Chapter 479 Mo Anu, Hug Me
"Find the young master!"



Following the screams, the little Su Ling, who was hiding in the thick leaves on the back mountain, turned pale with fright.

He saw the nanny who had found the back mountain running towards her with a pale face, and was just about to open her mouth to speak.

But the officers and soldiers who followed behind her raised their knives and dropped them. Seeing the point of the knives popping out in front of the nanny, he was so shocked that his unspoken words were stuck in his throat.

Covering her mouth with a pair of small hands, her eyes looked at the nurse's bleeding chest in horror, hot tears fell down her small face.

The officer and soldier kicked the dying nanny away, and rubbed her bloody knife a few times.

Glancing at the person following behind, dissatisfaction was revealed in his eyes: "Don't tell me there is still a brat? Why is there no one?"

"Shh! Keep your voice down! You can't spread this word! It's said above, you can't let outsiders know the existence of this little brat.

If you see it, you must kill it! "

The officer and soldier who came on his heels looked around for a while, then whispered.

"Look at your courage! Those who hold Hangshan Mountain are all villains, of course they must be killed.

No matter what his status is, the higher-ups told him that he could not stay and had to be killed.

Strange, where can this little brat escape? "

The officer and soldier who killed the nanny finished speaking with a frown, and suddenly felt a cold drop on his neck.

He reached out and touched his neck, and it was water droplets.

His eyes narrowed slightly, he twisted it with his hands, and there was a sneer on the corner of his lips.

Xiao Suling covered her mouth with her small hand, watched him raise her head with her raised peach eyes in horror, smiled sinisterly at herself, and burst into tears.

"Get down!"

The man was dressed in black and looked at him with a malicious look on his face.

Su Ling shook his head and stepped back from the tree trunk.

If you step back, you won't be able to see him, and if you step back, all this is not true!
Unexpectedly, there was nothing under his feet, and his small body fell straight to the tree!

After the childish screams, there was silence under the tree.

When Mo Anu returned to Chihang Mountain with two bunches of candied haws and the man with sugar noodles, her eyes were stained red by the blood and corpses all over the mountain.

"Soul Spirit!!——"

The mask in her hand was smashed into a pool of blood, and flew up the back mountain like crazy.

However, there is only the nurse's body and a pool of blood under the tree in the back mountain.

Mo Anu's eyes were red, panicked in his heart, and he howled his name like tearing his throat.

Searched up and down, but did not see his small figure.

Finally, in the Zhongyi Hall, I saw the corpses of Su Mocheng and Moling Wan'er hugging each other.

Mo Anu knelt down and sat on the ground, holding the candied haws tightly in his hand, his eyes stared straight.

After taking a deep breath, she stood up, turned around and walked out.

"Mo, Moanu,"

Just as she was about to walk out the door, a faint voice came from behind her.

Mo Anu was shocked, and turned around abruptly, following the sound, the tall bookshelf fell to the ground, books were all over the floor, and a small hand waved weakly in the gap.

Her hanging heart rose to her throat, and she rushed over like crazy, grabbing his blood-stained hand.


With one grasp of his wet hand, the other hand swept away the books that fell on him, carefully lifted the black sandalwood bookshelf, and used the bluish-white spiritual power to protect the veins of the living spirit.

But even such a slight touch made the small body tremble uncontrollably.

"It hurts, I hurt,"

Weak and weak, the sound of gasping intermittently made Mo Anu's heart feel like it was being torn apart.

"I can't survive, Moanu, hug me."

Mo Anu carefully held the blood-stained little hand, seeing that familiar little face was covered with blood, and one eye was soaked with cloudy liquid, his heart skipped a beat.

(End of this chapter)

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