumably she is not as she appears on the surface, ignorant of worldly affairs.

In fact, she should be a smart woman.

The Dragon King groaned, and said, "Bring the body of the Mermaid here!"

Not long after, an attendant from the clan's mansion brought in the body of the Mermaid, followed by Wu Zuo.

Mo Anu didn't wipe away his tears, he couldn't see what kind of person, no, what kind of species this so-called coworker was.

The moment Jin Li saw the corpse, his face turned pale, he put his hand to his lips, and slowly covered his eyes.

Mo Anu looked at Jin Li, and saw that she seemed to be covering her face, but in reality her eyes were gloomy and stern.

At this time, the timid one has already whispered out.

And the patriarch even turned his head to the side, not looking at it.

When the Mermaid was thrown out, her cheeks were only slightly swollen, but now her hands and face are black and her eyes are protruding.

Mo Anu looked coldly at her eyes that could no longer hide the madness, and couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

Sweeping wide eyes, he looked at the master.

The Wuzuo's eyes were erratic, and finally his eyes fell on Jin Li's face, he settled down, and then turned to the corpse in front of him.

Jin Li let go of his hands covering his face, and said to everyone: "Wu Zuo has come, let's start."

"Wait a minute!"

Mo Anu's stop made Jin Li's brows sharpen, and he turned his head to look at her: "What do you mean? Could it be that there is a ghost in your heart?!"

Mo Anu raised his eyebrows, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and said with a sneer: "I didn't want to scold people, but I couldn't hold it back.

Are you sick idiot?

Do you really think that the East China Sea is opened by your family?
Why didn't you see His Majesty the Dragon King here?

You call the shots?Is it your turn? "

"Your Majesty the Dragon King, I beg Your Majesty to keep the corpse still and invite an assistant from the Dragon Palace to dissect the corpse.

I personally think that the poisoning and the death of the Mermaid are strange.

If you let people in the clan's mansion come to at most the comfort of His Majesty the Dragon King, I will be the first to disagree!

Please allow His Majesty the Dragon King! "

These words were sonorous and forceful, and every sentence made sense, which made Jin Carp's complexion pale.

The Dragon King always felt that something was wrong, as if he was being led away by someone. Only now did he understand after Mo Anu finished speaking.

It turns out that this koi family has been owed to everyone's nose.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and gave the patriarch a cold look.

The people present also felt very strange.

This mermaid seems to be acting unreasonably like a ghost today, and now her biological daughter is like this.

Could it be that the patriarch of the koi clan has been completely controlled by these two mothers and daughters?

And the attitude of this golden carp princess is particularly strange.

Normally, when one's biological mother and concubine die, the first reaction should be one of extreme grief, rather than searching for a dead body for investigation.

 New week begins!Ask for a ticket! !Touch it!

(End of this chapter)

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