First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 784 Eight Parties Converging 8

Chapter 784 Convergence of Eight Directions 7
An enemy is an enemy, an enemy is an enemy, never compromise, never be friends.

Then, never pray, never bow.

Disha looked into Muhuang's eyes, and the sword in his hand was pressed more and more.

Watching his sword deepening inch by inch, watching Mu Huang's face lose color bit by bit.

Look, as long as he exerts all his strength, everything will be over.

But... but...

"I love him, I can't stop you from killing him, all I can do is stay with him." However, what the inexplicable Fengyun said in Yumang Space that day, lingered in his ears.

If Emperor Mu died, she would accompany him.

He is not afraid of killing Emperor Mu, and he is not afraid of the situation destroying his black hell.

But, but...

But he couldn't bear to be sad.

I can't bear not to see the situation from now on.

He was even more reluctant to kill Emperor Mu because of him, and Fengyun followed...

He can't do it, he can't make this move, he doesn't dare...

Disha's hand holding the long sword was trembling.

He wanted to kill the person in front of him, really wanted, really wanted, really wanted, but...

When thinking of Fengyun disappearing in front of him, his heart...

Disha could hardly control the sadness, pain and hatred in his heart.

Seeing Di Sha's struggle, Mu Huang narrowed his eyes that had been confronting each other slightly, and then slowly closed them.

Although it is an enemy, but...

"Ah..." Just as Emperor Mu closed his eyes, he heard Disha's near-collapse yelling crazily.

The roar was full of helplessness, pain and grief.

"Take him there, take him there." The sword on his neck was thrown out fiercely, hitting the mountain wall in the distance, and there was an echo.

Disha's unwilling but irritable voice came.

Before Mu Huang could react, Di Sha had already rushed away quickly.

Only a back that was extremely sad and indignant was left behind.

He obviously hates it so much, but he is reluctant to kill him.

Just because of a word from Fengyun, a word.

A cold wind blows up suddenly, and the slight chill is accompanied by the scorching rock fire, whizzing past the first floor of hell.

It's not cruel, it's not ferocious.

But endless pain and grief.

Ask what time love is, how much madness, how much resentment.

"Damn it." Seeing that their young master didn't make a move in the end, the people from the Black Hell angrily grabbed the chains on Mu Huang's body, and took him to the place designated by Mu Huangchao.

(End of this chapter)

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