Chapter 787 The Killing Move 2
Feng Yun watched Mu Huang being tied up high on the spar pillar and appearing in front of her eyes.

His face was still grim, but the hand that was placed under the table was instantly clenched into a fist.

They hurt Muhuang like this, like this.

He was clearly prepared in his heart, knowing that Emperor Mu would never have a good time here.

But when I saw it with my own eyes, my heart still hurt uncontrollably.

Muhuang, her Muhuang was injured like this.

The King of Hell watched Mu Huang appear, and turned his head to give Feng Yun a cold look.

Seeing that Fengyun was still expressionless, he not only snorted coldly.

Accompanied by his cold snort.

The silver spar pillar began to move.

It began to slowly move closer to the light beam of the source of darkness behind it.

As it approached, the strands of black, like smoky spider threads, began to wrap around Mu Huang's body.

And as they entangled upwards, Muhuang's body began to shake violently.

It was like thousands of needles piercing into his skin.

Fengyun was not far away, and his vision saw all this clearly in his eyes.

In an instant, deep in Fengyun's eyes, there was a bit more shudder.

And the chaotic Muhuang, whose mind was not clear at first, was jolted awake by this strong invasion.

The body is like thousands of spiders and ants biting, the pain and itching, even after experiencing the magma flames of the first prison, the already numb body is still shocked by the stabbing.

His mind cleared instantly, and Mu Huang slowly opened his eyes.

Into the eyes, nothing is seen, nothing exists, and everything is a foil.

In those eyes, there was only Fengyun sitting not far away watching him.

There was only that thin but arrogant and cold figure.

Fengyun, is Fengyun, that is Fengyun.

Muhuang tried his best to open his eyes wide, and stared at Fengyun steadfastly.

His lover came, Fengyun, right there.

My heart was instantly warm as fire and sweet as honey.

The huge pain on the body can almost be ignored.

Mu Huang stared at Feng Yun fixedly, his cold and haughty eyes could only be gazed at with no regrets and affection.

Looking at each other in twos, one glance can transcend thousands of mountains and rivers.

With one glance, the afterlife is determined.

(End of this chapter)

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