Chapter 821
The affairs of our older generation, our older generation handles it by themselves, and it will harm the next generation. You are contemptible. "Master Yan Luo's words were as harsh as ice.

The king of hell never thought of loving the house and the crow.

At this time, when I heard it suddenly, my heart trembled for no reason.

This is Junmuxi's only seedling, he is not allowed to save Fengyun today, and neither will Emperor Mu...

Just ruin everything left by Jun Muxi like this?
Just so everyone...

The King of Hell let go of Di Sha's hand for a moment.

Di Sha was struggling all the time, seeing this, he jerked away the hand of the King of Hell, and rushed towards Feng Yun.

"Give it to me, give it to me quickly, I will take her back to the black hell."

Only the source of darkness in the black hell can fight poison with poison to save the situation.

time is limited.

Muhuang has been watching this scene, seeing this, the hand holding Fengyun slightly tightened.

Fengyun was leaning on Muhuang's arms at this time, looking a little tired.

The black traces had already reached Fengyun's eyebrows.


Seeing this, Fengyun looked up at Di Sha who was rushing towards him, and gave a soft cry.

"You don't have to say it, I understand what you mean, don't say it, just listen to me."

Disha rushed over, seeing that Fengyun was about to speak, he immediately tried to stop him.

He understands what Fengyun means, he understands.

Seeing this, Fengyun gently closed his eyes, this Emperor Sha...

Seeing this, Emperor Mu slowly stretched out his hand, intending to hand Fengyun to Di Sha.

"Wait a minute, it's okay to save." Seeing this, the extremely entangled King of Hell suddenly gave a cold voice.

"If you want to save her, you can. Kneel down and beg us. This deity has never seen a picture of a grandson who is rescued and saves people.

My son doesn't owe you anything, and my son doesn't have to wrong himself like this. "

As soon as the sound fell, the king of hell turned his head and yelled at Disha: "If they don't want this life themselves, what do you want for them.

To save people, let them show their sincerity. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the place fell silent.

Even the violent white shark has nothing to say.

Di Sha didn't owe Fengyun, he didn't need to put himself down so low.

(End of this chapter)

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