Concubine Xiao changed her life against the sky

Chapter 1134 The Secret of the Holy Mansion 3

Chapter 1134 The Secret of the Holy Mansion 3
Qi Gongluo smiled and said, "I will start talking about my affairs from a long time ago, some of which I can't even remember clearly."

"Ah? Then how old are you?"

"It's over a hundred years old, you will despise me as the youngest?"

"Age is not a problem!" In this world, age disparity does not exist at all, okay?Look at Qi Gongluo who is hundreds of years old, and only about 20 years old.

Qi Gongluo smiled and began to tell her about him.

He told about the battle between gods and demons that year, which is similar to the truth of what Su Yuci knew in the space in the ancestral hall of Su's mansion.

Although Su Yuci knew about it, she didn't make a sound, just quietly listening to what Qi Gongluo said to her.

The reason why the Demon Emperor challenged the God back then was because someone provoked him, saying that the God had always ignored the Demon Emperor, and the Demon Emperor's character is that kind of impulsive person, he likes to conquer everything with strength, so, Ever since the gods were only left in the Su clan, the Demon Emperor has been suppressing the gods, letting the gods' abilities be passed on, intending to humiliate the gods, and make himself the supreme person!

But no one thought that a god appeared again in the Su tribe, Su Wujing, who led the tribe to resist the Demon Emperor and ended the thousand-year grievances.

In the fight between the two sides, both sides suffered losses in the end, but in the end they were killed by a god of the Yan tribe. This god had been planning this conspiracy behind the scenes, and finally made him a god alone.

This is also because he hadn't had any accidents at the time, and his body was formed by the condensation of a soul stone, and his thoughts merged with the mind of the Demon Emperor. However, although he had the memory of the Demon Emperor, he was not the Demon Emperor!
The demon emperor's consciousness is divided into two halves, one is the fusion of his mind and the soul stone, and the other is the one that splits automatically and comes out, the demon emperor!

Blood Brake Demon Emperor!
The blood brake demon emperor did not inherit the memory of the demon emperor. He is arrogant, bloodthirsty, and full of evil all over his body. As long as he appears, his skill is definitely his strongest.

But this is his body after all, he has a binding effect on him, and when he has no way to suppress him, Dibo will help.

Dibo's blood can suppress the spiritual wisdom of the Blood Brake Demon Emperor and make him fall into a deep sleep.

But the higher his level is, the skill of the Blood Brake Demon Emperor will also increase with his level. In the past, he could break free from his shackles when he was at his weakest in a month. Now, because he is about to break through the level of the Demon Emperor , and he made the Blood Brake Demon Emperor more and more uncontrollable.

Therefore, Qi Gongluo made such a mistake again, and he had to make his identity as a saint disappear as soon as possible, so the scene where Su Yuci killed him was staged.

But this time, for the sake of Su Yuci, he failed to kill the person who knew his identity. I am afraid that he will also be chased and killed by the people of Shengfu soon.

Speaking of this, Su Yuci became more and more incredible. She asked, "You, you are formed by the condensed soul stone? What is the soul stone?"

Qi Gongluo smiled and said, "It's not a stone, but a plant with a fleshy body. Because of my special body, I'm weaker than ordinary people. Otherwise, that attack wouldn't make me so embarrassed."

"Then is there any way to help you control the Blood Brake Demon Emperor?" Su Yuci asked worriedly. Although he didn't tell her how much threat the Blood Brake Demon Emperor's existence in his body poses to him, she can It can be sensed that the possibility that it is not the blood brake demon emperor who can break through his shackles is the greatest!

(End of this chapter)

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