Excellent young master

Chapter 96 Cold Arrow

Chapter 96 Cold Arrow
Su Miao was just yelling at all directions angrily, but unexpectedly, the enemy immediately echoed her!From this point of view, Nangongrou was right to be worried. The Su family's business was deliberately disrupted outside, and it was the family's turn to suffer.

Su Miao and Nangong Rouniang immediately stood together and looked around vigilantly, but they didn't see anyone.Judging from the voice of the person who answered just now, the other party is full of energy, and must be a powerful person with extremely high cultivation!At least at the peak level of the Xiantian Realm.

"Which little thief has eaten the heart of a bear and the guts of a leopard! If you have the ability, stand up for your aunt!"

Su Miao opened her fists and yelled at all around Qiang.Although she was also a little scared in her heart, at this moment, she knew that if you lose, you can't lose.

As soon as Su Miao finished speaking, a few black figures fell from the backyard in all directions, holding a sword in their hands, and surrounded Su Miao and Nangongrou mother and daughter in one fell swoop.

The leader was tall and thin. Like the other subordinates, he was dressed in black and covered his face. Even when he spoke, he deliberately changed his voice.

"Hmph! It turns out he's an old thief who doesn't know how to live or die! He's so vile, even though he doesn't even dare to show his true colors!"

Su Miao sneered at the leader of the strong man.

The old man was not angry either, his eyes exposed in the veil were fierce, and he directly ordered in a low voice to his subordinates:

"Let's go together! Get me the mother and daughter of the Su family!"

With an order, more than a dozen warriors in black rushed forward together.

Nangongrou stepped forward, and in an instant, she fought with those black-clothed disciples with one enemy.

Nangongrou's strength is not outstanding. Of course, these disciples who carry out special missions are all carefully selected. Each of them is in the third or fourth level of the innate realm. For a while, Nangongrou can't quickly repel everyone.

Su Miao rushed forward with her fists to help her mother fend off the enemy.Suddenly there was a fight in the backyard.

"Miao'er! Mother is here to block them, you break out quickly and go to Qingfengzhai to find your father and brother!"

Nangongrou shouted eagerly while fighting with those black-clothed disciples.

"No! Mom, I can't leave you here alone!"

Su Miao has a stubborn temper, and she is not willing to leave her mother and run away alone. She was so angry that she didn't listen to Nangong Rou's persuasion. The old man in black at the head ran.

The masked old man in black faced Su Miao, a weak woman's punch, but he didn't pay attention to it at all. He didn't even move his body, and he hit the head with a palm!

When palms and fists intersected, Su Miao felt her whole body tremble suddenly, and was swept away by a powerful aura like a stormy sea.Surprised, he couldn't help but let out a cry.



Nangong Rou rushed to her in panic, and tried her best to catch her daughter, before Su Miao hit the stone wall, she finally supported her.

Looking down, Su Miao's mouth was already seeping blood, and her face was flushed, she seemed extremely dissatisfied!She wanted to go up again, but was held down by Nangong Rou:

"Miao'er, don't act like a fool! This person has the strength of the peak of the innate realm! You are no match for him at all!"

Hearing this, the masked old man couldn't help frowning slightly before his eyes, and a look of embarrassment flowed across his expression.

Of course, the mother and daughter of the Su family don't know the details.

The masked old man has actually stepped into the yin and yang realm, but he has just gone through a battle not long ago, and his vitality has not yet recovered, so the strength he received from Su Miao's punch just now, seems to outsiders to feel that it is only equivalent to A congenital strong man.

What's more, in order to conceal his identity, he didn't dare to use his usual weapons.

"Hmph! You two girls, stop making unnecessary resistance! Surrender obediently, and spare your lives!"

The masked old man let out a low growl, and at the same time as the words fell, he flew up and stretched out his two palms like a bird of prey or an eagle, trying to grab the shoulders of Su Miao and Nangong Miao.

Nangong Rou was startled, subconsciously stretched out her arms and stepped forward, blocking her daughter behind her.

Of course, this is of no use in front of a strong man at the peak of the innate realm.

Just at this critical moment, a gust of wind suddenly rushed toward us with the roar and stench of a wild beast.

The masked old man was startled suddenly, and when he was about to take a closer look, a giant tail as thick as a tree trunk swept across the sky.

It collided suddenly with the two palms stretched out by the old man.

The masked old man felt a shock all over his body. At the same time, a bone-piercing chill pierced his heart from his palms, and his feet landed heavily. He retreated three steps in a row, and hurriedly used his kung fu to resist.

When he looked down, the blue icy air was still lingering on his palms.

"It's that giant python monster again!"

The masked old man said in shock.I couldn't help but secretly marvel in my heart: This beast is really extraordinary, with a sweep of its tail, it can hit such a powerful ice attack!

"Mangya's late arrival frightened the mistress!"

In mid-air, Mang Ya, whose huge body was suspended, said apologetically to Nangongrou.

