Chapter 1052
In the end, it was decided that Yan Meiji, Murong Yao, and Jing Canglong would go to Fengzhou Continent with her, while Gong Yuting would return to Luoyun Academy to continue her cultivation.

In these five days, Su Yuci transformed the energy of fully activating the power of God into his own energy cultivation. This kind of cultivation is as fast as if it is a hang-up. In just a few days, Su Yuci was promoted to Jiuxing Magic Saint!
Of course, her foundation is solid, and there will be no emptiness.

Five days later, the Dingtian Alliance was full of joy. Although the wedding between Feng Jing and Liu Rufeng was not very grand, it was full of everyone's instructions for the two of them.

The congratulatory gift from Su Yuci was a elixir, Broken Bone Pill, which he could take when he wanted to restore his arm.

Of course, this can be regarded as a supplement to her guilt towards him.

The scenery gave him this gift.

After watching their worship, happiness belongs to others, but it also made her feel very happy!

At night, the celebration was full of temptation, Su Yuci was pushed by Liu Yueying and others to have a bridal chamber together.

"Ai, ai, let me take a good look at how my elder brother can show his glory..." Liu Yueying said with a sinister smile.

Su Yuci said helplessly: "It's really unlucky for Rufeng to have such an unscrupulous girl like you!"

"Why don't you let me go in and teach them something!" Cang Jing said, leaning his head on the edge of the window.

Immediately, Ye Rao, Liu Yueying and other women dragged him out and beat him up!
Xiaolie asked confusedly: "Mother, what kind of bridal chamber?"

Xiao Bai put his arms around Su Xin's shoulders and taught Xiao Lie: "A bridal chamber? Just two of you sleeping together. Here, you will know what a bridal chamber is when you go in and see it!"

'Boom' Xiao Bai let go of Su Xin's shoulders, covered his head with both hands and began to howl.

Suyu gave him a blank look and said, "Don't teach the children badly, or else it's not as simple as eating chestnuts!"

Su Xin covered her mouth for fun!Yan Wuhuan couldn't help laughing out loud.

Liu Rufeng lifted the hijab of Fengjing, looked at the noise outside and softly called Feng'er's name: "Feng'er..."

Feng Feng understood it immediately, and saw her waving a white ribbon to wrap all the doors, windows and roof, forming a world within a room.

Liu Rufeng smiled, ***********************************...

The room in the room is full of spring scenery, and the people outside the door are screaming outside because they can't see anything, shouting that the two of them are too treacherous, but they can't push the door open, but the doors and windows However, all the gaps were tightly sealed, and no one could be seen.

In the end, everyone returned to their rooms to rest bored!

Su Yuci was lying on the roof, watching the bright moonlight, with a faint smile on his face, and then the ring on Su Yuci's finger suddenly appeared red, and a weak voice reached Su Yuci's ears middle.

"Ci'er, I miss you so much!" Qi Gongluo's voice was tender and tender.

Immediately after another voice said with an evil smile: "Tell me, if your body finds another woman, do you think she will love you..."

"You don't want to hurt her!"

"Haha, do you think you can control me? Look, now I can share the same body with you, and I don't have to be suppressed by you anymore. Haha, you will be swallowed by me after all!"

"Heh, let's try..."

Immediately, the red light in the receiving ring dimmed...

After listening to this conversation, Su Yuci's expression suddenly turned cold. What happened to Qi Gongluo?Is he in danger?

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(End of this chapter)

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