First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 778 Eight Parties Converging 8

Chapter 778 Convergence of Eight Directions 1
"I haven't forgotten." Fengyun said coldly.

"I still say the same thing. I'm not in a hurry. If you kill him alone, I'll destroy the entire prison of your black hell. If you are buried with everyone in the black hell, he is worth it."

The words are full of chilling and decisiveness, which makes people have no doubt about the absoluteness inside.

"You don't want his life?" The King of Hell almost stared at Feng Yun viciously.

Fengyun raised his head and met the eyes of the King of Hell: "Then it depends on whether you want your own lives."

Threat, heavy threat.

"Haha..." Just as Feng Yun's words fell, the murderous King of Hell burst out laughing violently.

There was a kind of shuddering lore in that laugh.

"Okay, no one has ever dared to threaten the deity like this. Today, the deity will play with you to the end."

Jie Jie's voice soared into the air.

The King of Hell slammed a chess piece onto the chessboard.

Immediately, the entire black hell moved instantly.

It's not like waiting in full battle just now, praying mantis catching cicadas.

Instead, they made an overall attack and took the initiative to attack.

This is the territory of the black hell.

Their black hell is not a soft persimmon to be trampled on.

Having ruled the dark world for tens of thousands of years, how can it be said that it can be trampled upon.

Immediately, the black air surged wildly.

The entire black hell is shrouded in a layer of dark spiritual power.

Countless dark lights and shadows floated, and demons and ghosts came out together.

For the first time, the strength that belongs to the darkness is completely exposed.

Eerie, terrifying, shuddering, ferocious.

In an instant, deafening shouts of killing began to be heard from the Eighteen Auxiliary Stars of the Black Hell and the central halls.

Siege, counter-offensive, expulsion, advance, each on stage.

"That's right." Ya Fei, who was standing behind Feng Yun, said lightly when he saw this.

If Black Hell doesn't even have this kind of formation, it would be a pity that they dispatched such a large camp.

The sound of killing came from the sky.

Flames splattered in all directions, and shadows and fog were heavy.

But in this fierce killing, Fengyun still didn't change his face, as if everything in front of him was under his control.

Seeing this, the king of hell snorted coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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