762 Chapter 1
The blue sky hangs high, and the white clouds are invisible.

The cold wind howled past, showing the winter of the world.

Black hell, born at the extreme of the sky and at the corner of the earth.

It has existed since the beginning of the world, coordinating all directions with hell.

All dark creatures surrender.

It is co-existing with light.

The Heavenly Vault Emperor Kingdom, the Nanyuan Emperor Kingdom, and the Starfield Emperor Kingdom.

The middle position where the three imperial kingdoms are adjacent to each other, that dot and line, is the existence of the black hell.

On this day, the wind was blowing, the blue sky was clear and the white clouds were high and wide, but the air pressure was frighteningly low.

Wherever the whistling cold wind passed by, there was a sharp whistling response, all of which were murderous and gloomy.

Black hell, Jie palace.

"My lord, Helian Fengyun knocks on the door one by one." In the forbidding main palace of hell, a guard rushed in, disturbing the silence of the palace.

The king of hell was sitting on the high chair of the Nine Dragon King, and a coldness flashed across his eyebrows when he heard the words.

"Only two people?" Tianhe, who was the first general below, spoke.

"Yes, one man and one woman, two people." The guard immediately responded.

"How courageous." Tianhe snorted coldly when he heard the words.

How dare two people come to pick him a black hell.

I don't know if this Helian Fengyun is crazy, or if he is out of courage.

"Wang Zun, go down..."

"Let's all go down and prepare separately." Tianhe hadn't finished pleading for orders when the King of Hell suddenly spoke in a chilling voice.

"King?" Immediately, all the generals under the seat looked at each other in blank dismay.

Helian Fengyun just came with two people, and they still have to prepare according to the original plan?
This is not too much of a fuss.

But the words of the King of Hell are absolute orders.

After a slight hesitation, all the generals immediately bowed together and retreated quickly.

The huge Jie palace suddenly fell into a deserted place.

"Let her in." In the deserted, the king of hell suddenly got up and said sharply.

"Yes." The guard rushed out immediately.

Stand tall on the throne.

The king of hell glanced at the strict hell, and an absolute murderous look appeared from the corners of his brows and eyes.

"Helian Fengyun, I want to see how capable you really are."

(End of this chapter)

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