First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 781 Eight Parties Converging 8

Chapter 781 Convergence of Eight Directions 4
Listening to the immortal master's words, Helian Fenglei's eyes flashed nothing but contempt.

"Isn't it Junmuxi? Isn't she the Emperor Mu's mother, the little junior sister you loved so deeply back then, but she married the emperor of the Nanyuan Mu family.

In the end, did the emotional entanglements in the hands of the black hell disappear?

You want to avenge Jun Muxi, and you want to avenge Muhuang's mother.

Not just such a thing. "

Helian Fenglei spat out every word, startling the faces of Master Yan Luo and Uncle Immortal.

A deep pain flashed across the faces of the two of them.

Helian Fenglei looked at the two of them, and for a moment, he really felt a surge of pity from his disdain.

The word love hurts the most.

They are deliberately planning to avenge Muhuang's mother, there is nothing wrong with that.

The mistake was that they plotted against Emperor Mu.

In Fengyun's eyes, there is no sand to rub.

"Today, Japan will guard the gate of hell. No one is allowed to leave, and no one is allowed to enter."

Not wanting to talk to Yan Luo and the others, Helian Fenglei changed the subject and said firmly.

Her family, Fengyun, was going to quell the black hell, and she, Helian Fenglei, set up a place for her.

No one can make trouble.

No one can do it for him.

At other times, Wuji Mountain just wants to fight the Black Hell, and they don't care.

Today, it just won't work.


Murderous, the needle pointed at the wheat awn.

At this time, in the black hell, the breath also rolled violently.

The ghosts and monsters of the black hell who live on darkness and mainly rely on darkness rise from all directions, rush out, and fight fiercely.

The cold wind of hell blew past, as cold as a steel knife scraping bones.

The overwhelming darkness almost devoured all life.

"Boom." Amidst the melee that was completely out of darkness, a clear roar sounded from the central layer of the Black Hell.

The thirteenth floor of hell.

It was only seen on the thirteenth floor of the eighteen auxiliary stars closest to the center of the black hell.

A pillar of white light soaring into the sky, carrying a powerful light force, broke through the vast darkness and burst into a radiance of vitality.

Looking at the whole black hell that is as dark as a cloudy sky at this time.

The roaring white beam of light was like an Optimus Prime.

Open up the endless darkness and bloom the light of vitality.

White spiritual power, the extreme of light and darkness.

(End of this chapter)

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