Seeing a powerful assistant coming, Nangong Rou was overjoyed, nodded, and said:

"Fortunately, Chen'er had the foresight to foresee that there would be enemies coming to the Su family to do evil! You were sent to guard the Su family. Mang Ya, I will leave this group of people in front of you to you!"

"Yes! Mistress, please rest assured!"

Mang Ya replied solemnly.Opening his mouth, he let out a thunderous roar, which frightened the dozen or so black-clothed disciples out of their wits, and gathered around the leader of the old man one after another, trembling.

"Haha! Mang Ya, it's good that you're here! Don't let any of these little thieves and old thieves go! Treat them as today's dinner and digest them together! That shameless old thing probably doesn't have much oil and water. Old bones must be particularly unpalatable!"

Su Miao taunted loudly at the side.She couldn't beat the old man in charge with her hands, but she was stubborn in her mouth.

The masked old man was enraged by Su Miao, and jumped up with a whoosh.An afterimage flashed across, bang bah bah!With three palms in a row, three powerful Hunyuan Qi directly surrounded Mangya.

At the same time, more than a dozen disciples in black also rushed forward.

Su Miao and Nangong Rou shot at the same time, restraining those black-clothed disciples.

Mangya dived straight down, with its giant tail curling up on the ground, and in a blink of an eye, three or five disciples were already swept into the air by Mangya like ants, followed closely, whoosh!Those disciples who were rolled up in the air were thrown towards the masked old man one by one like cannonballs.

The strength of the three palms exploded in response to the sound, and three clouds of blood mist filled the air.

The Hunyuan energy of the masked old man directly brought disaster to his three subordinates.

However, this did not stop the stern and cruel old man at all, he gathered his true energy in his hands, and blasted out both palms at the same time again!

During the striking of these two palms, in Nangongrou's view, he vaguely felt that the moves had some distinctive characteristics of the sect, but the user was deliberately concealing this.

Mang Ya made a swift move, dodging the two palms hastily.Immediately, a mouthful of icy air was sprayed towards the old man.

Soon, the two were back and forth in mid-air, tightly wrestling with each other.

When fighting in the open area, Mang Ya still had a lot of advantages, but now, the masked old man was close to him, and his movements were fast, so he had the upper hand.Seeing that Mang Ya turned around and swept across several times, trying to wrap his body around the old man, but was quickly dodged by the other party, Su Miao and Nan Gongrou watched in shock, sweating for Mang Ya.

The masked old man finally seized an opportunity, got close to Mang Ya's body, and struck out with a powerful palm.However, just as the palm force touched the thick scales of the mans teeth, a strong cold current burst out instantly, accompanied by ice chips flying across, the masked old man's palms were numb, and both palms and ten fingers were black and blue.

Of course, Mang Ya also received a palm from the peak strength of the Xiantian Realm.And this is a dangerous move in Mangya's plan!
"Good job! Mangya! You have frozen the true energy in this old thief, now is the time to deal with him!"

Su Miao shouted excitedly from the side.

The masked old man turned pale with fright, turned around and jumped up, hurriedly flying towards the backyard wall.

"The old thief is about to escape!"

Su Miao yelled.Mang Yahu chased after him vigorously, followed closely behind the masked old man, only half a foot away, and suddenly opened his huge mouth...

The masked old man turned his head and turned pale with shock. The back half of his body had almost fallen into the monster's mouth. As long as the mangy teeth closed his mouth, he would be broken in two immediately.

Life is at stake, and in a hurry, I can no longer care about it!

The old man reached for his waist.

In the night sky, a flash of blue lightning suddenly flashed, and the masked old man hit him with a whip.

"Manga, be careful!"

It was Nangongrou who saw it clearly and suddenly yelled.However, it was still half a step late. Mang Ya was attacking with all his strength at this moment, and he never expected that the opponent would make this move unexpectedly, and he was caught off guard for a while!
A crisp whip strike landed firmly on Mang Ya's body. The whip with the lightning attack was very powerful. In addition, Mang Ya took the old man's palm just now. At such a close distance, it Wanting to dodge is powerless!

Blood splattered, and several huge scales fell down one after another!
Mang Ya let out a roar that shook the sky and screamed, and danced his huge body furiously, sweeping away the remaining black-clothed disciples on the ground like a wind and cloud, hitting the wall and falling on the roof one after another, either dead or maimed .

But when Su Miao and Nangong Rou rushed over, the corner of the black clothes flashed on the wall of the backyard, and the masked old man who was the leader had already taken the opportunity to flee for his life.

Su Miao tapped her toes and was about to chase after her angrily, but she was stopped by Nangong Rou:

"Stop, Miaoer! Don't chase after the poor, beware of fraud!"

Su Miao suppressed her anger and stopped.

At the end of the battle, the backyard of the Su family was filled with blood and blood, and the ground was covered in a mess, with masked warriors in black lying all over the place.

And in the middle, Mangya, who had landed quietly at this time, was crossing his body, groaning in pain, and the place where a few scales had fallen off his body was dripping with blood, staining the ground in the backyard red.

The blow that was conspired just now really caused Mang Ya to be seriously injured.

(End of this chapter)

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