First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 1007 Emperor Sha's Past Life 67

Chapter 1007 Emperor Sha's Past Life 67
Seeing that Disha's right hand has been corroded into a bad shape, with blood dripping down continuously, and the wounds on his hand are almost visible, but he pretends to be calm to prevent himself from seeing it, and his heart is sore, painful and guilty.Immediately, he flipped his right hand and firmly grasped Disha's hand. The heartache all over his body turned into boundless motivation, and he galloped up with all his strength.

1 minute, only 1 minute, the two of them kept running on the cliff, overcoming thorns and thorns, moving forward bravely.The eyes of the two were blood red, and they were like tigers.Speeding up all the way, it is quite absurd to meet a god and kill a god, and to meet a Buddha and kill a Buddha.

Running as fast as lightning, Fengyun dragged Disha already a little out of breath, his strength and breathing were uncontrollable, his physical strength disappeared bit by bit, and the severe pain kept biting the nerves of the two of them.

Time is disappearing second by second, the limit of an hour is about to be reached, and the abyss of life and death has not yet seen the top of the mountain.

Feng Yun gritted his silver teeth and said to Di Sha, "Di Sha, one hour is almost here, we don't have much time left."

Disha held Fengyun's hand tightly and said out of breath, "Fengyun, don't give up."

"I won't give up." Even for you, she will never give up. Today she must bring Disha up.

The sky was dark again, Fengyun desperately looked at the place where he could shelter, but he jumped over and rushed upwards.

The two of them galloped like crazy on the gradually darkening mountain wall, flying like a horse flying in the sky, like a dragon entering the sea.

Feng Yun had already fallen into half madness at this time, risking his life, he didn't even care about the bitter rain that was about to fall, and rushed up the cliff as fast as lightning with all his thoughts.

Di Sha was exceptionally calm, but looking at Feng Yun, his eyes were so hot that he was about to burst into flames.

Seeing that the bitter rain was about to come, Disha looked at the hiding place that flashed past him, grabbed Fengyun and rushed towards it. "Pa" the two of them hit the mountain wall fiercely, and the bitter rain behind them fell within a second, which was extremely dangerous.

The two of them, who were panting non-stop, lay on the mountain wall, only breathing rapidly for a long time.After a while, Fengyun asked, "Di Sha, how much time do we have left?"

Disha couldn't be optimistic at this time, and said in a deep voice, "No more than 15 minutes."

Feng Yun was silent for a while and said: "Without 10 minutes, our time is less than 5 minutes."

Disha nodded silently, only to realize that Fengyun couldn't see his movements in the darkness, and said, "Yes, we only have this time."

In the darkness, Fengyun didn't speak, but stretched out his hand and held Disha's hand firmly, the two of them opened their eyes wide, waiting for the moment when the bitter rain stopped.

It was still dark, and Di Sha, who was listening intently to the sound of the rain, shouted loudly: "The rain has stopped, let's go."

The two rushed out quickly and rushed straight to the top of the mountain.It was too late to identify the direction and see the route clearly, and only flew upward towards my own feeling, like two black-eating white dragons, chasing the fading darkness.

The figures of the two are like two puffs of green smoke, and like two shooting stars, breaking through the moon and chasing the sun.An aggressive aura exudes from his whole body, and its rising momentum is as unstoppable as a broken starry sky.

The clouds are moving, not as powerful as the two of them; the wind is moving, not as fast as the two of them; the sky is moving, not as intense as the two of them; the space is moving, not as fast as the two of them are moving forward.

life, movement.movement, life.In Fengyun's eyes and heart at this moment, there is only one word - Chong.No matter how tired the body is, no matter how exhausted the physical strength is, no matter how painful the wound is, I can't care about it.In consciousness, there is only a little faster, a little faster, a little faster.

(End of this chapter)

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