First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 457 The Treasure of the Nation 3

Chapter 457 The Treasure of the Nation 3
Some people even stood up in unison.

Apparently, Nanyuan high-level officials recognized what it was.

"Brother Feng Yu, you have put in a lot of effort this time." On the fifth-floor high platform, Qianyeli's body, which had been lazily leaning on the king's chair, leaned forward slightly at this time, with a look of surprise flashing across his face towards Feng Yu. Yu Nao said.

Hearing the words, Feng Yunao turned his head to look at Qianyeli, and smiled slightly: "It's nothing."

"If this is nothing, then there are not many treasures in this world that can be considered anything." Before Feng Yunao's voice fell, Mu Huang frowned and took the words.

"The Qiankun Tianhe Pagoda, the treasure of the Heavenly Vault of Heaven Emperor Kingdom, is nothing." Qianyeli rubbed the center of his brows with his hand.

When Feng Yunao saw the two calling the baby's name, he didn't refute, but only smiled slightly.

The Qiankun Tianhe Pagoda is the treasure of his kingdom that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years by the Heavenly Vault of Heaven Empire.

It is a treasure that is not born in the world, the treasure that ranks first in the world's artifacts.

Back then, Tianqiong was far less powerful than Nanyuan and Xingyu, all relying on this treasure, the Fengyu clan ran rampant in the world, and eventually ruled Tianqiong and Continent, relying on it.

And bring this treasure today...

The splendor is brilliant, and the Qiankun Tianhe Pagoda is dazzling.

Standing beside the Qiankun Tianhe Pagoda, Feng Yufei glanced at the people around him, and said loudly: "Today's last question, whoever can enter the second floor of this Qiankun Tianhe Pagoda will win."

As soon as these words came out, the entire arena fell silent.

The hundreds of thousands of spectators in the arena are said to be the public as well as the public, but at least they all have some relationship with the dignitaries of the dynasty, so they can enter.

Therefore, when the name of the Qiankun Tianhe Pagoda came out, everyone was shocked.

This... this... the number one artifact in the world...

Feng Yufei looked at the shocked people in all directions, smiled and said with a little pride: "Today is only for studying martial arts, and this Qiankun Tianhe Pagoda will not open and kill one.

Only yellow, blue, white, purple, green, five colors are available, so don't worry. "

As soon as these words came out, Murong Xing and others who were still waiting below jumped up to the high platform from all directions almost impatiently.

"This is really a waste of money." Seeing this, Qianyeli shook his head and sighed: "If I had known earlier, I would have gone down and signed up."

(End of this chapter)

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