First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 434 The Mysterious Figure 4

Chapter 434 The Mysterious Figure 4
There is also excitement on his face, this artifact is too handy to use.

The more I use it, the more I want it.

"It's just a small knife." Standing in front of Fengyun, Ya Fei was not humble at all.

After the sound fell, Qianyeli and Feng Yunao looked at each other, and they all gave Fengyun a thumbs up, laughing loudly.

"Report to the emperor." Amidst the laughter, the Duke of the Ministry of Rites of Nanyuan came up.

"After calculation and comparison, the quantity and quality of monsters obtained by Nanyuan and Tianqiong are comparable.

And the star field is about one layer less than us. "The Duke of Rites smiled all over his face.

"One layer less?" Mu Huang heard the words and turned to look at Qian Yeli who was smiling all over his face.

Missing one or two is a wrong hand, missing one layer, it is impossible.

Qianyeli laughed out loud when he heard the words, looking very happy.

"Brother Qianye, you let the water go?" Feng Yunao frowned a little unhappy.

It's disrespectful to throw water at them.

"How could I release the water?" Qianyeli waved to Feng Yunao with a smile on his face, looking very happy.

"Then you are..."

"Reporting to the two emperors, the monsters hunted in my star field today should be similar to those in Nanyuan and Tianqiong." Feng Yunao asked after asking, this time Qianyeli, who was in charge of hunting, stood respectfully. Come out and speak.

"It's just that the bereaved clan snatched some precious monsters." After saying that, the man with extremely rough facial features twisted his face.

Fengyun was surprised: "Ask them to snatch it? What are they doing to snatch it?"

Call Huofeng and the others to steal it, right?

The people next to him heard the words and looked over in unison. How could the ancient survivors snatch these small prey if they didn't want anything.

However, those who know this man know that this man looks like an ordinary soldier, but he is actually the Star Territory Berserk General, a well-known general, and he will not speak one-sidedly.

Can't help listening with bated breath.

Hearing what Fengyun said, the man looked up at Fengyun.

With a glance at Fengyun, the man was stunned for a moment, blinked at Fengyun almost in disbelief, absolute surprise flashed across his face.

"En?" Feng Yun raised his eyebrows, what kind of eyes does this man have.

(End of this chapter)

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