First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 799 How Much Love Hurts 5

Chapter 799 How Much Love Hurts 5
His sharp eyes scanned the black hell crowd in all directions.

Then he raised his head and glanced at Mu Huang, who was surrounded by black mist.

A cold voice pierced the sky: "I have no grievances or enmities with your black hells, and I would not have committed such a large-scale attack.

However, for your own selfishness, your king plundered my husband and tortured him here.

Then, don't blame me for being ruthless and ruining your whole domain. "

Without waiting for the sound to fall, Feng Yun snorted coldly and said: "It is an enemy, not a friend, you really went to hell, remember the person who killed you."

In the words, Fengyun glanced contemptuously at the people in the black hell who were all in a mess, but still defending against the king of hell.

"It turns out that the lives of the people in the black hell are so worthless. Sure enough, people are divided into high and low."

The cold words fell down.

But it shattered the cold water all over the place.

The black hell is used to being arrogant, and there are enemies who come to the door at any time.

The people in the black hell have long been used to it, and the king of hell slapped and talked.

Who cares who is right and who is wrong.

But today, they, who had always been rampant, fell down.

Planted under such a strong force, they beat them to the point of crying.

But still don't know why.

Now, Fengyun's words are pointing out the cause and effect.

Immediately, some ignorant Black Hells were horrified, dissatisfied, suspicious, and retreated...

The surprised eyes kept turning back to the king of hell.

They can sacrifice everything for the black hell.

However, why should their king steal other people's men and come back to torture them, but in the end they have to sacrifice their lives to pay for it.

They can throw their heads and blood for the black hell.

But, it's definitely not for this, this kind of housework.

All of a sudden, Ben was driven to the extreme with the same hatred, and instead, a group of black hell people who were put to death and reborn later were born, and their minds were confused.

If the mind is messed up, the momentum will also be messed up.

"It's a good one to sow dissension." Seeing this, the king of hell itched his teeth and threw out a sentence.

Fengyun was calm at this time, heard the words and glanced at the king of hell, and said a few words softly: "Attacking the heart is the best."

The light but extremely sharp words fell, and a smile appeared on the corner of Fengyun's mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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