First-class queen: woman, don't be too arrogant

Chapter 989 Emperor Sha's Past Life 49

Chapter 989 Emperor Sha's Past Life 49
At the peak of the seventh rank and the peak of Wuzun, the wind of the knife slashed down like a heavy knife. Just the breath, the ordinary people around who were watching the excitement were blown away from a distance.

Immediately, the scene was chaotic.

"Wow, I really did it." Seeing this, Leng Fengyun quickly grabbed Di Sha with one hand, and hugged the tree with the other. She had never seen such a powerful Martial Venerable at the peak of the seventh rank, but only the Qi on this knife was so strong, It is better for her to hold on to the tree.

Seeing that Leng Fengyun still remembered to protect him, Disha couldn't help chuckling to himself. At the same time, he simply leaned softly on Leng Fengyun's body and continued to watch the fun.

"Damn it, you dare to make a real move, come on, come on." The prime minister and the other three leaders didn't expect Di Wuya to really dare to make a move, and immediately yelled and quickly backed away.

And just as they shouted loudly, more than a dozen figures as fast as lightning shot out from behind them, with their sharp weapons out of their sheaths, they headed towards Di Wuya.

Light red, and yellow, all kinds of energy flicker.

"Peak of the seventh rank, Martial Venerable of the seventh rank..."

"Wow, it's time to fight, after rewinding..."

"Peak of the seventh rank, God, they are all peaks of the seventh rank, so many..."


The ordinary spectators who were scrambling back and forth were all excited and nervous after seeing this, talking loudly while running back.

They have always only known that there are so many masters in the palace of the gods of the emperor's family, but they don't know that there are such masters in the mansion of their prime minister, prime minister, general king and others.

Now, it's lively, it's lively.

"Hmph, I want to bully the few with the more." The middle-aged men standing behind Di Wuya saw a flicker of cold and angry expressions, waved their sleeves together, and charged forward.

Wanting to bully others on the territory of the Dijia Shenwangfu, dreaming.

"Boom..." In an instant, in the open space in front of Di Wuya Zhuangzi, all kinds of yuan energies slammed together, and the fierce collision sounded like a thunderclap resounding in all directions.

The dust from the curtain rolls up from all sides, covering the sky and covering the ground.

In this cloud of dust, the dozen or so figures that collided with each other took a few steps back, meeting their opponents.

However, it is obvious that the side of the emperor's house with only a few people is better than the prime minister's side with more than a dozen people.

"Kill." Di Wuya's eyes surged with murderous aura, and instead of retreating with the saber, he rushed towards the seventh-rank peak Martial Venerable opposite him.

Today, if you dare to disrespect him, don't blame him for killing.

The knife, the blue knife.

In Di Wuya's hands, it turned into thousands of shadows, like waves on the bottom of the sea, attacking the opponent one after another.

"Thousand Waves Shadow." On the treetops, Disha said in a low voice when he saw this: "That's Grandpa Fifth's special skill. It seems that Grandpa Fifth was really angry when he moved."

Leng Fengyun sneered when he heard the words: "This is really angry, and he hasn't felt the mood when you were taken away from the life-saving spirit orb."

After being slandered, he became really angry, and when that Emperor Sha, whose life was tied to the Lingzhu that day, had to show it to him with a smile, he didn't know if others would get really angry.

Di Sha listened to Leng Fengyun's obvious defense of him, with a smile on his face, and simply moved his body closer to Leng Fengyun: "Little girl is the best."

"Ouch, ouch, show your affection, ah, I want to blind my sparrow's eyes." Xiaodou'er heard it from the side, and immediately covered her eyes with her pretending wings and shouted loudly.

(End of this chapter)

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