Chapter 491 Soul Stone
Mo Anu smiled helplessly, looked at the snow-clothed man standing up again, nodded and said: "Thank you for your generosity, my lord, but we cannot take this money for nothing."

As she spoke, she took out an ice blue gem the size of the fingertip of her little finger and handed it to him.

"How about this as an exchange?"

The guard behind Dole Qubai looked at the little sapphire and couldn't help but sneered.

But Doer Qubai gave him a cold shout, and turned to Mo Anu with a helpless smile.

"I met the girl twice, I wanted to make friends, since the girl insisted on doing this, I would rather obey her orders than be respectful.

Under Mo Qubai. "

While speaking, he took the ice-blue gemstone that Moanu handed over, but the moment he took it, his face changed a few times.

He looked down in disbelief at the ice-blue gemstone in his palm, which was invisible to the naked eye but exuded a spiritual power that no one could ignore.

For a moment, Doer Qubai raised his head and smiled at Mo Anu. The familiar warm smile and the snow-white clothes on him and Su Ling's previous life made Mo Anu shake his head for a moment.

The little prescient spirit looked at Mo Anu's appearance, bit his teeth on his lower lip and exerted some force, and he tugged Mo Anu's sleeve fiercely.

"What a nympho!"

His immature childish voice pulled Mo Anu back.

Mo Anu blushed, a little annoyed that he was by Su Ling's side, but remembered his smile to another man.

He bowed his head and smiled apologetically at Su Ling, then raised his head and said to Doer Qubai: "Sorry, we went in first."

Doer Qubai was also a little dazed. The moment she lowered her head, the sudden embarrassment on her fair, porcelain-like face almost dazzled his eyes.

Seeing that she was about to leave, he was slightly taken aback, and then smiled warmly: "I'm going to the black market too, why don't we go together?"

"No, thank you son for taking care of me."

After Mo Anu declined, he took Su Ling's hand and walked inside.

The boy standing at the door holding the bank note was already frightened.

The fourth prince not only changed his surname to Mo Qubai, but also smiled so heartwarmingly at that charming woman, my God!
He even gave himself a silver ticket!

It's so cute!
Doer Qubai glanced at the man coldly, and the man quickly lowered his head: "The little one didn't see anything, and he didn't hear anything! If it spreads, the little one will kill himself!"

After hearing this, Doer Qubai walked inside by himself, and at the same time with a gloomy face, he said to the guards behind him, "Go back to Master Candle to receive the punishment."

The guard's face paled instantly, his mouth moved a few times, but he didn't say anything in the end.

The fourth prince was decisive in killing and attacking, and said what he said. If he refuted, it would not be a punishment for breaking his leg, but cutting off his tendons and veins, and he would be unable to practice martial arts forever!

After silently retreating, he looked at the fourth prince Doer Qubai who had entered the black market, but he didn't understand why he was punished like this.

Not long after, the guard who was escorting appeared, and when he grabbed his tendons, he whispered to him: "Aren't you crazy!
How dare you laugh at that little Princess Mo in front of your master!
The master has long thought about Princess Mo, not to mention, do you know what kind of gem that Princess Mo took out? "

The guard was still puzzled at this moment, if he said that he should be punished for offending Princess Mo, he would not be able to bear such a severe punishment.

"That's just a sapphire!"

The escorting dark guard sneered, squinted at him, and looked at him like a fool: "That's a soul stone! Don't you feel the spiritual power emanating from that gemstone?
That thing is only the size of a grain of rice, and it can save a peerless expert and restore his spiritual power in an instant!
It's good for you, you actually look down on me, you even sneered, you let the master lose face in front of that little Princess Mo, and make her think that the master is ignorant! "

The guard gasped when he heard this.

(End of this chapter)

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