Concubine Xiao changed her life against the sky

Chapter 1033 The Dingtian Alliance was established 9

Chapter 1033 The Dingtian Alliance was established 9
Su Yuci said with surprise on his face: "Ah, really, that's really great! I will definitely send a generous gift when the time comes."

"You don't need to send it, just your blessing!" Liu Yueying patted Su Yuci's shoulder and said.

"This is a natural gift!"

After talking with Sheng Tianhao for a few words, Liu Yueying and Su Yuci left.

The night sky is full of stars and bright.

Where is it, why is it so dark, why can't she see anything in front of her.

Suddenly a red light appeared, and two identical people appeared in front of Su Yuci.

"Qigongluo!" Su Yuci shouted in surprise.

I saw Qi Gongluo in black robe and black hair fighting with Qi Gongluo in red robe and red hair.

The battle was fierce, causing the ground to tremble. The attacks from the two people were exactly the same, and they were comparable to each other.

Su Yuci knew that the one with the black robe and black hair was the real Qi Gongluo, and the one with the red robe and red hair was the Demon Emperor Xuesha!

Qi Gongluo and the Blood Brake Demon Emperor spurted bright red blood together.

I saw that the Blood Brake Demon Emperor didn't have a painful expression on his face because of the injury, but instead he smiled, which was evil and arrogant.

He laughed wildly: "Very good, very good, my strength has greatly increased, haha, but, do you think you can really annihilate me? You underestimate me! Today, I will let you be here forever Can't wake up!"

"Blood Demon Yin Yin, return to Huangquan..." I saw a red skull condensed in the hands of the Blood Demon Emperor, exuding the power of the vast universe.

And Qi Gongluo didn't suffer from the injury, and there was a confident smile on his cold face, full of spring.

Seeing such an attack, he also felt terrified, but when he saw him sneer and said lightly: "The blood demon is lured, return to Huangquan!"

The strange black skull that exudes green is also condensed in his hands, and the two forces of equal power are pulling the earth, as if the end is coming.

Su Yuci watched the scene in horror.

I saw one black and one red skull colliding together.

The 'Boom' exploded with a shocking sound, the universe trembled, and the earth collapsed.

The aftermath of 'poof' swept in front of the two of them.

The power is simply not comparable to that blow just now.

The two of them flew heavily to the side, and were gradually buried by the cracked ground.

Su Yuci ran towards Qi Gongluo in fear!

"Qigongluo, without my permission, I won't let you die!"

"No, no, Qi Gongluo, Qi Gongluo..."

"Why, why am I so far away, ah, don't..."

"No, Qi Gongluo, don't die... Qi Gongluo..."


Su Yuci suddenly got up from the bed.

She was drenched in sweat, soaking all her inner clothes.

Su Xin, who lived next door to Su Yuci, heard Su Yuci's shout, and quickly opened the door and shouted: "Sister, sister, what's wrong? What happened?"

Su Yuci stared blankly at Su Xin, it turned out that he had been a demon, but why was that dream so real?
"Sister? Are you having a nightmare? Look, you are sweating so much." Su Xin found a towel and wiped the sweat off Su Yuci's face.

Su Yuci smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay!"

"What kind of dream can scare my sister like this?"

"It's nothing, Su Xin, go back to sleep, the alchemy department still depends on you! You have grown in strength now, I believe you can manage the alchemy department well!" Su Yuci patted Su Xin on the shoulder and said.

(End of this chapter)

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