Cute little jade rabbit: the fox king wants to hug

Chapter 463 Xiaohong is not a good stubble

Chapter 463 Xiaohong is not a good stubble
In addition to cultivating appearance, the red fox women are also the most powerful among the monster clan in their cultivation of Fang Zhongshu.

In order to seduce Su Ling, she was selected from hundreds of women in the Red Fox Clan.

After the special training of the elders, the appearance can be illusory into the desired appearance according to the thoughts.

And intercourse techniques are so advanced that people can't extricate themselves without intercourse.

There is Mo Anu beside Su Ling, so it is useless to transform into her appearance.

What's more, Su Ling itself belongs to the spirit fox family, and the spirit fox family is more beautiful than the demon fox family. Another point is that the spirit fox family can see through the illusory appearance.

Therefore, by his side, Xiaohong is still safe.

When the two were about to return to the human world, the elder of the red fox tribe had already told her to seize the opportunity to confuse the emperor of the human world.

Either one is fine.

The red fox clan can no longer hold their heads up in the demon world, and their eyes have long been aimed at the human world.

In this world where the strong are king, the monster power of their red fox clan can absolutely control any human being.

Holding the palace lantern, Xiao Hong frowned and thought about it, her winking eyes lit up.

He handed the palace lantern in his hand to the maid beside him, and whispered to her, "You take this lantern first, and I'll go prepare tea for His Majesty."

The maid didn't know why.

Staring at her was a little dazed.

This woman was brought back by His Majesty today, which surprised everyone.

Too much like Princess Mo.

Everyone knew in their hearts that His Majesty must have taken a fancy to her appearance like Princess Mo and brought her back to the palace. I am afraid that today will be the time to pamper her.

However, to everyone's bewilderment, Hua Wuque brought her back and handed her directly to Chang Xi.

And Chang Xi was the chief eunuch, so he took her straight to put on the clothes of a court lady, and let her guard in the side hall of the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The little palace maid looked at her back, blinked, thought of something, but didn't seem to think of anything.

At the same time, Fairy Bingling in Prince Mo's Mansion also learned from Xiaozhong that Xiaohong was taken away by Hua Wuque, and was a little anxious.

Since Bingling Fairy and Mo Anu returned to Prince Mo's Mansion, they apologized to Xiao Zhong and gave him some pills as compensation.

Xiao Zhong was originally a child at heart, seeing that she didn't mean to harm Miss, so let's forget about it.

Seeing that the night was getting dark and Mo Anu hadn't come back, Fairy Bingling thought to herself that this guy must have gone to Suwang's Mansion to spend the night and couldn't come back.

But Xiaohong is not a good stubble.

Isn't Hua Wuque stupid!
She thought for a while and finally couldn't sit still, she stood up abruptly, left Prince Mo's mansion and went straight to the palace.

At this time, Xiaohong got a cup of ginseng tea from somewhere, and put it on the tray, the corners of her lips slightly raised.

In a graceful manner, she walked slowly to the imperial book case, and bowed to Hua Wuque.

The clothes of the maids are slanted, but they are more tight. In the past, Hua Wuque kept herself clean and did not want to spread the topic of how she was with the maids, so the maids in the palace were also relatively honest.

Almost no one thought about climbing to the dragon bed.

Occasionally, there were one or two bold ones, and when Chang Xi saw the signs, he secretly dealt with them.

Xiao Hong came today, it happened that Chang Xi had something to do today, and she was not in the Hall of Mental Cultivation to accompany her, so she came at the right time.

The slanted front was slightly opened, and when she bowed, she showed a beautiful spring, and turned into a face that was the same as Mo Anu's, with a charming smile on her face.

The only thing that is different is that there is no red bloodstain on the center of her eyebrows like that of Mo Anu.

Hua Wuque's official batch of books.

In recent days, the bandits in Moling County have been rampant, and even openly robbed the little princess in the county mansion, saying what to do with Mrs. Yazhai, but in Moling County, even the officials dare not touch the bandits on Chihang Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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