Concubine Xiao changed her life against the sky

Chapter 1136 The Secret of the Holy Mansion 5

Chapter 1136 The Secret of the Holy Mansion 5
Kissing the surprised Su Yuci, Qigong Luo said again, "Recently, the Hall of Light and Huan has been blocked by my people secretly, and their tasks cannot be completed. Now their actions have sped up, and many innocent people have been assassinated. , Regardless of whether the soul is strong or not, they will kill them, and it seems that several elders have died in the pill hall, fortunately you didn't go to the pill hall to join in the fun!"

It is said that Su Yuci already knew why Sheng Tianhao was murdered in the first place, probably because he wanted to seize his soul power!
There was a trace of coldness in Su Yuci's eyes, so her father was undoubtedly imprisoned somewhere by the people of the Hall of Light and Huan.

"What are you thinking?" Seeing Su Yuci's eyes turning cold and her thoughts flying, Qi Gongluo asked quietly.

Su Yuci told him about his father.

"Do you know where the one who was taken away went to prison? How can I meet the master of the Hall of Light and Illusion?" Su Yuci asked.

"Father-in-law was captured, so I naturally have to do my part! I have seen the Master of the Hall of Light and Illusion no less than ten times. If I want to see him, I must wipe out all the five holy mansions in the Fengzhou Continent and seize them. Only the keys of the five Palace Masters can open the enchantment of the Hall of Illusion!"

"Huh? There are five in the Holy Mansion? How come there are so many?"

"How big is the Fengzhou Continent? There are a total of five in the east, west, north, south, and central regions! It's just that the masters of these five holy mansions are all at the level of the Nine-Star Soul Lord. If you want to wipe them out, you must do it together so as not to disturb the phantom. Lord of the palace, even I cannot open the gate of the enchantment for the time being!" Qi Gongluo's eyes were serious.

Su Yuci's eyes flickered and said, "We can unite all the forces in the Fengzhou Continent to fight against the Holy Palace together!"

"Huh? Does Ci'er have any good ideas? You know, these forces are not something you can control as you imagined! They will not act rashly without losing their interests!"

Those strong people living in Fengzhou are not millennium old men, but smarter than foxes in thinking, how could she not know that it is very difficult to unite them!

"The five sects are in the northern region! The power of Dantang is in the middle region, the four valleys are in the eastern region, the three sects are in the southern region, and your dark forces are in the western region. We can attack the holy mansion together separately! You know where the holy mansion is. Where is the point?"

"Naturally, how do you want to do it?" Qi Gongluo asked.

"This way..." Su Yuci whispered in Qi Gongluo's ear, telling him the plan.

Qi Gongluo smiled lightly, nodded and said, "This is indeed a good way, good! Then listen to you, and start preparing after I go out!"

"Well, when will you let me help you get rid of the Blood Brake Demon Emperor?" She listened to Qi Gongluo's strong heartbeat.

"You must at least become the Nine Star Soul Lord! This matter will be discussed later, it is not suitable now..."

"But, that would be dangerous for you!"

"You are dangerous too!"

"I..." Su Yuci's words were blocked by Qi Gongluo's lips before she finished speaking.

"Don't worry, there is truth, I will not be in danger for the time being!"

In the end, Su Yuci compromised, she wanted to become stronger quickly, and she would not hurt anyone she cared about!
a month passed...

Yu Jianfeng and Xue Yuxuan searched for Su Yuci's whereabouts everywhere, went to the Pill Hall to inquire, and found that the head of the Pill Hall had already practiced the pill with Su Yuci, and when they heard that Su Yuci had not come back, they rushed Tantai and Rong also sent people to inquire about Su Yuci's news.

But Su Yuci disappeared without a trace like a needle sinking into the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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