First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 809 Dance of the Holy Light 6

Chapter 809 Dance of the Holy Light 6
Shocked by this huge force, his complexion changed drastically.

"Rewind, rewind..." At the same moment, Helian Fenglei and Meng Kuo's faces changed.

There is a powerful force behind it that I have never felt before.

Coming towards the sky with a sweeping posture, if you are brought into this power...

In the blink of an eye, Qi Qi withdrew without allowing the two parties to talk too much.

They are much inferior to the masters of the survivors who entered the black hell.

Light and shadow float, and shadows create layers.

The soldiers and horses on the side of Hell Hell are chaotic and a mess.

But viewed from a distance between heaven and earth, the side of the Black Hell is unspeakably gorgeous.

An incomparably delicate white lotus blooms in the vast land, holy and beautiful.

The wind passes through the world, but the blue sky and white clouds remain.

The howling wind is rushing across the world, and the footsteps of winter are rushing forward.

The weather has entered deep winter.

A snowfall fell, and the earth was covered in silver. Looking from a distance, it was extraordinarily enchanting.

Nanyuan Emperor Palace.

"How is the Empress?"

"I don't know, no news has come out."

"Oh, I'm really anxious. Whether it's good or bad, let me tell you."

"No letter is good letter..."

The Nanyuan Emperor's Palace is now dense and oppressive.

The high-ranking officials and royal families who walked to and fro were still serious and cautious, for fear of disturbing the tranquility of Emperor Mu's bedroom.

But this oppressive tranquility reveals a kind of mania before the storm from every corner.

The snow is flying down, and the world is freezing.

"What, it's still not okay?" In Muhuang's bedroom, Yafei stopped, and before he could speak, Qianyelan said anxiously.

His sense is the keenest, as soon as Ya Fei's breath came out, he knew...

"Lan, don't talk nonsense." Qianyeli stopped immediately.

At this time, you can't say no.

But he also looked at Yafei with his eyes full of worry.

Yafei withdrew his hand on Fengyun's back, frowned, and shook his head slowly for a while.

"What's going on?" Li Jiang clapped his hands angrily when he saw Ya Fei like this, and Li Jiang who kept his mouth shut all the time.

It's been a month and a half and nothing has worked.

Fengyun's external wounds have been healed, but the internal wounds have exhausted several of them's spiritual power to repair, but they are still slowly getting worse.

(End of this chapter)

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