Chapter 489 Mu Huangshi Sect 1
Their emperor really wants to marry a man?
Do you really want to marry this Helian Fengyun?

Even if all the high-ranking officials in Nanyuan are willing to speak out together, they agree with their emperor's choice with hypocrisy, and agree with each other.

At this time, I couldn't bear the shock, and I started to have the urge to be flattered.

They couldn't hold on anymore.

Compared to Nanyuan's ministers, each of them was scorched inside and outside by Muhuang's words.

Sitting on the king's chair, Feng Yun turned to look at Emperor Mu, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes, and then Feng Yun's eyes were filled with tenderness and insight.

Slowly backhand clenched Muhuang's hand holding her.

Muhuang's palm is big and warm, rough yet full of firmness.

This hand, this person, is someone who can support her.

It is someone who can let her rely on her at ease, who can help her get into trouble and troubles without her having to solve them herself, but can help her settle them one by one.

She doesn't need to think about it, and she doesn't need to come forward to solve it.

It's been a long time since I felt like this, a kind of real peace of mind, a kind of happiness that someone will block her even when the sky is falling.

This is what she couldn't ask for in her previous life.

In this life, I finally have it.

Holding Mu Huang's hand tightly, Feng Yun slowly drew the corners of his lips, and showed a bright smile to Mu Huang.

Muhuang looked at Fengyun and smiled at him, his eyes were full of understanding.

He couldn't help holding Fengyun's hand tightly, and his eyes were full of confidence when he looked back.

The two looked at each other without saying a word.

Seeing Muhuang and Fengyun flirtatiously on the throne, Feng Yunao frowned.

Could it be that Emperor Mu really wants to marry this man Helian Fengyun?

What the hell is he trying to do?What premeditated?
Turning his gaze slightly, Feng Yunao glanced at Qianyeli next to him, and asked with his eyes.

Qianyeli didn't look at Feng Yunao, only looked at Fengyun and Muhuang and shook his head slightly.

I mean, not premeditated.

Wasn't it premeditated?what does that mean?
Could it be that Emperor Mu really likes Fengyun?

Feng Yunao was really shocked at this time, recalling that when Fengyun caused trouble at the headquarters of the Holy Spirit Palace, Emperor Mu went to rescue the siege, this... this...

Isn't it the brotherhood of life-saving grace?
But love, these two men love each other?

(End of this chapter)

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