First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 811 Dance of the Holy Light 8

Chapter 811 Dance of the Holy Light 8
At first he could get closer to Fengyun, but now he dare not even stand beside Fengyun.

Because, the invisible power of holy light on him would directly destroy the source of darkness on Fengyun.

And Fengyun's body is full of the source of darkness.

His destruction is equivalent to destroying Fengyun.

The current situation can't bear him approaching at all.

He could only bear the pain and watch from a distance, watching Yafei and others try their best to save Fengyun, but he couldn't intervene.

"I'm fine..." Fengyun on the bed slowly opened his eyes, glanced at the people around him, and wanted to show a relaxed smile.

But in the end, he didn't move the muscles on his face and smiled.

"Fengyun, don't force yourself." Emperor Mo said in a deep voice seeing this.

"We don't need your consolation, we're talking after we've made ourselves better." Xiang Jiang spoke poisonously, but the meaning in those words was caring.

Qianyeli and Feng Yunao didn't speak, but stood aside with Hai Long and the others, watching Fengyun fixedly.

Fengyun looked at the crowd with a hint of understanding in his eyes.

Then, she turned her head slightly and looked at Emperor Mu outside the palace.

The light in the eyes flickered, and there was a kind of mutual understanding flowing in it.

"You still understand me." Feng Yun looked at Mu Huang with a smile in his eyes.

Muhuang looked at Fengyun, and Tingyan forced a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said to Fengyun: "If I don't understand you, who else can understand."

After a word fell, the two looked at each other.

The mutual acquaintance and sympathy in those eyes surpassed everything.

Yafei, who had been watching since Fengyun woke up, frowned even more when he saw this scene.

Fengyun logically said that this meeting should not wake up.

And she is awake now, which means...

His eyes moved, looking at the touch of black between Fengyun's neck, watching it begin to move towards Fengyun's eyebrows.

Ya Fei clenched his hands tightly.

"Understand me, then come in, I don't want you to lean so far away from me." Feng Yun looked at Mu Huang, and stretched out his hand slowly with difficulty.

"Fengyun." Xiangjiang, Qianyelan and others shouted immediately.

"Come in." Fengyun was extremely decisive.

Muhuang looked at Fengyun, and looked at Yafei's wink at him, his eyes drooped slightly.

After a while, he suddenly raised his head and smiled at Fengyun: "Okay."

Well, there is a determination to do something in the decisiveness.

Emperor Mu, strode forward.

(End of this chapter)

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