Chapter 838 What Are You Doing 6
It knew that Fengyun was looking for the golden lion with the power of the spiritual contract, so it went to help her.

"Little Gold, where is it? Answer me..."

The lingering voice of the soul came out, and the wind and cloud called the golden lion across thousands of rivers and mountains.

Di Sha concentrated on calculating and evaluating, Feng Yun closed his eyes and called.

Immediately, there was silence here.

The wind blew gently, rustling the treetops.

The golden sun, which was still dazzling just now, lost its flavor in an instant.

At this time, the golden lion, who was already far away in the Holy Spirit Palace Mountain of the Vault of Heaven Empire, suddenly received Fengyun's call, and immediately stopped all movements.

"What?" Mu Huang, who was following it along the way, stopped immediately.

"Fengyun is calling me." The golden lion closed his eyes and said.

With just this sentence, Mu Huangben's serious face was instantly filled with excitement.

Fengyun woke up, his Fengyun woke up.

So good, so good.

"What's the matter with her?" The excitement turned into excitement, but Muhuang was keenly aware of the problem, and asked quickly.

Why is Fengyun calling the golden lion?
Could it be that Fengyun...

Mu Huang clenched his fists instantly.

"It's okay, the power in Fengyun's body moved, she felt the same power appeared, and she was asking." The golden lion said concisely.

Muhuang's heart dropped when he heard that.

After a moment of silence, Mu Huang said in a deep voice: "You tell her the current situation, so that she doesn't have to worry, we are dealing with it.

Also, tell Xiaoshi to protect Fengyun. "

The power in Fengyun's body is no longer a great danger.

However, now that this large force is invading here, it is best to take precautions.

The golden lion nodded and conveyed Mu Huang's words.

"Don't tell her too much." Muhuang nodded.

Fengyun is smart, if she talks too much, she can easily guess it.

Although I was very excited for her to wake up at this time, it was the right thing to let her take a good rest at this time.

The golden lion glanced at Muhuang, understood what Muhuang meant, and nodded.

The mountain wind blew past, and it was bitingly cold.

Not far ahead is the Holy Spirit Palace Mountain where they found something different.

(End of this chapter)

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