Chapter 387 Fight to Fame

"Pseudo-realm?" Su Chen was taken aback, and couldn't help but think of the concept of a pseudo-realm. Before when he and the black-robed man Gui Li fought, he heard from outside guests that the fake realm is similar to the realm of the Qiankun Realm powerhouse. But the reason why it is called a pseudo-domain is because this pseudo-domain only has the power of a part of the domain, which is still much worse than the real domain.

The power of this pseudo domain is between the borrowed power of heaven and earth and the real domain. The real domain is the real control. In the domain, I am a god. Even if I have the power of heaven and earth to fight against, I will Being infinitely weakened, as if there is nothing, such a gap is difficult to make up, unless the strength is strong enough.

Su Chen also just completed the triple fusion of formations, but he didn't realize the real situation of the Ten Jue Formation, but after hearing Murong Changtian's words, he quickly extended his spiritual consciousness to the entire Ten Jue Formation, and suddenly felt a sense of panic. A mysterious feeling arose in Su Chen's heart.

He felt that in the entire formation, he was the master here, everything here, everything in the formation, he could easily destroy.

Of course, this was just a feeling, if it was true, then Su Chen would not stand here and fight Murong Changtian, and went directly to Tiandu City.

But this also illustrates a problem, that is the strength of the domain, even if it is just a pseudo-domain, it is far more powerful than the power of heaven and earth borrowed between heaven and earth.

Su Chen looked at Murong Changtian's astonished expression, and said pretendingly: "Hehe, Mr. Murong, I'm really sorry, just now I accidentally upgraded the formation to a lower level, and I didn't expect a fake one to appear all of a sudden. Come out of the field, but let alone, the power of this pseudo-field is really strong and boundless. You were quite majestic in the formation just now. I am afraid that you have more than this. Stronger, Mr. Murong may as well let me learn your master's brilliant move!"

Su Chen's figure did not appear in front of Murong Changtian, but the voice passed through the formation and reached his ears, making Murong Changtian's face turn pale with anger.

Outside of the formation, many people were looking forward to the final victory for the target they pressed, but Su Chen and Murong Changtian who entered the formation seemed to have disappeared, not for a long time. Appeared, if they could not faintly feel the aura of the two of them, they might think that they both ran away.

"Eh? The formation is changing?"

Soon, everyone noticed the changes in the Ten Absolute Formation, and an invisible but heavy coercion was transmitted from the Ten Absolute Formation, shaking everyone.

"This is... the breath of a domain? How could it be a domain? What kind of ghost formation is this? How can it have the power of a domain?"

"Could it be that this kid has suddenly broken through to become a sky-level formation mage? Isn't this too ridiculous?"

"A heavenly formation mage? Don't be ridiculous, okay? If it's that easy to become a heavenly formation mage, I'll go and study the formation."

"Hey, you're only thinking about Su Chen, but you haven't thought about it, it's Murong Changtian who broke through?"

"Murong Changtian's breakthrough? It's very possible. But, isn't he always stuck at the peak of the Heavenly Core Realm, so he doesn't intend to break through so early?"

"What do you know about this? Murong Changtian is an arrogant person. He doesn't want to be just an ordinary universe realm when he breaks through. His goal is to condense his own domain once he breaks through!"

"Hiss... What an arrogant goal, but he does have the confidence, but, did he really break through? Why do I feel that the aura of this field is a little weak."

"That's true. If he breaks through, the movement shouldn't be so small. Moreover, if he breaks through, he will definitely break through the Ten Jue Formation with a single strike. How can he still stay inside?"

"Maybe, maybe he is using this formation to hone his own strength."

In Sima Chong's private room, he looked at the situation in the battlefield in surprise, but because Su Chen and Murong Changtian had entered the formation, people outside could not see the specific situation, but could roughly feel it. It's just the aura of the two of them, and because of the effect of the formation, the aura sensed is not clear.

"Murong Changtian must have made a breakthrough. I've never heard of a high-level formation that can have the power of a domain." Sima Chong thought swearingly.

