First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 1022 Emperor Sha's Past Life 82

Chapter 1022 Emperor Sha's Past Life 82
Fengyun didn't understand anything when he heard it, it was equivalent to entering the lair of the demon clan, just like a monster entering the lair of the emperor of heaven, obediently, run away.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go back right away." Without further ado, Fengyun turned around and grabbed Di Sha and was about to drag him back.

They can't afford this place.

"If you come, you will be safe, Fengyun..." Di Sha didn't expect Fengyun to be so direct, and he looked at Fengyun dumbfounded and wanted to refute. He wanted to see this place, and he had only heard of this place before, but had never seen it before. Well, it's rare to come in today, and there's no reason to leave so easily. After all, the emperor sent people here, so he wants to see what's going on.

"Don't worry, I don't have this diamond, I don't do this porcelain work, I don't have the ability to protect you here, turn around today, and I will visit this Demon Soul Sea again someday." Feng Yun directly interrupted Disha's words.

Di Sha was speechless for a moment, so he could only shake his head and smile, and was about to speak, when suddenly a lazy voice came and said: "Since you are here, why do you have to wait for a day to visit again? Come, come, come, let's visit today."

Fengyun was startled suddenly, and quickly raised his head to look at the place where the sound came from, only to see an empty space, there was some figure there.

Just in doubt, the voice said again: "Where are you looking? Didn't you see my old man here? Really, everyone is young, but their eyesight is not good. It's a pity, it's a pity." Unspeakable regret.

Hearing this person's pretending, Fengyun smiled in his heart and said, "How do you know that we didn't see you? We saw that you were old and let you deliberately pretend not to see you. You really think we have bad eyesight?" .”

The voice suddenly said: "Little girl loves to joke, since she saw me, why are her eyes rolling around, do you treat me as an old man with bad eyesight?"

Although Fengyun and Disha have not been together for a long time, Disha heard Fengyun's words and understood that she was deliberately teasing that person so that he could find out where the speaker was.

Fengyun on the side burst out laughing and said: "Didn't I tell you to let you go, if the eyes stare at you, what is it called letting you go, it must be sticking to it and leaving, you can't stay in one place.

The voice chuckled and said, "Little girl is lying. She obviously didn't see it, but she just said she saw it. It's not honest at all. What's wrong... eh? Little sick ghost, did you see me?" The voice suddenly turned to follow me. Di Sha replied.

Disha didn't answer, but just looked at the sky with a wicked smile.

"Little sick ghost, you are full of evil spirits, you don't look like the emperor of heaven, but you look like a person in my demon way, why don't you abandon the dead emperor and join my demon way?" The voice pondered for a while and then said.

Fengyun suddenly turned black, and asked the son of Beimang Shenwangfu to switch to the magic way and become a monster. This...

After hearing the words, Disha said slowly: "Okay, if one day I figure it out, I will try this magic way."

"Ah..." Fengyun was stunned, Disha really had such a heart.

Seeing Fengyun was stunned, Disha raised his eyebrows and just smiled.

Emperor Sha is a character who can do whatever he wants, the way of magic, the way of heaven, he can do whatever he wants, and he never pays attention to the distinction between the three realms.

As soon as the voice fell, the voice suddenly laughed and said: "Okay, okay,

(End of this chapter)

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