Chapter 830 Are You Late 6
Seeing this, Disha turned his head and walked outside.

"Yunyun, Disha said that you will wake up today, so why don't you wake up earlier, I miss you, and I haven't spoken to you for so long.

We haven't talked for so long, don't make me worry, wake up quickly, okay..."

Words of arrogance and worry in a low voice lingered in Fengyun's ears.

Xiaoshi began to chatter alone again.

Outside the house, the wind is as light as before, and the white clouds are still there.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, the world has not changed.

Disha in the other room shook his head bitterly after hearing the words.

Then he rolled up his sleeves and ran his fingertips across his arms.

Immediately, drops of blood fell into Fengyun's medicine bowl below.

The red merged into the black, and there was no trace in an instant.

Fengyun was injured in the inner palace, and ordinary medicines couldn't cure it at all, and she didn't dare to use the panacea of ​​the light department.

Only by using his blood as a guide can he be well nursed.

Red and black are both so bright and so hot.

The sky is getting lighter and bluer.

"Yunyun, you said it's been ten days, and Mumu didn't come to see you. He's really relieved. If it was me, I would..."

"How come I never knew you were so long-winded."

Xiao Shi hadn't finished his rambling words when a low, extremely hoarse, but extremely clear voice sounded suddenly and slowly.

Inside, mixed with a thick smile.

There was a moment of silence in the room.

Immediately afterwards, just listening to Xiaoshi's wild scream, the huge flower body rushed out with a whoosh, and rushed towards Di Sha's place.

"Wake up, wake up, Yun Yun woke up, ahahaha..."

Disha was just coming out with a medicine bowl, when he heard the words, he almost dropped the bowl in his hand with excitement, and rushed towards Fengyun's room.

Although I knew she would wake up today, but she really woke up...

Stepping into the room, Disha saw that Fengyun had propped up his body and was sitting on the bed.

At this moment, she was turning her head to look at him with a smile on her brow.

"Fengyun..." Disha's hand holding the bowl trembled a little.

Obviously thinking that when she wakes up, he has a lot of things to say to her.

(End of this chapter)

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