Chapter 1260

"It's not easy for this kid to be able to break through a saint without being selected. He didn't become the chief disciple, which means he didn't enjoy the resources of the sect. Breaking through with his own efforts is amazing!"

"Is this considered powerful? Hehe, how many of us have become saints by our own efforts before becoming seed disciples, and those who have been cultivated to become seed disciples by relying on their status as chief disciples are just among us. The weakest!"

The seed disciples present saw Su Chen coming in, holding the token of the seed disciple in their hands, they all looked over, and at the same time communicated through sound transmission, these are the core elites of Chunyangmen, each of them is very proud and arrogant, look Most of Xiang Su Chen's eyes were contemptuous and playful, and some of them seemed to be looking at playthings.

As soon as Su Chen landed, he felt hostile or contemptuous gazes around him. These were the strong ones among the saints and the elites of the Chunyang Sect. Just these gazes made people feel tremendous pressure. Su Chen immediately understood Come here, no wonder Shen Yifei didn't want to come and report with him, saying that he was going to practice, but in fact he was afraid of being bullied.

"It seems that no matter where it is, it is common for old people to bully newcomers. It was like this when they became true disciples. However, if you want to bully me, Su Chen, it depends on whether you have the ability .”

Facing the eyes of these seed disciples, Su Chen sneered, ignored them, and walked directly into the hall.

His reaction immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of these disciples, and they all glared.

"Hmph, this new student has a pretty bad temper. He even dared to sneer at us. He's so arrogant. He didn't think he thought this place was outside. He dared to show his strength here, and he didn't even look at where it was. , who here is not the elite among the elites, whoever goes out is the peerless powerhouse of Megatron, and in Chunyangmen, he is the candidate for the future Son of God!"

"These newcomers, if you don't teach them a little lesson and let them know how powerful they are, they will suffer losses sooner or later when they go out in the future. That's all. It's not good to lose face for our Chunyangmen!"

"Young people are always young and energetic. We seniors, of course we must guide him well, haha!" A group of seed disciples have already begun to think about how to train Su Chen.

At this time, Su Chen had already entered the report hall. Just as he entered, a tall and burly man with a height of three meters came out from the inside, but he seemed to intend to embarrass Su Chen, such a wide gate, He insisted on bumping towards Su Chen, and a powerful force surged from him to Su Chen, clearly wanting to teach Su Chen a lesson.

Not only that, with his movement, the space around Su Chen was blocked by an invisible force, and ordinary people couldn't break through it at all, even if they wanted to avoid this person's impact, they could only bear his attack.

Su Chen recognized it at a glance. The collision of this strong man also contained a powerful move. It was the Chunyang Baquan of Chunyang Wujiquan. It used the body as a weapon to directly hit the enemy. The most profound move in Chunyang Wujiquan.

Su Chen also saw those true disciples performing the pure Yang Wuji Fist before, but there is obviously a huge gap between their moves and the strong man in front of him. This person's Pure Yang Wuji Fist is obviously much more advanced of.

The pure Yang Wujiquan learned by the true disciples is not complete, it can only be regarded as an introductory move. To the outside world, it is already very powerful, and the more advanced and complete moves, only the seed disciples are eligible to learn .

The burly disciple in front of him, who deliberately provoked him, had obviously cultivated the Pure Yang Wuji Fist to a very advanced level. His collision really gave people a feeling of Pure Yang Wuji, and made people feel heavy pressure.

Especially since he blocked the space around Su Chen, Su Chen seemed to have no way out.

Before Su Chen came in, he had already made such preparations, so he was not surprised by this strong man's provocation.

"Don't you have eyes?"

Su Chen suddenly shouted angrily, a terrifying aura burst out from his body, he raised his hand and slapped towards the opponent, this slap seemed plain, but it contained Su Chen's powerful saint law in it, Even the mystery of the Good Fortune Fist is contained in it, as soon as he makes a move, endless murderous intent emerges, which makes people feel frightened.


The body of the man who bumped into Su Chen suddenly stopped. He blocked the space around Su Chen just now, and wanted Su Chen to take his blow forcibly. Unfortunately, now Su Chen treats him in his own way At the same time, the tyrannical sage law directly blocked the space around him. He only felt that he was stuck in a quagmire. He wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape at all. He could only look at Su Chen's slap hit his face.