"Now Su Chen is finished. Although Murong Changtian was polite to him just now, it was because of his status as a high-level formation mage, but if Murong Changtian breaks through, there is no need to worry anymore. With his status, even if he is No one would dare to blame him for killing Su Chen, after all, Su Chen hasn't joined any faction yet, he just made friends with Ling Caihua."

"Sure enough, I did not guess wrong. This guy is simply a magician. After this battle, he must make friends. Maybe this is the opportunity for me to become a heavenly magician. It is ridiculous for those short-sighted people to think it is Murong Changtian made a breakthrough, he is simply ignorant."

Wang Yan said with bright eyes, she was no longer the lady image she was before, she was like a pervert who saw a handsome guy, it was very exaggerated.

"Others can't see it, why can't I see it? This is clearly the top Ten Jue Formation among the high-level formations. Although the Ten Jue Formation is not a secret, all major family forces have it, and I also have it in my hand." However, it is not so easy to comprehend and arrange the information of the Ten Jue Formation. I have been studying the formation for so long, but I still can't understand the Ten Jue Formation, but he can do it. Not only did he do it, And it seems that the entire Ten Jue Formation has been upgraded!"

The shock in Wang Yan's heart was much greater than others, because as a high-level formation mage, she knew very well some things about the Ten Jue Formation. Although she didn't understand the details as well as Su Chen, she also knew that the Ten Jue Formation was not a simple high-level land-level formation. Formation, but there is hope to reach the level of heaven-level formation.

Once it becomes a heaven-level formation, the Ten Jue Formation can kill even the Qiankun Realm, but it is too difficult to achieve that step, because Wang Yan has to continuously integrate the formations, let alone merge them. , she doesn't even have the strength to set up a ten-jue formation.

High-level earth-level formation mages are also divided into three, six, and nine grades. Undoubtedly, Wang Yan can only be regarded as an ordinary high-level earth-level formation mage, while Su Chen is a high-level earth-level formation mage standing at the pinnacle.

Wang Yan looked at Su Chen at this time, not only revealing fanaticism, but also showing respect, this is the treatment of the strong.

Ling Caihua and others also knew that it was Su Chen's breakthrough. Ling Caihua had personally seen the power of the Ten Jue Formation, and was extremely familiar with the aura and power of the Ten Jue Formation. It's the top ten.

After Ling Caihua was shocked, she was full of joy: "Haha, this kid can really surprise people constantly!"

"I knew it, my brother would definitely win!" Su Miao laughed while waving her pink fist.

"Sanggong is the best." Fan Ruxian also smiled sweetly.

In the formation, Su Chen didn't use any magic weapon, and directly punched out with one punch. This punch strengthened the power of the current top ten formation, and it was unstoppable, as if the sky could be blasted, and it crushed Murong Changtian.

Murong Changtian naturally wouldn't stand still, the light and shadow sword flickered in his hand, and countless sword lights flew out, dazzling white, as if all the darkness had been dispelled, these sword lights quickly merged together, turning into a solid white light The sword slashed at Su Chen's fist.

This is the collision of two powerful tricks. Wherever the lightsaber passed, the space inside the formation showed signs of rupture. Feeling the power of this move, Su Chen was secretly shocked. No wonder Murong Changtian fought against the Qiankun Realm This move alone is enough to prove the great strength of Yizhong.

How stable is the current formation space of the Shijue Formation, and it has formed a pseudo-field. In the formation, all the power of heaven and earth will be suppressed. Unless there is a strong person in the real field, the power will be severely weakened. In this way, Murong Changtian still has such fighting power, which can be seen.

The two forces collided together, sending out a violent roar, and the energy impact spread out in all directions, but fell into the Ten Absolute Formation, and all of them dissipated, and were transformed into the original heaven and earth vitality by the Ten Absolute Formation's power, becoming the driving force. The power of formation.

The huge fist shattered the power of the lightsaber, and it was weakened by half. It was not as solid as before, and became much darker. However, this time, the victory and defeat were already divided, and Su Chen's fist continued to fall. Murong Chang Tian's face became gloomy, and he hastily slashed out several swords, blasting away all the remaining fist shadows.

