Chapter 828 Are You Late 4
Snowflakes flutter, fly and fall.

The entire sky is covered in silver.

And enchanting, but chilling.

The winter is cold, and the earth is covered with frost.

But Black Hell belongs to the place of darkness, the source of gloom.

On the contrary, it is not as cold as the one on the ground, and the expression remains the same.

A piece of ruins, a piece of desolation.

There is no clanking murderous look and gloom in the past, only loneliness and loneliness.

But in this loneliness, the source of darkness at the end of the black hell is quiet.

A tranquility unlike any other.

At the source of the source of darkness, where no one is allowed to approach, and no one has the ability to approach, the two of them are in it at this time.

The huge black spiritual power floated tightly in the underground cave.

That kind of pure black makes the surroundings almost invisible.

And in the black center, a fiery red flower bloomed in it.

The flowers are extremely large, almost rivaling blooming canapés.

The flower color is also very coquettish, and the petals are dotted with countless spots.

It looks like a lot of stars, no matter how delicate and beautiful.

However, there was a thick stench around this huge flower, which made people almost faint.

It stinks so badly.

Therefore, the snacks that followed couldn't resist the smell, and went directly to the top, leaving only Fengyun sitting in the heart of the flower, and Di Sha on the side.

Fiery red light flickered around Fengyun's body, mixed with a little bit of black.

Fengyun sat in the huge flower center with her eyes closed, with a circle of fiery red and a circle of black around her body, two kinds of light continuously revolved around her.

And with this circle of rotation, the power of the source of darkness in Fengyun's body is being pulled out bit by bit.

Behind her, Disha has been sitting behind her.

One hand was pressed on Fengyun's vest, and his eyes were also tightly closed.

The deep dark aura around him completely melted him into the darkness around him.

Only that pale face made people feel that there was another him here.

Black streamers danced, enveloping the wind and cloud.

(End of this chapter)

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