Chapter 1146 Abnormal 4
But he didn't expect that Su Yuci wanted to come to the Southern Region, and now she was inherited by Ye Minghao as the suzerain of the Yuezong, and he was worried that there would be troubles when Suyuci went to take over the Yuezong. Very familiar, he can help Suyu to resign at that time, can't he not accompany Suyu to resign because of his own private affairs?

He was careful all the way when he came, but he still exposed himself when he heard that his father was mad at him.

Now that it has been exposed, there is no need for him to escape!
The reason why he doesn't want to fight with Si Wuxia is very simple, he just doesn't want this self-respecting tigress to pester him even more after being frustrated, and her sister, Si Wuling, is also a protector, stronger than him Gao, if he wins against her, he will probably be chased and beaten by Si Wuling endlessly. How can he beat a woman as a majestic man.

Alas, helplessness, it is really helplessness, but it is impossible not to face it now!
"Master, it's great that you're back, the suzerain misses you very much, you should go back and see the suzerain first!" Seeing the smell of gunpowder at this moment, Xingyue hastily said.

At the same time, Yun Tian also interjected, "Miss, the suzerain has been looking for you for so long, you should learn Yunzong first!"

At this time, the people in the inn quickly got up and found a corner to hide and watch in order to avoid being affected. The young master Xingzong and Miss Yunzong were fighting. It was definitely a wonderful scene. How could they just miss it? Woolen cloth?

The shopkeeper of the inn has a painful expression on his face. It seems that his business will not be done today, and he will suffer a big loss. It's a pity that he can't afford to offend these people!

Young Master Xingzong, Miss Yunzong, those ordinary people can offend them!
"Get out of the way, all of you! Hurry up, don't force me to chop you off together!" Si Wuxia Qingcheng had indescribable anger on her face, and she looked at Yu Jianfeng with burning eyes!
Yu Jianfeng took out the jug and drank it down his throat in a cool sip. Let him drink it to his heart's content first, then he can also have a good time fighting, but beating women is not his style, but it is the only way to solve the problem!
After drinking the wine, Si Wuxia saw that he looked like he had nothing to do with himself, so he swung his sword and left without caring about the people in the middle.

Seeing this, the five people immediately moved away!

The shadow of the sword was cold, Yu Jianfeng swung the sword, the sound of the sword roared, breaking the attack.

So Si Wuxia had swung his sword to kill him.

The sword body exudes red light, and the fire-like light bursts out with a sharp and cold light.

Yu Jianfeng held the silver sword in his hand, and the blade emitted dazzling silver light, which alternated with red light, weaving a killing net.

Wherever the sword wave touched, everything was split in half. In an instant, the two of them had done a hundred tricks, and none of the tables and stools in the inn were intact, and the ground was a mess.

The shopkeeper standing in the distance burst into tears, oh my god, my god, if the fight continues, his inn will be closed!

Seeing this, Yuntian and Xingyue rushed back to their own Xingzong and Yuezong at the speed of the wind to inform their respective suzerains. If these two people hurt each other, it is not a trivial matter!

Yu Jianfeng and Si Wuxia are comparable in strength, both are five-star martial masters, but Yu Jianfeng is a man after all, so his physical strength and speed are naturally stronger than Si Wuxia's, and Yu Jianfeng always likes to find others to challenge and accumulate his actual combat experience Experience, he didn't take Si Wuxia seriously at all.

(End of this chapter)

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