Chapter 414 Passionate 1
Fengyun raised his eyebrows and looked at the murderous Muhuang at his wrist, and said with a slow smile, "Can you refuse?"

"No." Muhuang also smiled at Fengyun's face, but that smile seemed to eat people.

After the word fell, Emperor Mu held on to Fengyun, turned around and walked towards the imperial palace.

Tell Fengyun directly with actions, if you want to run, there is no way.

Go hand in hand and walk side by side.

It seems that the two are so harmonious and enthusiastic.

"Pfft." Feng Yang below couldn't help laughing.

Now, Fengyun has something to look forward to.

Lin Qiong on the side shook her head, suppressing the smile in her heart, and said to General Wang Lengtong and others: "Your emperor is really enthusiastic."

Leng Tong, Murong Xing, and others have never seen their emperor so impatiently arresting someone.

After being surprised at this moment, he quickly said with a smile on his face: "We Nanyuan people are already enthusiastic, please, please, please, Emperor Palace."

For a moment, the high-ranking officials of Nanyuan, who were already surrounding Lin Qiong and Ya Li, immediately invited Feng Yang and others to the imperial palace with smiles on their faces.

Seeing this in the sky, Yafei rolled his eyes boredly.

But Ya Li below was the first to follow, full of saliva.

I heard that the barbecue in Nanyuan Emperor's Palace is the best, he likes it, he likes it.

In a mighty way, Nanyuan's high-level officials surrounded a group of elves and walked towards the imperial palace.

Squeeze that Feng Yufei completely aside.

Seeing this, Feng Yunao and Qianyeli looked at each other in mid-air, wondering what they were thinking, and they smiled slowly.

While waving the sleeve robe, he also headed towards Nanyuan Emperor's Palace.

This person, Helian Fengyun, can't let Muhuang take the lead now.

The wind has passed, and the place is in a mess of excitement.

And above the messy ground, a gloomy but excited voice came: "This man has a good taste, I like it."

"Miss, he is not worthy of you." Another cold voice sounded.

"I said if you deserve it, you deserve it."


The autumn wind blew past, and there were only white clouds in the sky, no one was seen, and no spiritual power fluctuations could be felt.

No one noticed that there was someone watching among the clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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