The burly man roared in his heart, wanting to break free, but, although he is also a peerless saint, compared with Su Chen, he is simply far behind. No matter how hard he struggles, Su Chen can't help Su Chen's slap slapped his face fiercely, and his body was freed for a while, and then flew upside down, splashing golden blood on his body, which is his sage law , was unexpectedly broken by Su Chen abruptly.

This person's sage law is also quite remarkable, as thick as a thumb, much stronger than Shen Yifei's sage law, but in front of Su Chen, he is as fragile as an ant, and Su Chen can easily crush him to death.

However, this is the core of Chunyangmen, and it is impossible for Su Chen to kill people openly, so he can only teach this person a lesson.

After this person was sent flying, he slammed into the stone pillar behind him heavily, and the saint's law on his body seemed to be broken up. He couldn't recover for a long time, and looked at Su Chen in horror on the ground.

"This, this is unbelievable, Senior Brother Huang was defeated by one move?"

"Senior Brother Huang has as many as [-] laws of saints in his body, and the laws of saints are extremely concise. Compared with those old saints, they are almost all the same, but they were slapped away by this newcomer. Even the law of saints has been defeated!"

"It's really a mistake. This newcomer is actually a ruthless person. No wonder he dared to sneer just now. It turns out that he really has some strength!"

"Hmph, it's going to be lively now. This newcomer is so tyrannical and has such a tough attitude. It will probably cause a lot of trouble. It is estimated that those top existences among the seed disciples will be interested in him."

Su Chen looked at the man on the ground, and then glanced at the other people around him. Those people were also shocked by Su Chen, and quickly took a few steps back.

"Sure enough, you have to be tough everywhere, otherwise, people will really think you are easy to bully. As the saying goes, people are good enough to be bullied, and horses are good to be ridden by others. Whether it is in the outer sect or among these seed disciples, you must be enough. Only by being tough can we survive!"

Su Chen deliberately revealed some domineering aura, so that these seed disciples dare not look down on him anymore.

At this moment, Senior Brother Huang who was lying on the ground roared and got up: "How dare you abolish my sage law?!"

After he got up, he was not in a hurry to take revenge. He seemed to know that his strength was somewhat different from that of Su Chen, so he quickly took out one after another of the top-grade holy pills, and swallowed them all in one go. Su Chen looked, these in his hands The quality of the top-grade holy pill is not high, it can only be regarded as a relatively low-level existence among the top-grade holy pills, and it is far behind my own tempering holy pill.

Even so, these top-grade holy pills also contain a lot of sage laws, which can still be used for healing.

After Senior Brother Huang took the top-grade holy elixir, he quickly refined and absorbed the saint's law in it, and healed his injury. After a few breaths, his injury recovered a little. He jumped up, his eyes were red, and he immediately unfolded In order to fight back, he wants to avenge Su Chen.

"Boy, you are courting death!"

Boom!A huge fist slammed down towards Su Chen. This fist gathered countless sage laws, aroused the power of heaven and earth, and countless visions appeared around it, pressing towards Su Chen, and there were even endless thunder sounds. , as if thousands of troops were rushing towards Su Chen.

"Lei Dao Qian Sha!"

"It's Senior Brother Huang's holy method of Thunder Dao. He has been completely enraged, and he has started desperately. The power of his holy method is quite powerful. He has killed several saints and strong men before!"

The surrounding disciples recognized it immediately, and hurriedly backed away to avoid being affected by the attacks of the two. Whether it was Senior Brother Huang or the new seed disciple in front of him, they were all quite powerful and stubborn.

"Suffer to death!"

Senior Brother Huang let out a furious roar, and this punch suddenly disintegrated, directly turning into thousands of horses and horses, sweeping forward with a trembling aura, the waves of air billowed, the murderous aura was like a tide, endless blood energy surged in the air, and among them were countless wraith ghosts The fog emerged and seemed to tear Su Chen apart.

"It seems that the slap just now didn't make you realize how weak you are!"

Su Chen snorted coldly, and took a step forward. This step seemed to step directly on the thousands of troops. The endless momentum was directly defeated by Su Chen. Thousands of troops, endless ghost fog of resentment All of them were defeated and turned into nothingness. Brother Huang's attack was forced, and he also suffered a backlash. His clothes were shattered, his body began to burst, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Su Chen taught him a lesson just now, and he still dared to make a move. This time, Su Chen didn't hold back any more, and defeated Senior Brother Huang just by relying on his own aura. Not only that, the saint's law in him was shocked Broken, I don't know how long it will take to recover.

(End of this chapter)

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