Chapter 836 What Are You Doing 4
Snacks immediately exploded, and with his hands on his hips, he said, "I'm going to become a man, I'm going to marry a wife, I don't want to marry Di Sha, you..."

"Marry me?" Xiaoshi hadn't finished speaking, when Di Sha, who had disappeared, suddenly reappeared, looking at Xiaoshi sideways.

Then he strode up and grabbed the snacks.

Holding it in front of him, Disha looked left and right.

Then contemptuously threw the creepy snack that was seen back to the ground.

"That's it, unless my eyes are out of frame."

Liang Liang's words floated in the air, filled with endless contempt.

There was a moment of silence in the air.

"Haha..." Immediately after Fengyun raised his head, he burst into laughter, and the laughter shook the sky.

"You bastard, I don't look good at that, I don't look good at that, you look down on me, and I still look down on you..."

Mixed with Fengyun's laughter, Xiaoshi roared furiously.

Di Sha saw Xiao Shi making a fuss with his hips akimbo, that's called pungent.

At that moment, he stretched out his hand to pick up one of Xiaoshi's petals, and said in a wicked way: "Look good? Well then, little girl, give me a smile."

"Boom." Xiao Shi was instantly focused by Lei.

I froze there, not knowing what to say.

"Haha, little girl, little girl..." Fengyun crawled by the hot spring, laughing hard.

Domineering Snacks sometimes get blocked and can't open their mouths.

"Yunyun, he bullied me." Xiaoshi was sad.

"You bully and go back, come on, I'll teach you..." Fengyun made a move.

Blue sky and white clouds, the atmosphere is like spring.

Di Sha was extremely happy looking at Fengyun, he had never seen such an openness before, and he was extremely comfortable in his heart.

He couldn't help but reach out to take out the food and wine he had bought, while bickering with the snacks.

The jade liquid is in the mouth, and the person you like is not far away.

The infinite scenery of blue sky and white clouds is behind.

It would be great if it could be like this for the rest of your life.

The wind is blowing, boundless enjoyment.

"Woooo, Yunyun..."

"You lost again, how stupid." Feng Yun looked at Xiao Shi who had lost again for a while, and smiled.

"I'm not at the same stage as him."

Snacks finally realized that it was not an opponent at the same level as Disha, and Disha was much higher level than it.

(End of this chapter)

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