Chapter 750
That eerie laugh was full of ferocity.

"Today, I will come to see how badly the formation that hurt my young master is."

The ferocious voice fell, and countless people in the night behind him rushed from all directions to the water curtain covering the entire imperial capital in an instant.

"Is there Disha?" White Shark stood on a high place, watching excitedly.

"No." Countless responses came from all directions.

Those are the purgatory heroes guarding the Quartet.

"Then let me go."

Without Emperor Sha, there is no need to give face.

If you want to find a place in Hell today, let's see how capable you are.

The night is fascinated, and the black hell seems to be coming in full force.

"There is movement." At the same moment, Feng Yunao and Qianyeli, who were sitting in the gazebo, also felt a strange movement outside the city.

The dark breath that filled the sky instantly.

It makes people wonder whether it is possible to know who is coming.

"I really don't know what it is to give up." Feng Yunao frowned.

"Give up, hmph..." Before Qianye could finish smiling, his face suddenly darkened, and he turned his head to look into the darkness of the night.

There, traces of dark breath moved.

"People from the black hell?" Feng Yunao also noticed at the same time.

Hai Long's protection would leak into the Black Hell?

"It's not leaking, it's already here."

Qianyeli made a sound, whistled at the golden lion not far away, and then shot towards the place where the thick dark air gathered like lightning.

Feng Yunao also chased after him at the same time.

Thick dark power appeared, and the scale was no longer something Helian Fenglei and the others could deal with.

This black hell actually infiltrated early in the morning?

Qianyeli and Feng Yunao shot away.

The golden lion, who had been dozing off on the top of a tree, suddenly raised its head.

The spiritual power of the whole body is fully opened.

That indistinct colorless light enveloped Mu Huang's bedroom.

Isolated Muhuang's bedroom from the outside world.

Today is their wedding night, no one can disturb them.

Dressed in a sharp, majestic golden lion with piercing eyes, guarding the area coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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