Chapter 834 What Are You Doing 2
However, he woke up immediately.

Stretching out his hand to wipe off the water droplets on his face, Fengyun turned his head and gave Disha a look.

When he saw Disha, he squatted by the hot spring and looked at her, seeing her stare at him, he couldn't help but smile wickedly.

Seeing this, Fengyun stretched out his hand to hit the water.

Immediately, a water arrow rushed towards Di Sha.

Disha never thought that Fengyun would actually joke with him, so he didn't move, and was immediately drowned.

"Haha..." Snack next to him immediately laughed happily: "You're such an idiot, you don't know how to hide."

Di Sha touched the water on his face, looked at the corners of Feng Yun's mouth slightly outlined, and a bright smile appeared on his face.

He had never seen Fengyun smile at him like this.

That kind of, no defense, no diaphragm, no hostile smile.

Almost laughed to his heart's content.

Couldn't help but almost stayed by the hot spring, staring fixedly at Fengyun's smile.

"Disha." Seeing this, Fengyun blinked, sighed silently, and suddenly said, "Let's be friends."

let's be friends.

If it is not heavy or deep, it just falls into Di Sha's ears so lightly.

In an instant, that heart was startled.

"Being friends?" Disha murmured in response.

Fengyun looked at Di Sha, and nodded emphatically for a while.

She knew that she shouldn't have said these words, she knew that these words hurt people, and she knew that what Di Sha was asking for was not this.

She knows it all, she knows it all.

However, after thinking about it, this is the only thing she can give.

Not enemies, just be friends.

She will treat him wholeheartedly, and she will treat him as her best and best friend.

She can go up the mountain of swords and go down into the sea of ​​fire for him.

Perhaps, these are not what Disha wants.

However, these are what she can give.

She didn't want to ask for inner comfort, so she pushed Disha towards her friend, ignoring everything this person had done for her.

She just knew that this was her limit.

The sun swayed past, and the faint halo spread out, reflecting the mist, misty.

Disha didn't speak for a long time.

"If you don't want to, then..."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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