First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 844: Ten Thousand Beasts Attack 4

Chapter 844: Ten Thousand Beasts Attack 4
Hai Long and the others immediately followed after hearing the words.

I saw a dark and inconspicuous place under the dead volcano in the depths of the fantasy sea, with signs of breakthrough.

Such traces are simply unobtrusive in the traces of volcanic eruptions.

No wonder, make them easy to find.

"That's the breath." Shoujiang squatted beside a pile of rocks turned outwards, stretching out his hand above it.

Feeling the residual breath here, his face suddenly sank.

It was the dark aura he had seen on Modi and Yanya.

This is what is behind their mermaids and dwarves.

Xiao Jiang clenched his fists violently.

"It's such a strong feeling." Scar, who was squatting next to Xiaojiang, spoke rarely.

In the cave that broke through, he could feel the faint remaining dark power below.

It doesn't seem to come from the ground, but it seems to come from another space.

They are trying to constantly impact here.

He could even feel their turbulent aura.

"I'll suppress it, you guys see if there is anything special around you."

The scars can be felt, and Xiang Jiang will definitely not feel it. At the moment, Xiang Jiang ordered in a deep voice.

"it is good……"

Immediately, Hai Long, Scar, White Shark, and others began to search in all directions one after another, while Xiao Jiang began to suppress this space.

This seabed is his world.

It's okay if you don't find it, you found a weak spot.

He has a lot of ways to suppress and mend this side.

The azure spiritual power is rippling in the water color, reflecting the shimmering light on this side.

The ferocious undersea volcano is outlined in an ethereal way.

"Look, here." Amid the sparkling light, Hai Long suddenly shouted in a low voice.

Scar and the others who searched in other directions immediately turned around quickly.

In front of Hai Long, on the huge bumpy reef.

A black long sword pattern is quietly engraved on it.

The black long sword is covered with hideous patterns, the lines are extremely abstract.

It is completely unclear what is engraved on it.

At this time, the tip of the sword was pointing to the center of the Three Continents.

(End of this chapter)

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