Chapter 496 Mu Huangshi Sect 8
But they don't know that their emperor has expected it a long time ago, but now they are going to make a final decision, stupid.

The autumn wind blows and the leaves flutter down.

"Let's go, let's follow and take a look." In a corner of the palace, Qianyeli's brows slightly twitched as he watched the situation here.

"Wuji Mountain, the number one sacred mountain in Nanyuan, I also want to visit." Feng Yunao nodded.

Nanyuan Muhuang's sect is the ultimate cave that spreads across the three continents.

The masters inside are said to be able to change the dynasty of a whole continent.

Fortunately, they basically do not interfere in the national affairs of the three continents.

At that moment, the two emperors looked at each other, and as they waved their sleeves, they followed Mu Huang and the others towards Nanyuan Nan.

Nanyuan Wuji Mountain.

It is shrouded in clouds all year round.

The mountain peak twists and turns, like a dragon hidden in the clouds, majestic and sacred.

Muhuang, Fengyun, Hanyu, the three came across the sky.

The cloud and mist wrapped around the mountains slowly dispersed, making way for the three of them.

Inside, the green hills are faint, and the Baiyu Qionglou can be seen in the eyes.

Fengyun saw it at a glance, as if he felt as if he had arrived at the fairy mansion.

Although the Heavenly Vault of the Holy Spirit Palace is also shrouded in clouds and mist, but compared with the Wuji Mountain in front of you, it is like a nouveau riche and a hereditary wealthy family, which is not worthy of lifting shoes.

"Senior Brother Mu, Master is playing chess with Master Uncle in Lama Temple." The three of them entered the sea of ​​clouds, and immediately someone came over via voice transmission.

Mu Huang nodded when he heard the words, and flew towards the Wuji Mountain Lama Temple in the depths of the sea of ​​clouds with Fengyun.

The eyes are full of clouds and mist, like a fairyland.

Fengyun followed Muhuang, looked at the sea of ​​clouds around him, and felt that his heart was now sanctified.

"In front is Wuji Mountain Lama Temple." Pulling Fengyun, Emperor Mu curbed his arrogance and pointed.

Fengyun looked in the direction of Muhuang's finger, and saw that deep in the sea of ​​clouds, at the end of the rolling green hills, a mountain flew down into the sea of ​​clouds out of thin air, emitting colorful rays of light in the clouds, so unholy.

"Moving mountains and seas?" Feng Yun was speechless.

Muhuang laughed when he heard the words: "You can see clearly when you get closer."

After all, he plunged into the area of ​​Wuji Mountain Lama Temple with the wind and clouds.

As soon as he entered the range of Lama Temple in Wuji Mountain, under the refraction of light and shadow, the black lip marks on the back of Fengyun's neck suddenly flashed faintly.

No one noticed.

(End of this chapter)

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