Cute little jade rabbit: the fox king wants to hug

Chapter 394 What do you have to say!

Chapter 394 What Do You Say!

Mo Anu lowered his head, babbled for a long time, and said: "Anyway, I can't marry Yaozun."

Tianhou narrowed her eyes coldly, and her pupils suddenly became sharp.

"Marry? Even if you want to marry now, you won't be able to!
Now, who is it? "

Mo Anu's heart relaxed, when he looked up, he saw Tianhou's face was like a bitter melon, and he didn't close his grinning mouth.

"It's Su Ling, the demon king. We have loved each other for 100 years, and 100 years is not enough for 200 years. Anyway, no matter how many years, it is him!"

Her big eyes stared seriously, and in her black and white eyes, when mentioning the spirit, the water light flowed, which was very beautiful.

Tianhou was startled, and looked straight at Mo Anu.

After a while, she waved her hand and said to her, "Get out!"

After hearing this, Mo Anu's eyes lit up, and after thanking him, he rushed out of the hall happily.

Looking at her bright red back, Tianhou frowned.

"Let Yue Lao come to see me!"

Leaving this sentence behind, Tianhou took a deep breath and suppressed her anger.

Mo Anu Pidianpidian rushed out of the Queen's Hall, suddenly felt that the air in the whole heaven smelled so good.

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. When he turned around, he suddenly felt something strange in his lower body.

"Fuck! Isn't it coming?!"

Damn it!

Mo Anu made a formula to ride the clouds and flew straight to Guanghan Palace.

When I got to the bedroom, I took out the dragon ball, and I saw a little blood.

The corners of the lips twitched slightly.

Anyway, it's over.

According to Tianhou, she doesn't need to marry Yao Zun anymore.

Emma, ​​I forgot to ask if I could go down to the human world.

After tidying up, she decided to go to Nantianmen and try again.

At the same time, Yuelao received a summons from Tianhou.

Yuelao entered the Tianhou Hall, looked at the pearl and jade curtain, and slowly lowered his head.

"What can you say!"

Yuelao bowed his head and replied: "Fairy Yutu is unstable, if she doesn't make some twists and turns, it may affect the relationship between the heaven and the demon world.

The subject privately thought that if she were to marry Yaozun, she must first know how to be a wife.

Acting so recklessly really insults the majesty of my heavenly realm. "

The Queen of Heaven remained silent for a while, and finally said: "No matter what your intentions are, the big mistake has been made now, you can go back and regret it!"

Yuelao froze, and looked up at Zhuyulianzi: "The marriage between Fairy Jade Rabbit and Yaozun?"


Yue Lao lowered his head, his face was slightly cold.

Mo Anu didn't know that things had changed, and ran towards the Nantianmen happily as before.

However, the heavenly soldiers guarding the entrance and exit of the heavenly realm had already received the Queen's will.

Mo Anu touched his nose again and came back.

When Taishang Laojun came, he saw Mo Anu squatting in the yard poking the ground with a wooden stick.

Seeing him coming, he raised his head and greeted angrily: "Why is the old man here?"

After she finished speaking, she lowered her head again, scratching and pulling with the wooden stick.

She went to four places in one day, and they all sent her away on the grounds that Tianhou didn't speak and couldn't get through.

Whether she was joking or whatever, she just couldn't get through.

Later, Mo Anu went to the Temple of Heavenly Queen and waited for a long time but did not see the face of the Queen of Heaven.

I can't find Chang'e and Wu Gang, I can't see the Queen of Heaven, and I can't get down to the human world, so I can only squat in the yard and play with dirt.

"Fairy Jade Rabbit, the little old man is here today to tell you something."

He stroked his white beard and said solemnly.

"Understood, your first apprentice is not in tune, and the second apprentice has more eyes."

Mo Anu was bored, poked the wooden stick in his hand, and gave him a sideways glance.

Taishang Laojun's face froze, he recovered after a while, and coughed lightly: "The marriage between Fairy Jade Rabbit and Yaozun remains unchanged."

(End of this chapter)

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