First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 756 Falling into the enemy's hands 3

Chapter 756 Falling into the enemy's hands 3
Especially the young master who hurt them.

No one in Hell can swallow this breath.

"Young master." After Tianhe's voice fell, he respectfully stepped aside.

Di Sha looked at Mu Huang who was in a mess not far away, bloodthirsty joy and hatred slowly rose from his hurt eyes.

"Nanyuan Muhuang, sometimes you fall into my hands."

Disha choked out these words from between his teeth, and pushed forward step by step.

Muhuang was plundered to the black hell out of thin air.

At this time, there were only two layers of skill left on his body.

Not to mention binding him with the black hell's autocratic chains that are specially designed to deal with masters like Wuji Shanzhu, even if he doesn't use anything, he probably won't be able to escape.

Therefore, seeing Di Sha approaching with hatred on his face, Mu Huang just had a cold face.

Pushing forward step by step, Di Sha looked at Mu Huang with a cold face.

A cruel smile suddenly flashed in his eyes.

With a wave of his hand, a bone-scraping steel whip appeared in his hand.

"Whoosh." With a whip, he lashed towards Mu Huang.

The whip with bone dragon barbs whipped across Muhuang's body.

Immediately, a piece of skin on Muhuang's chest was torn apart.

In an instant, blood was dripping.

Mu Huang's figure trembled, but his expression didn't change a bit.

"You also have today, you also have today." Disha looked at the bright red blood, and suddenly new and old hatred rushed up.

The bone dragon barbed whip in his hand slammed towards Muhuang fiercely.

"I will also let you taste the feeling of being whipped, and I will also let you know everything I have suffered.

Fight Fengyun with me, fight Fengyun with me, you go and die for me. "

This is the person in front of him.

It was this man named Muhuang who occupied all of Fengyun's thoughts.

Isn't it just that he arrived a little earlier than him, didn't he just take advantage of it.

Why, why, why...

He said that next time we meet, he will definitely kill him, definitely.

Words full of resentment and fury resounded in the first floor of hell.

Accompanied by these words, there was the sound of swishing whips and the sound of bones being almost broken, one after another.

So cold, so cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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