Excellent young master

Chapter 541 Despicable Means

Chapter 541 Despicable Means
"Master Su, please!" The envoy of the Nangong family was very polite to Su Chen. After explaining to Xia Ze and the others, Su Chen left the Zhongzhou mansion with the envoy of the Nangong family.

The two got into a car, pulled in front by two ordinary demon kings flying horses, Su Chen and the Nangong family envoy got into the car, the car started, and left quickly, heading towards the Nangong family.

Su Chen looked curiously at the envoy of the Nangong Family, and asked, "I don't know what the second elder of the Nangong Family wants to see me?"

"Hehe, you will know about this matter when you see the second elder." The other party smiled, but didn't say much.

Su Chen was stunned, but judging from the attitude of the other party, it was obvious that there was no malice. Su Chen was thinking about the purpose of the second elder of the Nangong family looking for him.

It can be said that the Nangong family and the Su family have a lot of connection with me. After all, I belong to the Su family, and the Nangong family is my mother's natal family. It's just Su Chen's relationship with the Su family so far. It's not good, especially because of Su Xiuyi, Su Chen hasn't been to Su's house until now.

It's just that he didn't expect that the Nangong family would take the initiative to invite him. Since they invited him, they must know his identity. Could it be that they want to reconcile with him?
After all, even if the relationship between the Nangong family and the Su family was at odds due to their positions and the hatred of their ancestors, the talent and strength he displayed was enough to make the two families let go of these and take the initiative to show their friendship to him.

No force dares to underestimate a talented and powerful man with a bright future, especially Su Chen's talent, which can be called a monster, cannot be ignored by all parties.

Others may not know it, but as one of the strongest families in Tiandu City and has a very deep relationship with Su Chen, how could the Nangong family not know.

Therefore, Su Chen felt that the Nangong family's search for him probably had something to do with it.

With these thoughts in mind, Su Chen soon came to the residence of the Nangong family, but it was not the main residence of the Nangong family, but a luxurious courtyard near the main residence of the Nangong family.

To be able to own a luxurious house next to the Nangong family, the status is definitely not low, and the person living here is the second elder of the Nangong family, a peak domain powerhouse who is less than a hundred years old.

One hundred years old, for a strong Jindan realm, the potential has been exhausted, there is no potential at all, but for a strong Qiankun realm, there are endless possibilities.

Especially after reaching the peak realm, this kind of strength can be called terrifying, and the possibility of stepping into the void realm in the future is also very high. In the Nangong family, the status completely surpasses the patriarch. This is the strong man in the void realm in the future. In the entire Nangong family, there are very few strong men who have the hope of entering the void realm.

The Hole Void Realm is the foundation of a power, and every additional one will become stronger. If the Second Elder steps into the Void Hole Realm, he will surely have a thousand-year lifespan. At that time, the strength of the Nangong Family will become even stronger. powerful.

The car entered the mansion directly and came to a courtyard. Su Chen got out of the car and entered the courtyard under the leadership of the messenger.

In the courtyard, a middle-aged man was sitting in a pavilion with his back to Su Chen. The messenger stepped forward and said respectfully, "Second Elder, this subordinate has already brought Mr. Su."

"Well, very good, you can go down." The middle-aged man nodded and said.

After the envoy retreated, the middle-aged man, the second elder of the Nangong family, turned around and looked at Su Chen with a smile: "Su Chen, sit down."

Su Chen looked at the appearance of the second elder, and was a little surprised. He felt that the appearance of the second elder was familiar, but he couldn't remember it for a while, suppressing the doubts in his heart, he walked in, and sat down without being polite. stand up.

"I don't know what the second elder asked Su to come over, what's the matter?" Su Chen asked straight to the point.

The second elder didn't answer, but looked at Su Chen without blinking. Su Chen felt some strange emotion from his eyes. Su Chen thought of a certain possibility, and suddenly shivered. He said with a dark face: "Second Elder, your Excellency is also a strong person in the pinnacle field, but you look at me like this. Could it be that you have some special hobby? If that is the case, I am sorry that I can't accompany you. Su is a normal person in this respect. people."

As Su Chen said, he was about to get up and leave. The second elder couldn't help being stunned. Looking at Su Chen's actions, he couldn't laugh or cry, and laughed and cursed: "You kid, how could you have such an idea? I really don't know how your mother taught you ?”

"Hmph, it seems that you don't need to worry about how my mother teaches. Besides, is it really good for you to talk about other people's mothers like this?" Su Chen snorted coldly and looked at the other party. The other party dared to talk about his own mother, even if the other party He is a strong player in the peak field, and Su Chen doesn't mind a fight.

As the Son of Man, there are certain things that are absolutely intolerable.

"You child." The second elder shook his head helplessly, looked at Su Chen blankly, and muttered: "Your expression at this time is really similar to your mother back then, Rou'er... is she okay now?"


Hearing the words of the second elder, Su Chen couldn't help being stunned. What's going on?Listening to this person's tone, it seems that he has a deep relationship with his mother?

Thinking of his performance just now, Su Chen couldn't help feeling a little guilty. He looked at the second elder vigilantly, and asked, "My mother is well now, and her injuries have fully recovered. She has reached the Heavenly Core Realm. I believe she will be able to step into the universe in the future." However, what is the relationship between the Second Elder and my mother?"

"Have you recovered? That's good." The second elder heaved a sigh of relief, he continued to look at Su Chen, and said with a smile: "Boy, if you want to talk about my relationship with your mother, you have to call me grandpa."