"Damn it!" Murong Changtian cursed inwardly with some reluctance.

"Haha, Murong Changtian, this time I want to thank you very much for letting me improve my strength in the formation, otherwise, it will be very difficult for me to win you this time, but now, you are no longer My opponent is now, you should feel the power of my formation. Although the pseudo domain is not as good as the real domain, it is not something you can resist. Although you have fought against the strong in the Qiankun realm, that one may also Didn't you understand the domain?" Su Chen's proud voice echoed throughout the formation, and Murong Changtian took a deep breath.

"I admit defeat." In the formation, everything was under Su Chen's control, his words did not spread, but Murong Changtian's words were magnified by the formation and spread to everyone's ears .

throw in the towel?Murong Changtian actually conceded defeat?

Not only those who defeated Murong Changtian, but even those who defeated Su Chen stood up in disbelief and looked at the field in horror.

When Murong Changtian conceded defeat, Su Chen had already put away the formation, and the ten little guys also benefited a lot. Their own qualities have also been improved, especially internally. With the baptism of domain power, their future growth It will be smoother, what is lacking is to improve the quality.

"It seems that I have to spend money to buy materials again." Su Chen recalled the scenes in the formation, and couldn't help smiling bitterly. If it wasn't for the effect of the formation field, I am afraid that these ten treasures would be under Murong Changtian's light and shadow sword. , one by one will be abolished.

"Fortunately, Murong Changtian was the only one I met this time. If we encounter stronger enemies in the future, or a few more experts at the peak of the Heavenly Alchemy Realm, they might not be able to bear it."

Su Chen felt the urgency, but now he is a real nouveau riche, nearly [-] catties of spiritual liquid, enough to buy a second-rate sect, and even some Qiankun Realm powerhouses are not as rich as him.

"Well, when it's over, make a lot of purchases, and then retreat for a few days, trying to raise your strength to another level before participating in the debate."

Su Chen is very clear that as a formation master, he is enough to obtain a high status, but his own strength is also important, otherwise, if he encounters a sneak attack, how can he have time to arrange formations?Unless one refines an formation or learns the powerful means of volleying formations, one is truly not afraid of any enemies.

The formation disappeared, and everything around returned to normal. Murong Changtian took a deep look at Su Chen: "Su Chen, your formation ability is really extraordinary. Among the high-level formation masters I have seen, no one can do it." Compared with you, I am convinced that I lost."

"It's just a fluke." Su Chen said modestly.

"Your Excellency has such a talent. If you live in a weak branch of the Ling family and don't get attention, I'm afraid it will waste your talent. On behalf of our Murong family, I invite you to join me as the elder of the guest house?" Murong Changtian said seriously. Said.

Although he is not yet an elder in the Qiankun realm, his status is higher than that of ordinary elders, so he is naturally qualified to say this.

As soon as he invited Su Chen, Ling Caihua jumped up: "Murong Changtian, you grandson, you actually poach the corner of my wall, that little girl Shen Feiyan, I'm going to fix it!"

Murong Changtian didn't say a word, but Senran's eyes swept over him, which showed everything. Ling Caihua was not afraid at all, and looked at him. If Su Chen was poached by him, it would be a big loss.

Fortunately, Su Chen expressed his attitude in time: "I'm sorry, I don't want to be an enemy of the Murong family, but I'm afraid it's not easy to be friends. As for your invitation, I'm sorry I can't agree to it. I have already agreed to Brother Caihua , how could he be a perfidious person."

"Then I won't force it. Although I lost today, I will definitely challenge again in the future!" Murong Changtian cupped his hands and said, then left the battle field gracefully and left with his subordinates.

The battlefield, which was silent for a moment, was instantly filled with cheers. Of course, most of the cheers were those who beat Su Chen to win.

In this battle, Su Chen not only earned another fortune, but more importantly, he became famous completely. In a few days, his fame might spread throughout Zhongzhou City!

(End of this chapter)

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