Su Chen was completely dumbfounded. He thought of all kinds of possibilities, but he didn't think of this, because he had never heard his mother mention that he had a grandfather since he was a child, and Su Chen was very clear about Su Zhong's situation. He was an orphan, that is to say, , I don't have grandparents, but Su Chen doesn't know about grandparents, because Nangong Rou never mentioned them.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would meet a guy who claimed to be his grandfather here?

Seeing Su Chen's suspicious expression, the second elder sighed helplessly, and said, "It seems that Rou'er never mentioned me to you. I know she hated me back then, but I was also helpless."

"At that time, I was just an ordinary elder of the Nangong family, with only the cultivation of the absolute domain, and with my status at the time, it was not difficult to protect your mother, but your mother insisted on being with your father at that time. , This is intolerable to the family, and there is nothing I can do about it, and for this reason, she did not hesitate to abolish her cultivation and left with your father, and she refused to come back after so many years."

"I know I'm sorry for your mother, so I secretly sent someone to protect them. I didn't feel relieved until they stabilized in Zhongzhou, but I didn't expect that so many things would happen after so many years. I heard that Do you have a younger sister?" the second elder asked.

Su Chen's soul cultivation is extremely strong, and he has already judged from the tone of the other party's speech that the other party is probably really his grandfather.

"Her name is Su Miao." Su Chen nodded.

"That's great." Second Elder Nangong Tingyu nodded happily: "I just don't know whether she looks like your mother or your father, but you and your mother are somewhat similar, especially the eyes."

Su Chen rolled his eyes, how does he look like his mother, he knows best, if Nangong Tingyu asked him to say these things, Su Chen is really not very interested, for this grandfather who has never met , Su Chen really doesn't have much affection, even if the other party once protected his parents.

"Second Elder, if that's what you're talking about, then forgive me for not being able to accompany you. The debate is imminent, and I have to go back and prepare." Su Chen stood up and planned to leave.

Since his mother is unwilling to accept this grandfather, Su Chen can't do it for him. It's up to his mother to do it.

"Su Chen." Nangong Tingyu stopped Su Chen and said, "I called you here, not only for reminiscing about the past, I know you killed Long Aotian, and the Long family wanted to kill you. The entire Kyushu can protect you. The only one who got you is the Nangong family."

"Back then, because of my lack of strength, I didn't have the right to speak in the family, and I couldn't keep your mother. I regretted it very much. I didn't like not being able to protect my grandson. At the beginning, I was only in the absolute field, but now, I am already at the peak. Domain, and even hope to step into the void realm, as long as I protect you, even the Long family will never touch you!"

Nangong Tingyu's attitude was very firm, and Su Chen couldn't help but feel moved. This cheap grandpa seemed to really care about him. Could it be that he really misunderstood him?

Su Chen couldn't help comparing Nangong Tingyu's situation, and found that according to his situation, it is indeed very possible. Thinking of this, Su Chen's attitude towards Nangong Tingyu has changed, but this does not mean that Su Chen will Acknowledge the other party.

"Second Elder, the one who wants to kill me is the Patriarch Yanlong in the Hollow Realm, do you think you can beat him?" Su Chen asked.

"Of course I am not the opponent of Patriarch Yanlong, but Patriarch Yanlong didn't dare to attack lightly. There are rules in Kyushu. Those who are strong in the Dongxu Realm are not allowed to attack people under the Dongxu Realm. Otherwise, they will be punished by the Immortal Sect." Of course, if there is no evidence, some Dongxu Realm will attack those under the Dongxu Realm, but almost no one in the Dongxu Realm dares to take this risk. The methods of the immortals are extraordinary and can be traced back. Time, understand the cause and effect, once discovered, it is certain death. I don't think Patriarch Yanlong would dare to do that."

"So, if the Long family wants to deal with you, they can only send them under the Dongxu Realm. The strongest is no more than the peak realm. With my strength, it is enough to protect you. Moreover, I believe that your parents in Zhongzhou City also need to Protected?" Nangong Tingyu looked at Su Chen, then laughed.

"However, don't worry, I have already sent a strong person in the field of life, and I should be able to keep them. After all, it was you who killed Long Aotian, not your parents. Let the experts in the peak domain deal with your mother and the others."

"I hope so." Su Chen nodded.

Just as she was talking, Nangong Tingyu's complexion suddenly changed, as if she had received some news, her complexion became gloomy.

"Huh? Did something happen?" Su Chen asked quickly.

"Long Batian heard about Long Aotian's death, and when he learned that the ancestor Yanlong had been to the Zhongzhou mansion, and that there was a Xuanmiao real person protecting those people in Zhongzhou, he was helpless, so he set his mind on Zhongzhou City. I rushed to Zhongzhou City and wanted to do harm to your parents! Damn, I didn’t expect that Long Batian would be so shameless and dignified in the peak realm, but he went to deal with Jindan Realm!” Nangong Tingyu’s face was very ugly, that was his daughter , How could he sit idly by.

"Su Chen, follow me to Zhongzhou immediately, and we must stop Long Batian."

Su Chen was not in a hurry to leave, but asked curiously: "Who is Long Batian?"

"Long Batian is the great elder of the Long Family, Long Aotian's father, also in the peak domain, and his strength is much stronger than mine, but I am sure that I will save your parents, but we have to rush there as soon as possible, Otherwise, if it is too late, it will be too late." Nangong Tingyu said anxiously.

"Peak domain?" Su Chen laughed when he heard this: "Then it's nothing, let him go, since he is so shameless, bullying the small with the big, then let him pay the price, and let the Long family You know, it is not an easy task to deal with me, Su Chen, and you must be prepared to pay a painful price."

(End of this chapter)

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